September 1, 2024

(Ephesians 4:28)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim


(Ephesians 4:28)

Do not steal! This command is frequently encountered not only in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament. Everyone should forsake stealing, but we, who were created as a new man in true righteousness and true holiness according to God’s image, must especially do so.

1. It Has Nothing to Do with Me!
Many people may think, “The commandment not to steal has nothing to do with me.” However, stealing is not limited to taking physical items. It also includes unjustly obtaining or benefiting from others’ possessions, as well as wrongly claiming the rewards of someone else’s efforts. In reality, stealing has flooded the world.

2. Against the Church?
There is something much more serious than stealing: stealing against the church. While mistakes are inevitable in life, we should never even consider stealing against the church. Such behavior is like crucifying the Son of God again―who died on the cross for us―and putting Him to open shame. The church is Christ’s body, which He built by taking on our old man’s sins and dying on the cross. If our old man reappears and harms His body, how can we expect another opportunity for repentance?

3. Is Stopping All It Takes?
If we became a new man, we should not only stop stealing but also work with our hands to contribute materially to the Kingdom of God. When all the saints unite in this way, Christ’s body will be built up in a healthy way. Our offerings to God are a form of faith confession, a promise of eternal fellowship with Him. Let us cherish the opportunity in our lives to labor and serve the Lord. Let our labor be used in holiness for the Lord’s Kingdom and His work.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim