August 16, 2020 Lord’s Day Service
As Your Spirit Prospers
(3 John 1:2-4)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
is worthy to be praised.
sent the word to give His blessings (Jn 10:35).
God’s word was preached through angels.
This is the Law and the Prophets (Gal 3:19).
The Gospel is preached through Jesus Christ (Mk 1:1).
The Gospel is the news of the Kingdom, not of the earth.
This is the news preached from heaven (Mt 4:17).
The Holy Spirit conveys this directly to our spirits (Jn 14:26).
This is the truth (Jn 16:13).
The Gospel is heard, and the truth works inside the spirit (Jn 1:14).
The Law was preached by the power of angels (God’s servants).
This is the spirit of bondage.
The Gospel is preached by the power of God’s Son.
This is the spirit of sonship (Rom 8:13-17).
The Law is fleshly ordinances. If you obey them, your flesh is blessed.
The truth is true words commanded to the spirit.
If you believe them, your spirit is saved (Heb 10:8-10).
You are blessed by the Law and are saved by faith.
In the same way, if your spirit prospers, you will prosper in everything.
〇 If you surely believe Jesus and obey the truth,
your spirit will prosper, illnesses will heal, and you will prosper in everything.
The Law was perfected in Jesus. This is the truth.
〇 The Ten Commandments is the basis of the Law.
If you keep them, you will prosper in everything and be blessed.
If you believe the Gospel, you will be filled with grace and truth.
〇 Our spirits are blessed only by grace and truth.
The Law can bless the flesh
but cannot save or bless the spirit.
※ Jesus put grace and truth into our hearts.
Those who belong to Him are filled with grace and truth.
Their spirits prosper and gain eternal life.