2015.06.21_Be Blessed in the Spirit
in 2015 Lord's Day, Ki Dong Kim
Senior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
is full of power.
gave life to all things
and to mankind, everlasting life (Jn 12:50).
is the likeness of the very image of God’s being (Ge 1:26-31).
The Holy Spirit has come and abides in man,
and through the Holy Spirit,
He has given him wisdom, knowledge, faith and hope.
The spirit of man is his inner man;
while the outward man eats material food,
the inner man eats spiritual food (Jn 6:53-55)
and is filled with the fullness of God.
Material things are not the source of happiness (Jas 5:1-3).
The blessedness of the inner man is everlasting;
it is all authority and an everlasting inheritance.
If the spirit is dead (Ge 2:16-17),
God’s seed cannot be sown (1 Co 3:9).
The spirit must be alive for the spiritual blessing to be rooted.
The Holy Spirit guarantees this.
○With all the saints, comprehend and be filled
what is the width, length depth and height
of the love of Christ which passes knowledge.
○The inner man is blessed
when filled by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit works upon the spiritual blessing.
○When the inner man is blessed,
he can succeed in the world also.
Let us be blessed through the Holy Spirit.
※God gives us faith
to fill all that we ask and think with His fullness
and make it endure forever.
God’s Gift God is full of the power of life. If He demands anything from us, it is not to burden us but to give us the good things He has. Matthew 7:11 says, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” The same is found in Luke 11:13 which says, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Of all the good things God wants to give to His children, the greatest is the Holy Spirit. The reason Jesus said to His disciples, “It is to your advantage that I go away” (Jn 16:7), is also because He must go to Heaven in order for the Holy Spirit to come upon us. As Apostle Paul knew just how important it is for Christians to receive the Holy Spirit, he also asked the disciples at Ephesus, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” (Acts 19:2). The Holy Spirit helps our spirit take possession of the things God gives us. The reason we can receive God’s word is that the Holy Spirit abides in us. The reason we’re able to use God’s power is that the Holy Spirit abides in us. It is because the Holy Spirit is within us that we’re able to receive God’s covenant. Furthermore we can be blessed with God’s blessedness because the Holy Spirit is within us. The Holy Spirit will later resurrect us and enable us to enjoy all the abundant things God bestows on us. But the problem is that man cannot receive the Holy Spirit because of sin. The Holy Spirit dwells only in holy places. Therefore a sinner must first receive the remission of sins in order to receive the Holy Spirit. That is the reason God sent Jesus Christ into the world to shed His blood. Hebrews 9:22 says, “And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.” Under the law, the blood of animals was sprinkled on the unclean to purify his flesh. If the blood of animals could sanctify a person’s flesh, how much would the blood of God? God’s word is that which is sprinkled with God’s blood (Rev 19:13). So how sacred and holy would that word be? Jesus Christ is that word which was made flesh and came into the world. Though He is equal with God, He was sent by God to the world and shed His blood. He obtained redemption for our souls by entering the heavenly sanctuary and sprinkling His own blood. Thus our souls are now able to receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Who Comes in Jesus’ Name We know that the Holy Spirit abides in us because Jesus’ name is within us. Jesus is the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Before His ascension, Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ (Matt 28:19). In most churches today, those administering baptism say, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. However when the disciples obeyed the Lord’s command and baptized people, the Bible writes that they baptized them in the name of Jesus Christ. The name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit is Jesus. That name is originally the name of God the Father, which He gave to His Son. We can see this in the scene when Jesus earnestly prayed to the Father saying, ‘Holy Father, keep them through Your name You have given Me, that they may be one as We are! While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name’ (Jn 17:11-12). God the Father has given all authority of heaven and earth to the Son (Matt 28:18) and has made those in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth bow their knees before the name Jesus (Phil 2:10). The remarkable thing is that the Holy Spirit has now come inside our spirit in that name (Jn 14:26). Christians are well aware that the resurrected Lord is in heaven. Yet at times we say, ‘the Lord abides in me’. Some who misunderstand this believe it is just a subjective faith confession of the individual to either say that the Lord is in heaven or within us. However both are true statements. But to be specific, the Son of Man is in heaven and the name Jesus is within us by the Holy Spirit. Bind the Demons by the Holy Spirit Jesus said, ‘If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, the kingdom of God has come upon you’ (Matt 12:28). Jesus cast out the demons by the Holy Spirit. This is evidence that the kingdom of God has come upon us. The Holy Spirit who came upon Jesus Christ now also comes into those who are united with Jesus Christ. We are the ones who belong to God’s kingdom. The kingdom of God is filled with His blessedness and joy. Thus if we are of His kingdom, we ought to be filled with His blessedness and joy. How much love does a newborn baby receive from his or her parents and grandparents? Nobody in the family hates or curses the baby. Just how happy is a baby to receive all the love of the family? Likewise we too are receiving the love of God. So then, how happy should our souls be? The problem is that there are beings which hinder us from enjoying this happiness. The demons are the ones that do anything to steal this happiness of ours. In this world of cutting-edge technology, one of the most lethal threats challenging human civilization is infectious diseases. The development of air travel has led to an increase in global trade and travel, but that has also increased the speed at which infectious disease spread. And due to large population concentration in the metropolitan cities today, the damage caused by an outbreak of an infectious disease can only be worse than ever before. The problem of infectious diseases is definitely not matter that can be taken lightly in light of human history either. Medical science attributes such infectious diseases to viruses and bacteria. Yet if they really were the fundamental causes, humans would have overcome infectious diseases a long time ago. The Bible reveals that there are spiritual beings called demons behind all kinds of disease including infectious diseases. An outbreak of an infectious disease spreads a sense of fear among the public. Schools shut down, infected individuals are quarantined, and certain events of mass gatherings are restricted. In such times, we ought to be different to secular people if we have received the Holy Spirit. Rather than being overcome by the fear of an infection we must vanquish all weaknesses by the power of the Holy Spirit. By trusting in the promise of the Lord, we have to defeat the attack of demons. Be Filled with the Holy Spirit Jesus said, “These signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18). These words would be fulfilled in us if the Holy Spirit who comes in Jesus’ name abides in us. Thus we must not fear the demons but instead cast them out. Even at an outbreak of a deadly virus, we should be confident that we will not be harmed by it. We need have the boldness to lay hands on the sick and display the power of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:4 says, “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” When the day of Pentecost came, the disciples of Jesus were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. The Lord’s promise was being fulfilled in them. But for that to happen, the disciples had been praying earnestly for ten days in Mark’s upper room. In order to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we need to pray fervently. The way Jesus petitioned and cried out at Gethsemane should become the model example of prayer we must take after. Hebrews 5:7 says, ‘In the days of His flesh, He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear’. Luke 22:44 also writes, “Being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Even the Son of God cried out so earnestly to the Father. How much more earnestly should we have to pray? Speaking in tongues significantly benefits our spirit. And if our spirit is well, we could have prosperity in all things and be in good health. Thus if anyone is suffering an illness, it is good to speak in tongues more. Do not say that tongues would not come out; use your will and speak in tongues. When you do speak in tongues, do not make feeble groans but tighten your stomach and speak out loud. Do not just stop after a short time but continue speaking in tongues until you are filled by the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul said, “I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all” (1 Cor 14:18). The Holy Spirit has come for our blessedness. We must not be content at having received the Holy Spirit but endeavor to be blessed and joyful through the Holy Spirit. While the flesh finds happiness in material possessions, it is left with nothing once the spirit departs from it. What we are seeking is the happiness that comes through the Holy Spirit. Our families and our children must be happy through the Holy Spirit. Pray and lay your hands on your children that they may be filled by the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. Make sure they are filled with the Holy Spirit to vanquish infectious diseases and the like. The desire of the Lord, who carried our sins, shed His blood and died for us to receive the Holy Spirit, must be fulfilled.
There are faith and literature in my life. Throughout my life, I’ve been enjoying the great glory that the Bible has bestowed on me. If the knowledge about God, namely Jesus Christ, is removed from the Bible, then only the knowledge of man would remain. The Bible contains these two types of knowledge and wisdom, which I’ve been protecting throughout my life. Literature cannot help man to inherit the Kingdom of God. Yet, it can play a role of stepping stone for man to draw closer to the truth. I genuinely express myself through literature, and through faith, I express my Savior Jesus. Oh! my love, my faith, and passion! This is what literature does. Faith cleanses my spirit as literature cleanses my rationality. Since I was young, what I desired to study was not Christianity but literature. Yet, God led me to know God first and have faith before allowing me to seek literature. The original experience of my faith came from Jesus Christ, and the original experience of my literary work came from my earthly father who had passed away. Each person has their own lifespan, and they complete their individual works during that lifetime. If they hesitate, then they might even lose their precious time. I love and yearn for the Lord because it is the Kingdom of God that I’m seeking to enter. It is also the Kingdom of God that I desire to eventually reach through my literary works. Literature allows me to gain beautiful wisdom. It is literature that makes the life of the world affluent. Moreover, faith shows me the glory of God’s Kingdom and acknowledges me as the eternal spiritual being. If God wills, then I will be loyal to the works assigned to me to the end. I possess a certain timeline that is given to me by God. I cannot work just because I want to work. I can only work according to the timeline given by Him. Works concerning both faith and literary works can be completed only during the time given by God. Sun seems to rise and set so rapidly. The sun is racing toward the western sky while I take my sleep. I do not seek any glory in this world that offers any comfort. I will give my last dying strength so that I can receive the glory in Heaven. My desire is to lead people to God by using literature as a stepping-stone to the Gospel. My flesh is tremendously fatigued but my heart rejoices. I am thankful. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline and Summary translated by Sarah Nam Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Faith handles the highest knowledge of God while literature handles the highest knowledge of man. I possess the wisdom from both knowing God and knowing man. And I’m dedicating my life in order to make such knowledge more valuable. However, there is a great hindrance in pursuing the knowledge of God. The same applies for seeking wisdom concerning man. These two collide in many situations, but they do not always conflict. And the Bible clearly demonstrates them.
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Letter translated by Jada Shim
Interpretations by Sarah Nam
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee