December 24, 2018 The Son of God Appeared (1 John 3:8)_Christmas Eve Service

Sermon Outline

is love.
sent His Son to the world (Jn 3:16).
Through the Son,
we can see God with our own eyes, and we can hear His voice (2 Co 4:4).
Do not try to imagine who God is.
To see and believe in the reality of God,
and to completely know the works that He has done, is true faith (Jn 14:10-12).
Without faith, one cannot be saved (He 11:6).
The reason the Son of God appeared
was to destroy the devil’s work (1 Jn 3:8).
The devil corrupted mankind and tempts us even today.
It is only by the blood of Jesus Christ
that one can overcome the temptation of the devil (Re 12:11).
The reason the Son of God appeared
was to shed His blood on the cross.
The cross is not our salvation
but the blood of Jesus is our salvation (Ac 4:12).
is the Son of God who came with the blood of God.
○ Let us believe in Jesus and let us be zealous to serve Him.
Let us not allow the devil to approach any area of our lives.
We must destroy the works of the devil.
○ We must destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus,
we must destroy his work with the blood of Jesus,
and we must drive out all demons with the word of Jesus.
○ Demons cannot kill the soul of man,
yet they are murderers that kill the flesh of man.
Demons are the enemies that destroy people’s families.
※ Do you believe in the Son of God?
Are you overcoming the works of the devil?
Let us overcome through Jesus.

Semuon’s Letter