September 29, 2024

(Ephesians 5:1)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim


(Ephesians 5:1)

Children share a likeness with their parents, not only in appearance but also in character. This is because children imitate their parents and learn the patterns of life. When children understand and appreciate their parents’ love, they grow to resemble their parents even more.

1. Imitator in Love
As children loved by God, we should bear a likeness to Him. God, who is rich in mercy and compassion, unconditionally forgave us who stood against Him. Moreover, He gave His Son as a sacrificial offering to forgive us. Who could ever doubt such love or question its sincerity? As those who have become children of God, what we must imitate is that very love, and also the unconditional forgiveness that can only be made possible through His love.

2. Imitator in Forgiveness
Forgive up to seventy times seven! This command is based on the truth that God atoned for all of humanity’s sins, not just a portion of them. This includes even the sin committed by another member that causes us pain. The Lord has already paid the price for that sin. So, is it right for us to seek revenge for something God has already forgiven? Doing so would be to bring back a matter that Christ has already resolved, which would ultimately be no different from disregarding His sacrifice and refusing to acknowledge its worth.

3. Imitator in Patience
The depth of forgiveness reveals the depth of love. “Have fervent love for one another!” This command urges us to persevere in love, even when it is difficult and painful. Someone may act rudely, behave with hostility, or cause us pain, but we must endure for the benefit of the church rather than retaliate. Of course, actions that threaten the stability or continuation of the church must be addressed appropriately, but in other situations, we must be patient. God is love. Let us walk in love as His forgiven children.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim