October 6, 2024

(Ephesians 5:2)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

The Love of the Cross

(Ephesians 5:2)

The greatest thing we should imitate from Christ is the love revealed in His redemption on the cross. God desires that we walk in this love. He wants the pattern of our lives to reflect the character of Christ.

1. Sacrificial Love
Christ’s love is not for Himself but rather a love that gave up Himself. Christ gave up His own authority by Himself to practice love. What He bestowed such love is not because we deserved to receive it or because He has some benefit in return. Even if He might not receive love in return from us, He chose to love us.

2. A Beautiful Fragrance
The Lord became a fragrant offering and sacrifice before God. Among the sacrifices made by Israelites, the sacrifices of gratitude included the burnt offering, the grain offering, and the peace offering. These offerings burned on the altar were described as a fragrant aroma to God. However, the sin offering and the guilt offering, which involved sacrificing, were not described as a fragrant aroma. This is because they pointed to the sacrifice of Christ, who bore the sin of humanity. However, Christ rose from the dead and became the One who conquered sin. Through this, His act of love became a fragrant aroma that fills not only the entire world but also heaven.

3. The Way Embraced by Grace
The grace we have received is the blessing granted to us through Christ’s desperate death. The freedom and peace we enjoy, God’s help, our reconciled relationship with Him, and the chance to rise again after we fall—all of these have been given to us through Christ’s sacrifice. Let us, who have received such unconditional love, now walk in that love. Let us follow the Son of God, who loved us to the point of giving up His body for us. With sacrificial love, let us glorify the Lord and become a fragrant aroma to the Father.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim