2014.03.16_Be Forgiven First
in 2014, Sung Hyun Kim
(Matthew 9:1-8)
is full of grace.
He made a covenant of salvation with mankind (Isa. 1:18-19).
Salvation is being saved from sin first.
Therefore, He desires to save us from eternal death (Eph. 2:1-5).
However, whoever is not forgiven of sin cannot be saved (Matt. 9:5).
Since sin cannot escape eternal punishment, it belongs to the Devil.
God’s judgment is toward the Devil (John 16:11).
The Devil is the Sinner who can never be forgiven (Matt. 25:41)
Man disobeyed, being deceived by the Devil (Gen. 3:1-6),
and ended up with curses, pain, and suffering.
Nevertheless, we received the forgiveness of sin
through the works of Jesus Christ,
whom God has sent as Lord and Saviour.
Jesus has the power to forgive all sins.
We receive the Gospel and accept Jesus Christ
to receive the forgiveness of sin.
If we first receive the forgiveness of sin,
then He will give us the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38- ).
○Receiving the forgiveness of sin is the way to be free from all curses.
It is receiving salvation.
○ To receive healing from sickness, one must be forgiven first.
The Lord Jesus came for this purpose.
○One must be forgiven first even to succeed in the world.
※To join with our Lord’s will and to please God,
let us first come to the Lord and
receive the forgiveness of sins (Hymn 187, 195).
Man Who is to Perish Because of Sin God is full of grace. He gives grace and encourages those who have received that grace by granting them His gift so that their lives may be well. The news of the Gospel has been preached to almost every nation throughout the world. The people who have exposed to the news have at least heard of the fact that sin has plunged man under a curse so that his state of condition has become very grim, and that man thus needs to be prepared for the impending punishment; they have even heard the crude warning that man will go to hell unless he turns back quickly. Although such preaching of the Gospel is relatively prevalent in this generation, the majority of the people are strongly rejecting the Gospel. The strange thing is that people struggle so hard for the life of only some decades on the earth, yet they are not concerned about the more important life in the future, which will last forever. They spare no expense on the rapidly advancing scientific civilization but are apathetic about their after-life. It appears as if they think they will live long in this world. That is clearly an illusion. They also express such a strong aversion to admitting that they are sinners. It is extremely difficult to even mention the Gospel in front of such people. The reason people overreact to the Gospel like so is because man is by nature an enemy of God. Romans 7:19 says, “For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice”, and verses 22-24 says, “For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Underlying this human nature, God’s enemy, is the original sin. Personal sins appear because of the intrinsic sin; and intrinsic sin exists because of the original sin. It is the result of such sin that man has become God’s enemy (Rom 8:7-8). Man became an enemy of God because of the Devil. The Devil separates man from God, and God from man. The Devil feeds deceitful knowledge into man so that he defies God, and snatches away the faith, the sole channel through which he can be united with God. 2 Corinthians 4:4 says, “whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.” The Devil confuses and paralyzes man’s mind and emotions, so that people are only absorbed in material culture and the fight for survival, and leads them into a life devoid of God. Therefore, anyone who is led away into the world would become distant from God and stained with sin. God has called the Devil, Satan. ‘Satan’ carries the meaning of “enemy.” As the very first sinner, he not only opposed God but also brought his nature into the world. God is righteous, yet even He has a burning animosity toward sin. While God is full of grace, He does not tolerate sin at all. Sin cannot just be overlooked without imposing punishment. God had initially created hell as a place to punish His enemy. The Bible, written in the original language, uses words such as ‘Sheol,’ ‘Hades’ and ‘Gehenna’ to refer to the concept of “hell.” Among them, ‘Gehenna’ was the name of a burning rubbish dump in a valley south of Jerusalem. There, the fires to destroy the rubbish from the city were kept burning constantly. Even the carcasses of animals and human bodies were also burned there. What is more, it was also where the followers of pagan religions practiced child sacrifices. The flames had been burning there for so long that it could not be put it out even when it rained. Gehenna was a place that well illustrated hell, which God had created to punish the Devil. Whoever goes to hell cannot even die but suffer in the ever-unquenchable fire forever. Hell is where even the embers of sin are annihilated along with the Devil and his angels. Thus, unless a person breaks free from the Devil, he will receive punishment together with the Devil. There is no one who can live if he is carrying sin. Even if that person is the Son of God, sin is something that cannot be leniently overlooked. Once He has borne another’s sin, even the Son of God has to pay the dreadful price. So then, how could any man think of sin lightly? The Path of Grace Opened Up by God Remarkably God, who is full of love and grace, has carried man’s sin. He has paid the price in order for man to break free from such terrible sin, and given him the chance to repent. This is called grace. Although people do use the word ‘grace’ in other senses, its most correct usage is with the meaning, ‘having the chance to return to God.’ It is sad that many people do not know the value of this grace and vainly forfeit, even deliberately forsake what cannot be gained even in exchange for the whole world. That golden opportunity will not be available forever. We must turn back quickly within the short period time we are given. 2 Corinthians 6:3 says, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” Now is the very time to receive grace. God’s word is calling us saying, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). This is the Gospel. We must at once transfer our sins to Jesus and receive the forgiveness of sins. God gives the gift of the Holy Spirit to such a person. That gift is priceless. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, meaning He is God Himself. He comes within us and bears witness that we are free from sin. Moreover He guarantees the fact that we are God’s children who belong to Him. A newcomer in the church will receive the Holy Spirit one day. For some people it would take some months, while it may only be some weeks for others. While they may not know much, they have escaped the mire of sin to stand tall as God’s children. All the saints should applaud, congratulate them and celebrate the fact that they have come to church. We had not done anything but received the remission of sins just by going to God in answer to His voice calling, “Come, for I will forgive you your sins!” He has poured His Holy Spirit on us and let us become God’s children simply because we have received forgiveness. And for this simple reason, God has shared His divine thoughts, revealed His divine affairs and given a taste of God’s life. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who is without sin, works by the Holy Spirit, knows the matters of God the Father deeply, and accomplished the Father’s works well. Similarly our sin is no more once we have received the forgiveness of sins. We receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and the right of the Son of God to stand. And we come to know well about God’s heart through the Holy Spirit, and serve the Father well as Jesus did. God’s child is God’s heir, that is, an inheritor. For God’s heir, God’s work becomes his own work. Although afflictions may follow God’s work, it cannot become an object of grumbling. Being God’s children is not something we can temporarily put on hold because of circumstances and then take it up again. The work we do on the earth for God’s kingdom is truly of great value. It is as remarkable as if our dream has come true that we have come to take part in that work. If we have the honor of being God’s children, it is only natural that we fulfill our duty as His children. Also, we are members of Jesus’ body. He has promised us a reward and said He will come back in glory. Our life on the earth is the opportunity to prepare ourselves in order to receive a reward from Him, while we wait for His return. Since God leads us as thus, we ought to walk the path of grace successfully. The Problem of Sickness that Lingers in the Children of God There isn’t anything particularly of great concern on the earth for us who are God’s children and members of Jesus’ body. However, there is one problem that causes great discomfort. It is sickness. Nothing destroys man so miserably as sickness does, and nothing is as mortifying as the body being ravaged. People may think, ‘it’ll be okay’ and console themselves. However, as the toxin from the disease slowly spreads around the body, initially they might feel a light headache but later they cannot even support their body or worse, lose their authority. On the brink of life and death, they cannot hope for any peace and comfort and plunge into unwanted ruin. In that state, they would be unable to do anything, let alone God’s work. All the resources they had been saving up become depleted as they are suffering ill. It is an absolutely pitiful and wretched sight to see them scrambling to stay alive. A person is not going to lose his glory in Heaven just because he died of an illness. But since we are able bear everlasting fruit for the kingdom of Heaven only while we are on earth, sickness is a curse and a major hindrance to us. The Example of the Healed Paralytic A certain paralytic heard about Jesus and came before Him to be healed. Several people had to carry him on a mat since he was unable to support his own body. For many, it is pitiable and disturbing to watch the movements of a paralytic. Paralytics are unable to use certain parts of the body or articulate well, thus they feel embarrassed to approach other people and uncomfortable to make physical gestures in front of others. They might appear hideous to young immature children. It is difficult for them lead their lives without the help from others; they are unable to go to the toilet by themselves, and even eating is troublesome. And consequently, their families cannot but have a hard life as well. The atmosphere within the household of a paralytic becomes darker and their fortune gradually wanes. Observing all of this, the sick patient’s heart becomes heavily weighed down. Once a person is taken ill, nothing but a bitter sense of defeat remains no matter if that person once had great success, an impressive career, attractiveness, or prominence. A paralytic as such appeared before Jesus seeking to be healed. Jesus carefully observed him and his companions. What is there to see or analyze in a paralytic? He is just a wreck. If anything, his sole wish was to be healed of his sickness. However, the Lord did not do as usual and deal with the sickness directly, instead he watched the sick man. The Lord saw his heart and noticed that he was in greater anguish over his sin than his sickness. The Jews were well aware that the cause of sickness is sin. Through a long period of suffering, they were acutely aware of the necessity to be on guard and fight against sin. It was the same for the paralytic. When the paralytic had come to Jesus who was known to heal the sick, he was not able to think about anything else. His only simple dream was to be set free from his sickness. Yet, what had been oppressing his heart for so long was sin, not sickness. He had been crushed under sin and weeping in the dark. Indeed, the reason he had come before the Lord even as he inconvenienced others, was to be healed of his sickness. He could not lead a normal social life due to his illness, and he had been completely cut off from the society as a result. However, there was something more critical that truly tormented his heart, which was his separation from God. The Lord healed the paralytic in a manner unlike the usual. The Lord said to the man, ‘Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you!’ By this He meant, ‘Son, you will suffer no longer. Your sorrow is over for I forgive you of your sins. Go in peace!’ The paralytic as well as all the people there were surprised at this unexpected gift. Then the Lord said, ‘Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house’. When the paralytic who had already been declared forgiven, heard those words, he got up without hesitation, took up his mat and went home. The moment Jesus said, ‘Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven!’ the burden that oppressed his heart fell off. As the light pierced the darkness that had ruled over him for so long, the authority to overcome sickness became clear in his heart. He realized, ‘I don’t have to suffer from sickness!’ and became sure of his right to be well and healthy, and with the confidence that he can overcome, his legs regained strength. One Must Resolve Sin, the Fundamental Cause of Sickness Some of the ways a person can combat disease include going to the hospital or taking medicine. However, they have limitations. The world does not have a solution to the fundamental problem of disease, namely sin, which has separated us from God. But no sin can ever overcome us if we have received the forgiveness of sins. If Jesus has carried our sins and declares to us, “your sins are no more!” there is no longer any sin, which can oppress us. Therefore, we must hear the Lord proclaim, “Your sins are no more!” The people who seek healing and request the laying of hands are often neglectful about the state of their spirit. While we certainly do need to drive away the diseases, the most pressing matter that needs to be resolved before receiving the laying of hands, is the removal of sin. There are many instances when the sickness recurs even after people have had the laying of hands, the demons cast out and temporarily recovered their health. Sin not only destroys a man’s spirit, it also tries to destroy a man’s body if it has failed to destroy the spirit. The distinct characteristic of sin is death, that is, to kill. Therefore, if the problem of sin is not resolved, one cannot anticipate complete freedom from sickness. We have been liberated from sin the moment we came before Jesus and let go of our unbelief. Nevertheless, there are times when we ourselves overlook this. There are also times when we do not use the authority we already have to expel sickness. Not only that, sometimes we follow our flesh, whilst clearly knowing that it is harmful to our own spirit. Under such pretext, diseases may get in and destroy man’s body. Original Sin Already Forgiven, and Intrinsic Sins and Personal Sins that Need to be Forgiven Daily The Holy Spirit who has come within us guarantees that we are forgiven, and helps us to keep away from sin. That is why we must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Only then we would know for certain that we have been forgiven by the merits of Jesus, and struggle against sin to the point of shedding our blood. Man’s original sin has already been resolved by the merits of Jesus Christ. If we have surely know this, then we now need to overcome our personal sins as well as intrinsic sins, which is at the source of the personal sins. Every year the Israelites offered a lamb as a sacrifice on the Day of Atonement and received solution for the fundamental problem of sin. They also received forgiveness by sacrificing doves as a guilt offering for their daily trespasses. Such acts in the Old Testament are parables of today’s reality. Jesus has become the sacrificial offering and wiped away our original sin. Jesus is also the true reality of the guilt offering, just as the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove when He was baptized. He forgives us so that we could overcome the sins we commit daily and our sinful nature, and He takes away those sins when we repent. In other words, we have turn away forever by believing in Jesus. Now we have to repent for the actual sins we commit every day. Actually, it is the sinful nature within us, namely our personal sins that is more problematic than actual sins. We even need to repent of our sinful thoughts, for we could stumble at any instant unless we are on guard against the thoughts of sin that we have not yet committed. Jesus has saved us from the sins of the past, even now He is with us and forgives us our sins, and He desires to stretch out His hand and free us even in the future. Jesus is preparing an abundance of His gifts so that we may be set free from our diseases. Anyone who desires to be healed must first surely confess that the Lord Jesus has forgiven all of his sins. Secondly, the Lord is ready to forgive us of the sins we commit every day. We have many weaknesses that we always make mistakes. Therefore, we need to repent of our actual sins, and be wary of the sinful root that tries to bring us down. When Jesus forgives our sins, we would be healed of our sickness. Being healed is a pressing problem that needs to be dealt with urgently on the earth. However, we cannot receive true peace unless we first resolve the problem regarding our spirit. Thus, we must normalize our relationship with God who detests sin, be reconciled to Him, and entrust ourselves to the Lord who wants to help and free us from sin. Thirdly, we must always long for the Holy Spirit who provides us with the power to overcome sickness. Do Not Weep Over Your Sickness But Weep Over Your Sin People tend to weep over their sickness but do not weep over their sins. Actually, we deserve to weep over our sins rather than our sickness. Many times, people are unable to escape poverty or constantly fail in their businesses as a result of sin. In other words, they have not been able to receive the gifts God has prepared. Although we might call to God when there are numerous problems facing the family, difficulties that threaten the business, and sicknesses that afflict the family, God would not help us if there is a wall of sin between God and us. It would be impudent for us expect to receive God’s help while harboring an element of enmity towards God. Sin immobilizes God’s helping hand towards us, and causes God’s interest to aid us escape from us. Even if there were a gift of God brought before us through the merits of His precious blood, it would evade us if we keep sin within ourselves. We have to weep over our sin. Our sin has to be taken away in order to overcome and have freedom from what had been tormenting us. This authority is a gift from God. Those who have received forgiveness are able to resist strongly against the interferences facing the family, difficulties in their businesses, and problems that trouble their children. While we are receiving healing without having paid anything, God had to pay a dear price of shedding His Son’s blood. How great is its power since God has done this by sacrificing what He most cherishes? Through earnest repentance, we must relinquish our sins and be determined to fight against sin henceforth. We must be able to overcome the obstacles before us. We need to freely receive in the Lord who is ready with many gifts to help us. Those wishing to be healed must first confess that they have received the forgiveness of sins. And they must assert that the sickness which they are afflicted by is not their own. Also, we always need to repent and receive the forgiveness of our sinful nature, that is, our personal sins and sins from our personality flaws. We must be victorious by the Holy Spirit and draw closer to God. God will say to those who have overcome sin, received atonement and seek forgiveness, “You shall be healed for you have been forgiven of your sins.” We need to be forgiven in order to have happiness. This is God’s gift. The Members of the Body Must Support Each Other to Overcome Sin John 20:23 says, “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” The saints must help one another to overcome sin. We should not be weighing each other’s sin and make the burden of sin heavier. Jesus said, “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt 16:19). We would be able to do this if we try and rely on our Lord Jesus. James 5:15-16 says, “And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespassesto one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” 1 Peter 4:8 says, “And above all things have fervent love for one another, for ‘love will cover a multitude of sins.’” It is extremely difficult for each person to resist all sorts of temptation and trials to overcome sin. That is why the saints need to be hospitable to one another without grumbling and minister to one another as good stewards (1 Pet. 4:9-10). There is a prevalent tendency to judge people by their appearances in this generation. There are more programs on television that make jokes and laugh at people’s appearances, and many people are imitating it without any critical awareness. The saints should at least steer away from such things. When the Lord came into the world, He did not have a fine appearance. What are we to bring down a person who is trying to rely on the merits of the cross and live! We should be able to earnestly pray for the members of the church, “God, reveal Your love to that person. Grant Your grace to that person.” This is what the Lord has done for us, and what Apostle Paul did for the souls he was nurturing. Likewise God will give His gift to those who do the same work as Jesus, who do the work of God. We ought to be filled with the Holy Spirit and forgive the members of the church. We must pray for them so that they can overcome sin. When they are in suffering, we should pray for them earnestly as if we are in suffering. When we do so, God will remember our spirit and bestow them an abundance of gifts, which could never be received through selfish prayers. If we are saints, we must serve the church with a cleansed spirit and body, and dedicate for the church. We must exert ourselves for the church, the Lord’s body to grow. As the Lord has called us to the church, we must rise immediately so that the Lord’s ardent wish would be fulfilled through us.
What is faith? It is God’s Kingdom and righteousness given by Him. Therefore, seeking His Kingdom and righteousness is to seek more of faith. Seeking God’s Kingdom means the works that the Kingdom has been laboring will be imparted to the seeker. Thus, there is fullness of God’s Kingdom in faith. If one says that he has faith but does not have the works of God’s Kingdom that enter his spirit, then he has no faith. God has given me faith, and that is when the works of God’s Kingdom has also been given to me. In the Gospel, there is a ministry called the world where man resides, and this work has been given in faith. When I understood the truth and experienced grace, the world had entered in my spirit. At that time, I resided in a small town called, Guangxi. I did not own a home or a farmland; I was living in a room located in the hallway of someone’s house. However, the world had already entered into my faith. Though my existence in the world was as small as dust, I began to see the world within me. Taking a challenge does not indicate copying what has already been accomplished by others. The way God had created the Heaven and earth, it is to make something out of nothing. He commanded the light to appear in a dark place and for the firmament to be made in a place where none existed. Likewise, taking a challenge means to expect possibility in impossible places and to create something from nothing. I have faith. Thus, there was not a moment where I did not keep such great works that God has bestowed in my faith. The world is my ministry; the world is my ministry field. Hence, I started from small things. There was a church named Bibong Methodist Church in a small town called Bibong. It was a small cottage located next to an old cemetery, resembling a storage that kept biers and accessories. I had prayed, preached, and worked day and night for the revival of the church. Then, I borrowed and set up a military tent in the mountain located about eight miles away from the church and held a crusade there. I printed flyers with a mimeograph with a title ‘Come! There is God’s Power and Signs’ and handed them out to whoever I met. Not many appeared even until the starting time drew near, but people began to gather at sunset. Healing and signs of Jesus Christ in the mountain was truly great. This crusade was the first button toward the world. Even though there was strong wind blowing at us with heavy rain, which caused the tent to rip during the crusade, not even a drop of rain fell inside the place. It resembled the scene of Israelites crossing the Red Sea while the army and tanks of Egypt were drowned under water. The first button toward the world was not easy, but I was certain. God had given me faith and implanted the world in it. It is not faith when there are no works. Faith without works is dead. In faith, there are works. Lord’s Day Worship Column
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Outline translated by Sam Park Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
Summary translated by Sarah Nam
Letter translated by Jada Shim
Revisions and Interpretations by Sam Park
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee