December 1, 2019 Jesus and the Cross (1 Corinthians 1:18)

Sermon Outline

is good.
gave His Son to the world.
He is Jesus Christ (Jn 20:30-31).
‘Jesus’ is His name (Mk 1:21),
‘Christ’ is His duty (Jn 17:3).
This is the duty of God’s Son.
He received God’s command to hang on the cross (Jn 10:17-18).
The cross is the method, hanging there is the punishment.
The cross is worldly law and religion (Lk 23:24).
Christ hung there. He is unrelated to sin.
He is God’s Son (Mk 16:16).
do you see and believe God’s Son
or see the cross and stumble?
Mankind’s turning point to be saved or perish (Jn 10:9-10)
is found in the two criminals beside Jesus.
One criminal was saved and the other perished (Lk 23:33).
Do you see punishment on the cross and become dismayed (Lk 23:39)
or see Christ hanging there and believe?
Baptism is standing on the side of Christ (Mk 16:14-20).
It is confessing and certifying you are one with Jesus.
○ If you are baptized by immersion,
God will give you His recognition and guarantee.
○ The Holy Spirit’s coming is His witness and guarantee.
We do not see and believe the cross but believe Him who hung there.
○ If you misunderstand Jesus and the cross, you will stumble (Mat 11:6).
He needed to hang on the cross (Jn 3:14-15).
We are saved by faith in Jesus. Those who stumble will perish (Jn 3:18).
※ No one is justified by seeing man.
If you see Jesus and believe, you are justified.
Only those who receive baptism and God’s grace are justified.

Semuon’s Letter