2015.10.11_Pray in Faith
in 2015 Lord's Day, Ki Dong Kim
Senior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Matthew 6:5-15]
is almighty.
The faith
He gave us is not a religion;
it is a reality and everlasting (Mk 11:22).
There is eternal life in God’s-given faith (Jn 3:16),
of which we must have testimony
while we are on earth (2 Co 1:21-22).
The answers to our prayers do not come after death;
we receive them in the present time also (Mt 7:7-8).
Prayer is the way we practice faith while in the flesh (Heb 5:7).
God listens to our prayers and sends the answers befitting us.
Is it not more desirable to for man to receive the love of God
than to put his trust merely in his flesh?
Though wisdom is invisible, it is power;
though the heart cannot be seen, it is that which fills a person.
In the same way,
though God cannot be seen,
He is the living Father
who accompanies those who believe Him (Mt 6:8).
He who believes is not an orphan;
he is the child of the living Father,
and the Holy Spirit guarantees his status
even now as He did in the past (Jn 14:17-20).
○A lengthy prayer will not always be delivered;
rather, one must offer the prayer of faith.
The prayer of faith will be followed
by signs as answers from God.
○We are not superstitious people;
we believe in the promise of God,
and God shed His blood on account of this promise.
○One has not actually prayed
if he prays and then doubts.
Cast away your doubts after praying.
※ For us to have faith means
to pray according to His will.
Let us pray, never doubt, and receive answers.
By faith we receive what comes from the Almighty God. Since faith came, we dwell in the blessedness of God, liberated from the Law. Pray in faith. Pray and do not give up.
God is almighty. He is the self-existing One, the Almighty God who created heaven and earth and all that is within them. Everything that exists in the created world, whether great or small, have all been created by God in accordance with His will. There is nothing among those that were created which is not needed in fulfilling God’s will. And God has permitted them to move and be used according to the needs of those who seek His will. Thus Jesus said that if we believe and do not doubt, then we can tell the mountains to be removed and cast into the sea and it will be done (Mt 21:21); we can say to a mulberry tree to be pulled up by the roots and planted in the sea, and it would obey (Lk 17:6).
Christian faith life is not a religious life. As children of the Almighty God, Christians ought to live in a manner that is worthy of their status. They have to bear witness of the Almighty God at work in their lives, as well as have boldness as those who have such great privileges. When Christians demonstrate such faith and way of life, unbelievers would then also come to realize the living existence of the God. If Christians are oppressed by the same cares, worries and sense of despair as the unbelievers in the world, how will the unbelievers come to meet God through them?
The moment we united with Jesus Christ, we became children of God. By children, it means we are heirs of God who have the right to inherit the kingdom of Heaven. It is every parent’s desire to pass on a happy life to their children. Even if children do not recognize their parents’ hard efforts, parents would still sacrifice themselves for their children. In the same way that children receive such abounding love from their parents, we, who have become God’s heirs, have received every good thing from God.
Of course, we cannot witness everything God has given us with our own eyes while we are living on the earth. However if we were to enjoy them later on, we need to have faith when we are still on the earth. A seed of a tree is very small, but inside it are the tree’s roots, branches, leaves and fruits. Faith is like a seed that holds all the good things promised by God inside.
This faith is different to man’s own conviction. If you cannot differentiate faith from conviction, you will struggle all your life without reaping any benefits from it, for conviction has no promises. Conviction is a highly subjective faith based on a person’s desires, emotions, volition and will. All peoples including unbelievers, idolaters and superstitious people have such a faith. Indeed, everyone needs self-conviction in order to get through this world. However, in order to receive those which are given by God, we need a faith that is different to conviction.
In the Bible we often find expressions like “before faith came” and “after faith has come”. These expressions were used bearing in mind the Law which had governed Israel for 1,500 years or so. Previously, Israel was under the Law, not under faith. Whilst they were living in submission and bondage of the Law, they did not have faith. Finally, faith came at the appointed time, and only then was Israel released from the Law. God had put Israel under the Law until faith came. Now that faith has come, God desires all people to come out of the Law and live by faith.
If anyone understands the value of faith, he would never depart from faith after he has obtained it. It’s a pity however, that some who have had a church life for a while, are swayed by the interference and temptations from people around them and depart from their faith. One cannot please God with such unstable faith. If one falls into temptation and quenches the Holy Spirit, it is difficult for him to be restored to his state at first. The reason we have to rejoice always, pray continuously and give thanks in all circumstances, is that we do not quench the Holy Spirit (1 Thess 5:16-18).
For faith to have come means Jesus has come. Jesus whom God has sent is our faith (Jn 3:16). Jesus is the name of the Triune God – the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. There is no other except God who possesses this name. It was when we received in that name, that faith had come inside us. As children of God, the greatest inheritance we have on the earth is prayer. We can fulfill on the earth what God has fulfilled in Heaven because we have the right to pray. In spite of having such previous faith, if we were to waste our time away pursuing a life of ease like the unbelievers, nothing would be more regrettable.
For Israel to be under the Law in the past is much like a young child being left with a nanny until he grows up. Even the child of one’s master is led and educated by his nanny when he is young, sometimes even scolded by her too. But once he is grown, he will manage her as her master. Similarly, now that we have come to have faith, we no longer fear the Law but enjoy all the freedom, joy and power which God gives us.
Since faith came, we have been endowed with the right to pray to God. Faith is the essential prerequisite to prayer. Jesus said, “When you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him” (Mt 6:7-8). Prayer is offered to the God the Father by His children. Therefore, even if there is no immediate answer after we pray, we must acknowledge that God our Father is going to give us what is best at the most appropriate time. In other words, though it is our duty to pray, we have to admit that answering our prayers and deciding and times and seasons for those answers are all up to the Father (Ac 1:7).
Whoever wants to deliver their prayers must come and kneel before the name of Jesus. Jesus is the name which the Son of God inherited from the Father; it is the name that is more superior than any name given to the angels (He 1:4). Philippians 2:9-11 says, “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” We often use the expression ‘in Jesus’ name’ at the end of prayer. Yet even if we do not say so, if we are praying in faith, then we have already knelt down before Jesus’ name and God is glorified through it. In regard to this, Jesus said, “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (Jn 14:13).
It was neither through the prophets nor the disciples when He said, “Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do”. These are the words of Jesus Himself. We must not doubt about whatever we have prayed about in His name. It is better off to forget about what you have prayed for than to doubt afterwards, for, as long as one does not give up, the answer to his prayer will definitely be given in a year’s time or two.
Once we have delivered our prayers to God, we no longer have any right to cancel them. The answers to our prayers are up to God to decide, and whatever He decides to give us, the time and season is also up to God. Thus, if we have prayed to God, we ought to trust that He will answer us from His goodness and wait. If, in the process of doing so, we happen to come into conflict with others, we must never resent or harbor hatred towards anyone, but have the goodness of God and wait for God’s answer.
Plenty of people today tend to pray to God about a certain matter, but fail to wait patiently and give up on His answers. They even resent God or doubt the existence of God just because some things do not go as they desired. Such people are cheating God and tormenting Him. Though God is being patient with them whilst suffering such insults, His words which said, “You will reap as you have sown” will surely come to pass.
Our prayers to God will certainly not disappear. Revelation 8:3-4 says, “Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand.” We do not pray by ourselves; we must remember that the angels are also ministering to us whenever we pray.
Prayer is a way for us to move God to work. Isaiah 62:6-7 says, “You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” In order to achieve something, there are things we have to do. Nevertheless, if God is not at work, our efforts will be in vain. Therefore, at the same time as making our greatest efforts for that which we seek, we must also move God to work for those matters.
God has given us faith. He has also given us the name of Jesus. Thus we must pray with faith. We must kneel before Jesus’ name and pray. God also keeps His promises through the faith He gave us. In His name are God’s blessedness and His power. Every answer is already within name. Our authority as God’s heirs was given us when we received in that name.
The Devil brings doubts about what we have prayed for, leading us to give up on them ourselves. However once we have prayed to God, we must entrust the outcome to God. At the most appropriate time, God will give us more than we had asked for. We need to leave it up to God rather than stubbornly asking Him to give us what we want right now. The Holy Spirit also helps us in our weaknesses and intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered (Rm 8:26). Instead of despairing or giving up out of our impatience, we ought to receive the help of the Holy Spirit.
Perhaps it’s my old age, but my concerns for the mindsets of today’s young people are growing. I was in my youth at one time just like them; there were seasons of excruciating hardships too. Yet, I endured through those weary days and finally overcame. These are memories everyone journeys through in the walk of life. But one thing is clear: there is wisdom to life. A person cannot be more foolish than to think, eat today and die tomorrow, as if there is nothing to lose. There is a chengyu (a four-character Chinese idiom), “老馬之智” (Lǎo mǎ zhī zhì) which means, “an old horse knows the way better than his young owner”. Though my life’s journey may not be worth boasting of, still I take pride in the way that I handled those moments in my life. The paternal love and sense of responsibility to feed one’s child even if he must starve, is with every father. Yet fathers too have maternal love, which is true love. God is the Father, and thus He is just and righteous. However His love endures forever. This everlasting love is maternal in nature – it is like the love of a mother. The Law is paternal in nature, while the Gospel is maternal. I do not merely consider and plan about tomorrow; I organize and plan out my entire life before me. Moreover, I prepare for the place I will be when I pass away from this world. This short life we have in the world, we live in the body; yet our life of faith is for the ever-enduring future ahead of us. There is nothing which guarantees the flesh. However the spirit is secured forever. Just as God said, “And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days (last days)…” faith is to receive the Holy Spirit while we are in the body. We receive power when the Holy Spirit comes. Hence, our life of faith involves our spirit being equipped with power. Yet for some reason, people refuse to receive the Holy Spirit into themselves and are solely living for their flesh; the Holy Spirit is given no chance to manifest Himself. It is within God’s plan to pour out the Holy Spirit on us and equip us with power. How fortunate it is that God’s plan is being realized in my body! Since I’m not the only one living in this world, I must steer clear of this jungle that is so tangled, in order to survive. Not only do I, but my son and grandchildren all have to get through this harsh and perilous course. We are taking the pilgrim’s progress, so hard and arduous. If one tastes the pleasures of the flesh at youth, not only will his flesh be wearied with age but his spirit will too. Yet if he perseveres with faith in his youth – though it is difficult for his flesh – his spirit will be blessed with joy in his old age. It is only by the Holy Spirit that his spirit can be blessed. Though some often like to say, “in this day and age…” according to the Bible, whatever is happening today was present in the past, that history is repeating itself. Young people are in error for they argue, “It’s not like the old days anymore”, and refuse to listen to the old. I am old. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline and Summary translated by Sarah Nam Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Letter translated by Sarah Nam
Interpretations by Sarah Nam
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee