2016.02.28_Be Ready
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong Kim
Senior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Hebrews 11:17-40]
is He who rewards.
He gave faith
to the world
and commanded man to live by this faith,
which is the true righteousness of God (Jn 3:16, 16:10).
While religious perfection can be achieved without faith
and through moral cultivation alone (Mt 5:17-20),
the righteousness of God is the truth
which cannot be attained apart from faith (Gal 3:11).
•Consider the faith of Abraham (He 11:17-19).
•Consider the faith of Isaac (He 11:20).
•Consider the faith of Jacob (He 11:21).
God said He is their God (Ac 7:32).
Consider Moses (He 11:27-30).
He chose to suffer affliction with the people of God
than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin,
and esteemed suffering disgrace for the sake of Christ greater riches
than the treasures in Egypt, for he looked to the reward.
People cannot see this glory
because they fail to demonstrate their faith before God.
The Holy Spirit comes only to help those who are ready (Rm 8:9).
○What have you offered to God in faith?
God is disappointed,
for you do not even heed His words.
○What have you done in faith?
Your love for the world is greater,
that you reject the matters of the kingdom of God.
○How will you live by faith?
Should we not sacrifice even our lives first for His kingdom and His righteousness
to be ready to receive His blessings?
※Do not deceive God.
Do not worry about what to eat, or drink, or wear,
but seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.
Work for the reward Sacrifice for the reward Be ready in order to receive a reward
God is He who rewards. A reward is not given as grace, because while grace is a gift that one receives apart from his works, a reward is a compensation for one’s efforts. We must believe that God gives not only grace but rewards also. It is impossible to please God without such faith (He 11:6). Jesus was able to please God because He looked to the reward (Mt 3:17).
A great number of Christians today claim they are living a life of faith but are actually focused on following morals and ethics. This is no different to religious people. Man’s own righteousness might receive the approval of people but it is not accepted by God. In God’s eyes, there is no one righteous in this world. For this reason, God sent the righteous One to the world, namely Jesus Christ. He came to the earth and died for us, and we have been saved by His meritorious works. Salvation is not the result of our own efforts; it is a gift from God which He has given us freely. Thus it is called grace. The reason we can go to church every Lord’s Day and worship God is not because we are sinless but because we have been empowered by His grace.
On the other hand, a reward is given when we obey the word of God. Many Christians pray to God out of habit, asking for His blessings. They believe they can receive blessings if they only pray. However, God’s blessing is a form of a reward. Before we ask God to bless us, we need to first examine ourselves whether we have done anything to deserve to be rewarded by God.
If someone won a medal in the Olympics, it demonstrates that the athlete endured through enormous amounts of training and sacrifices more than anybody else. Even though some children appear to be talented in certain areas like sports from a young age, they cannot be the best in that field with talents alone. Among the many talented children that train together every day, only the best gets chosen to represent their school. If they train harder, they may even represent their city. Yet they still have to work harder in order to represent their country and even win a medal in the world arena. The same applies when it comes to being used by God. It is not with our competency or potential that we can be used by God; rather, we have to prepare ourselves through many efforts and sacrifices, to be worthy for God to use.
Even the people of this world strive so hard to receive a reward that does not last. How much more should we exert and ourselves in order to receive a reward from God? it says in 1 Timothy 4:7-8, “Exercise yourself toward godliness. For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come”. Nevertheless, some people fall away again even after they have received the Holy Spirit and tasted the powers of God’s word. This is like as a sprout that withers as soon as it shoots above the ground.
God commanded His blessing upon us. His word about keeping the Lord’s Day is also one of the blessings He commanded us. God remembers those who observe the holy day (Num 10:10). Hence anyone who wishes to draw God’s attention will keep the Lord’s Day. However some people neglect the Lord’s Day in order to profit in worldly matters. So how can they ever draw God’s attention? If they cry out to God for His blessings, will God accept them?
Abraham obeyed God in order to be a source of blessing. God said to Abraham, “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house. You shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you (Ge 12:1-3). He obeyed the word of God and left his country to become a stranger. Ultimately, Jesus Christ came to the household of Abraham who became a source of blessing, and just as God had said to Abraham, anyone that receives Jesus Christ today is blessed, while anyone that rejects him will be thrown into hell.
In order to become a source of blessing, Abraham obeyed God’s command and offered the son whom he received at the age of a hundred as a sacrifice to God. Isaac also obeyed God and gave tithes. Then Jacob, through his earnest prayer and struggle at Peniel, received God’s blessing. When God introduced Himself, He did not describe Himself as “the God of everyone” but as “the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”. This is because only those who obey God like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, can be blessed by God. Before anyone blames God for not blessing him, he first ought to examine himself, whether he deserves to receives God’s blessing or not. We must realize that God’s blessing is not given as grace but as a reward.
It is important that our families are used by God. We must ensure our children and descendants to come have a deep longing to be used by God. For some Christians, if their child is bright and clever, they encourage them to pursue worldly dreams. But if their child is not so bright, they think of offering them to be used for God’s work. However, this is surely not the right attitude. We must offer our best to God.
God desires to entrust His blessing and do His work through that person. However, very few people are willing to accept God’s blessings. Hebrews 11:24-26 says, “By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward”. At that time, Egypt was the most powerful country in the world. So how great would have been the treasures of Egypt? Nevertheless, Moses gave up his status as the prince of Egypt, and chose to bear sufferings for Christ. Even now, God is seeking those who are able to handle God’s blessings like Moses.
When God comes to our families and knocks on our doors, we should not hesitate but open the door (Rev 3:20). When an angel appeared to Mary and told her of the news that she was going to conceive and give birth to the Son of God, she replied, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word. (Lk 1:30-38). For a virgin to become pregnant at that time meant risking her life, and yet Mary willingly offered her family to God. In the same way, we need to offer our families to God.
Though some say they want their children to be used by God, they do not make any preparations for this at all. This is the same as people desiring to be rewarded but making no efforts to achieve that. There are many things to be learned in order for us to do the work of God. Nobody knows when God will call those He wants to use. Therefore we must guide and help our children to always prepare themselves and be ready in advance.
Asking God for His blessings is equivalent to asking for a reward. Thus it is necessary for us to examine whether we are worthy to be rewarded or not. We need to ensure we are prepared and ready to be used by God. We should not be found unworthy when God desires to use us. We must look upon ourselves, our families and children with the eyes of God and be ready in advance.
Nowadays, people’s life expectancy is said to be a hundred years. Preparing ourselves to be used by God is not only for the young people. It is possible for God to call and use someone in their old age all of a sudden. So whether we are young or old, we all need to be ready. Whether or not we are financially comfortable, we need to prepare ourselves.
God desires to entrust us with His blessings. The question is whether we are worthy and able to handle His blessings. If we truly love God, then with all of our heart, all of our soul and all of our mind, we must prepare ourselves to be worthy to be used by God. Not only should we be prepared, but our families and children all ought to become the servants that please God.
The greatest blessing a person can receive in this world as a man of Jesus is to be chosen by God (Jn 15:16). May God’s great inspiration and blessing be upon the man and the family chosen by God. God chose David and said, “He is a man after My own heart” (Ac 13:22). John the Baptist’s parents had no child even when they were well advanced in years. However, as God had willed, Elizabeth conceived and gave birth to John. The mother of Jesus was just a lowly woman, the word of God came to her and she finally conceived through the Holy Spirit. This was because the virgin obeyed the word of God (Lk 1:31-35, 37-38). Though people desire to be blessed by God, they are either afraid to love the Lord or obey Him, and as a result, they cannot experience the manifestation of the Holy Spirit (Act 5:32). This is because they believe working for God does not profit their flesh, since the works of God are difficult and involve sacrifice and suffering. Are you not perhaps comparing the matters of the flesh against the matters of God? (Rm 8:5-8). Berea movement is indeed a great movement, one of the greatest Christian movements since the ascension of the Lord Jesus. It has taken roots over a period of more than half a century through a balance of evangelism, church ministry, mission, theology and writing. How much persecution, scorn and suffering did the movement encounter during that time? Nevertheless, we triumphed, though we put ourselves to death every day. A young man called Semuon endured through it all and persevered to this day, with a pebble in his mouth. I too have a son, and I do feel heavyhearted and sorry for my descendants. However, the Lord said, “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself, his father and mother, wife and children. Otherwise he is not worthy of Me” (Mt 10:36-37). He promised that when I obey and do what is worthy in His sight, He would reward me even while I am in this world (Mk 10:29-31). I testify to His words, and you are witnessing the evidence with your own eyes. The Lord foretold us that there will be severe persecution for those who are chosen by the Lord (Ac 9:15-16). Who is willing to stand by His side when the world has so rejected Him? Who will carry the cross for Him, when the world shuns and ignores His works of truth? (Mt 25:31-46). Please accept the true calling for Berea. As if you are planting a seed, plant this calling deep into your family, and make preparations now so that the seed may sprout from your families even after Semuon passes away from this world. Please don’t regret after the door is shut. Please receive the Lord and do not leave Him alone as a stranger in the streets. “Lord, let me receive You. If it is Your work, I will do it.” With this heart, take the initiative and plant this seed deep within yourself. Though it will be up to the Lord to decide, be ready in season or out of season (2 Ti 4:2). Please enroll at Berea International Theologial Seminary (BITS) and prepare your family to become a family of servants of the Lord. Theological studies are not necessarily for future pastors only. Though you might be running your own business, if you choose to prepare yourself in order to struggle and stand above the knowledge of this world, God will remember what you have chosen. I truly hope every member in our church will be men of the highest knowledge. Be ready, especially when times are hard… Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline and Summary translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Letter translated by Sarah Lee
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee