Testimony of Blessing

Even Used Books Are Fine

I am writing this email to express my gratitude for receiving the precious books “Let Us Know Jesus,” and “Know Jesus and Suppress Deceiving Spirits” from Sungrak Church.

The Berea Books are filled with content that benefits both long-time believers and newcomers. These books have taught us a lot, especially for those who have just converted from Buddhism to Christianity.

For the past 16 years, I worked as a shaman. Most of my clients were Buddhists, Hindus, and a few Muslims. However, strangely enough, I never had any Catholic or Christian clients. This made me curious. So, I began searching for study materials on Christianity and Catholicism, and through this process, by God’s grace, I discovered the truth.

God’s Word has since changed my life and brought me peace. I have also gained a sense of purpose that I never experienced before. I quit my work as a shaman, leaving behind a life of deceit, and I also stopped drinking.

The ministry of Sungrak Church is a lighthouse of truth that saves many people. Sungrak Church has truly guided me on the path to salvation, for which I am truly grateful. Thank you so much for supporting and guiding my spiritual life. I look forward to continuing to grow in faith with the help of Sungrak Church. The support from Sungrak Church has been a great help to my family during difficult times.

I have kept one copy of each book for my family and shared the extra books with two local churches. I would be extremely appreciative if I could acquire additional books, regardless of their condition.

I pray that the mighty God will abundantly bless Sungrak Church and its ministry. I pray that God will allow Sungrak Church to spread His Word far and wide. I pray for the happiness and safety of Sungrak Church and that it will be protected by God’s grace through all trials and tribulations.

Sandaruwan from Sri Lanka

July 15, 2024

I Can’t Wait to Share the Happiness

By understanding the difference between the Law and Truth, I realized why I had continually failed in my faith life. I was always burdened with a sense of condemnation and oppressed by the weight of guilt. Whenever I faced challenges, I believed that God was punishing me for my sins and the wrongdoings of my entire family. I doubted God’s forgiveness and constantly compared myself to others. I thought I needed to have something special that would make God willing to forgive me, but I could not find any answer to it.

I lived like someone waiting for death, ever since I was young. I was tired of being reminded of my sins and that God was angry with me because of my sins. I never truly expected to be forgiven even when I repented. I thought I was just one of many before God, and never expected Him to treat me as someone special.

But now, I trust God. I help those who still carry guilt in their hearts, reminding them of Christ’s never-failing love.

What I needed was the gospel and the willingness to walk towards the Lord, focused on the Lord’s love rather than on fear of punishment. I first believed in Jesus because someone told me, “If you don’t believe in Jesus, you’ll go to hell.” I believed out of fear, without even knowing who Jesus really was, and that led to more confusion whenever I learned about Jesus. To me, God was someone to be afraid of, even for the smallest mistakes.

I was once lost in this world, but now I live in the Lord’s love, expecting eternal life. I am so overjoyed with this happiness that I just cannot wait to share it.

Caroline from Uganda

July 12, 2024

Despite the Persecution

I realized that simply praying for many hours does not necessarily strengthen my faith. I should understand the works of the Lord and put them into practice. Through this realization, I also reflected on how much I need to change myself.

The mother church always delivers the word of God shedding blood and sweat, leading us with love. I react to every sermon obeying the sincere plea of the mother church. Through this, I realized my own impurities, selfishness, and arrogance. Also, I became aware that even though it is never easy to change myself according to the word of God, a life of faith is to change by following the guidance of the Lord.

In my repentance, I revealed my sins as a pastor before saints. Then, my faith and character began to change. As I tried to resemble the Lord, I came closer to living a responsible life that pleases Him. I truly thank you, mother church! As I repented, my coworkers also reacted to the Word, and this repentance influenced those around them. Everyone humbled themselves and took responsibility, and the change began to happen.

When our church faced persecution, not a single saint wavered. Rather, all the saints were reminded of the grace of the Lord and received life and power. As I calm my mind and reflect on every moment the mother church has led me, I am filled with deep emotions. Even though there were challenging and tough times, starting to write the sharing after listening to the sermons has allowed me to experience growth and change. I want to cherish everything the mother church has given us and live as one who is indebted to it. I hope to live a life that shines the light as we work with you.

Pastor Lin from China

August 17, 2024

The Reason Why the Transformation Is Difficult

On the last Lord’s Day, we listened to the overseer’s sermon ‘The Church Does Not Walk in the Futility of the Mind’. I realized that the desires my old self holds are all in vain and belong to the flesh, and that they will eventually disappear. Every day, without any discernment, I have been focusing on futility and running toward it. How pitiful! I will remember, I am born again. I am a new creation. I have come to clearly know that not only must my heart change, but my way of thinking and behaviors must continually change.

Through the sermon, I also discovered why the change is difficult. It is because my own system of recognition, built upon prejudices, habits, and values, is still entrenched in me. This belongs to the old self! The overseer said that being born again does not mean that the existing ‘I’ is merely improved or upgraded and will be perfect, but that it must be made completely new. From the inside out, all things must be new! This message greatly shocked me.

In the past, I said ‘I will live by relying on the Word,’ but I said this with my old self. In reality, much of the word of God did not truly enter my heart because my own thoughts, habits, and nature still remained within me. Even though I thought that I listened to the Word and understood it, the Word could not rule over me.

For example, I always emphasized that we should change every day, to be meek, and to avoid anger, but that was just suppressing outward behavior, not truly changing. In reality, I could not understand others, nor was willing to forgive them. Looking deeply, I failed to realize that I am a sinner and did not notice that I, too, had experienced the forgiveness and acceptance of the Lord. Although I knew it, at times I still resisted letting it go. That is why I could not be meek. Because there was so much of my own will inside. By keeping my stubbornness, I could not receive the precious things God wanted to give me. I came to clearly understand that not responding and changing is the same as rejecting God and being far from Him.

I thank God for drawing near to me through the word of Sungrak Church. Through the overseer, I have seen the Lord’s love. I pray that the Lord will keep my heart every day so that I will not be captured by the world and my old self. I want to give my heart to the Lord more. Only the way through which He guided me is the way of truth and happiness! I sincerely pray that the Lord eliminates the futile mind in me and that I may fully accept His guidance.

My heart is truly filled with happiness as I respond to the word of God.

Minister Ryu from China

August 20, 2024

In the Image of a Citizen of Heaven

Some people misunderstand thinking that even though the work of the church is important, their own personal matters are more important. They believe they should be responsible for their lives by themselves. However, to live a faith life, we must know the Lord and understand how He descended to the lowest place and what He did for us.

The grace and power I enjoy are the gifts that the Lord has given to me. For this, He went through various obstacles from the lowest place, ascended to the highest heavens, and sat on the throne. He captured the enemy, fought by shedding His blood and giving His life, to gain this as a gift for me. The Lord not only saved me but continues to guide me and has called me to be a citizen of Heaven.

How could someone like me, who must have fallen to hell and collapsed, possibly fit the image of a citizen of Heaven? That is why the Lord has given me the power to change continually. So, I must change. I must take on the image as a citizen of Heaven. The Lord sacrificed Himself with all His heart, sincerity, and strength, and won the battle to gain the authority which He has given to me. As receiving this precious gift, how can I express my gratitude?

Therefore, I want my life to be the one which the Lord governs and rules over. Since my life was gained by the life and power of the Lord, it is only natural that I obey Him, follow His word, work to unite the church, fight for His Kingdom, work with Him, be faithful to Him, and walk on the path He went through.

What made me realize all these things are from the teaching and nurturing of the overseer. As the overseer has given me the Word with his all heart and strength, I could change unceasingly. Like the Lord, I, too, earnestly desire to descend to the lowest place humblingly.

My arrogant and self-centered heart is truly disgusting. However, I am very grateful that the Lord always has compassion for me and grants His grace for me to change. Also, I thank the overseer for patiently waiting for my growth continually.

Receiving the guidance and leading of the Lord, working with the overseer, following his teaching, and advancing the work of the Lord, so that all nations may be blessed through me, that is the clear direction of my whole life.

Pastor Ma from China

August 16, 2024

My Real Life Began from the Moment I Received This Book

I would like to share my testimony of joy. Before 2021, I was a person who lived in chance, a person who did not know his creator, a person who only believed in him and who did all evil things to only save his life.

One day, I received a phone call telling me that there is a parcel that came from South Korea and that is mine. I went to take the box and in there I found many books ‘Let Us Know the Holy Spirit’ and ‘Know Jesus and Suppress Deceiving Spirits’.

Before, I didn’t like reading. I couldn’t even finish a little journal. But, this day, everything changed. I read the books until finishing them. After reading these books, my thinking changed and even my whole life. I began to see that I have a creator who loves me to whom I can speak all my things, and to whom I must love and stay in his home.

I began to distribute the books to my friends and brothers and sisters and they appreciated it a lot. We all stopped drinking alcohol and to do and say anything. And now we try to love each other because we are sure that God also loved us.

We distributed the books to our church colleagues. Those who could not understand English were given the translation into French and Kirundi, our mother tongue. If it is possible I would like to have more books to spread the word of God in all the country. If I try to compare the life I lived before with the one today, I see that before I didn’t exist. It’s now I’m starting my life and I’m proud of that.

I would like to thank Sungrak Church for the love and kindness the church showed me. I will always remember this in all of my life. I also would like to thank Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim. Thank you very much for saving my life!

Thank you and thank you very much for the work of Sungrak Church. May the good Lord bless you all.

Irakoze from Burundi

June 28, 2024