2016.11.06_Drink the Precious Blood of Jesus
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong KimSenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[John 6:52-59]
is the Holy Trinity.
For He revealed
the Word to the world (Jn 1:14),
the Word came to the world in flesh,
and gave His word and blood (Jn 6:53-54).
He desires holiness and righteousness,
which cannot be attained by the things of the world
but only by the spiritual bread and drink
that came down from heaven.
Though we can wash our bodies, we cannot wash our own sins;
even if we end our own lives, we cannot end our ties with sin (Mt 27:3-10).
Our sin is death which our spirit must bear.
We were forsaken because of our sin.
The reason for our misfortune is also sin.
God so loved the world
that He sent Jesus Christ, who shed His blood.
Without His blood, we have neither holiness nor righteousness (He 9:22).
Christianity is not a religion;
it is the faith where one must drink the blood of Jesus to live.
○ The Holy Spirit comes inside us
to make our spirit drink that blood
Only that blood saves us.
○ For our faith and our confession are
nothing but the blood of Jesus,
let us be born again through the Holy Spirit,
the word, and the blood.
○ Our lips must have testimony,
that is, the testimony of the blood of Jesus
which we ought to testify with all our life.
※ Let us be holy.
Let us become righteous by the blood of Jesus.
His blood is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Why Believe Jesus? There are so many gods in heaven and on the earth, but the one in whom we believe and trust is the only true God, triune, existing in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ revealed the Father’s word through His works, and the Holy Spirit makes the works of Jesus Christ reveal in our souls. Christians are those in whose soul God’s will and the righteousness of Jesus Christ are at work. God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son to the world. That means He gave His flesh and blood. Most people think that what they really need is money or a house. However, what we need most is Jesus. Souls can never live without Jesus. That is why God sent Jesus as gift, and as Jesus died on the cross, shedding His blood, He gave us His flesh and blood as spiritual food and drink. God sent Jesus to give us life and we believe Him. This is our faith. What does Jesus’ name mean? Jesus’ name means that ‘God saves His people from sin’ (Matthew 1:21). Those who do not know God usually think the curses and misfortune they are faced with are their fate. However, God has already revealed that sin is the reason mankind perishes, and He sent Jesus to save us from sin. Being a Christian means accepting God’s grace of saving mankind from sin. But most people in the world do not want to think about their sins, they would rather seek after prosperity. That is why they seek the religions of the world. The Devil does not oppose religions, which are different from the Christian church, but rather supports them, so that many people can easily gather. However, what benefit is prosperity for those who are dead? Drink the Blood of the Lord and You Will Be Saved, and Eat the Flesh of the Lord and You Will Gain Eternal Life. God created all things by His word. When God said, ‘Let there be light’, light appeared, when He said, ‘Let the water be separated’, the water became separated, and when He said, ‘Let there be an expanse’, the expanse appeared. Thus, God’s word is the word that is fulfilled as it is. Hebrews 11:3 explains, ‘Faith is to understand that all things were made at God’s command.’ The word that He will surely fulfill, that He makes prosper, and that He governs, this is the word that God has given to us. In as much as the Word became flesh in order for Him to come to the world, we came to know and understand that not only is God’s word true, it is The Truth. That is because all God’s words are revealed through the deeds and attributes of Jesus Christ. Man needs food in order to sustain life. That is why mankind concern themselves with the needs of the flesh, that it, what they will eat and drink. Why did God create mankind with such a weakness? Just as trees and plants can sustain their life by absorbing water and nutrients from the earth and men by eating and drinking food and water daily , it is general revelation that our soul is sustained when we eat and drink God’s word. Since the Word became flesh and came into the world, we can now continually be nourished since He is our food and drink. Jesus did not come to be served but to be a ransom for all (Matthew 20:28). Hence the Bible refers to Him as the ‘Lamb of God’. When the people of Israel came out of Egypt, God commanded them to kill a one-year old lamb, take its blood, and apply it on the sides and tops of the doorposts of their houses where they ate the lamb including the entrails. And God promised them that He would pass over the houses where the blood of the lamb was applied on the doorposts when He killed all first-born sons of Egypt. Just as God had promised, those who applied the blood of the lamb on sides and tops of the door posts and ate the meat of the Passover lamb were all saved. This is the very figure of Jesus Christ, who is the true figure of the lamb. That is why John the Baptist cried out, saying, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” when he saw Jesus. Jesus Christ is The Lamb. By His blood we have life and by His flesh He sustains us until we realize the eternal life with by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. He is the bread of life. And so in order to gain salvation (from sin) we need the blood of Jesus and in order to persevere until the end we need to remain in Him (eat His flesh). He is sufficient for our salvation and for our sanctification. Eat the Flesh of Jesus by Keeping the New Commandment The first commandment that God gave man was ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil!’ When Adam broke this commandment, the spirit of man died. The Word became flesh to come for the man who was on his way to hell.. Jesus came to the world to die in the place of man in order to save man from sin. And then Jesus gave us the new commandment who became free from sin by His blood. The new commandment is “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love on another” (John 13:34) How did Jesus love us? His love was not hypocrisy. He truly loved our souls. We are now part of Jesus. We are the new creatures in Jesus. Therefore, just as Jesus gave His body to us, we must love other souls as if we tear and share our flesh. Adam’s souls died since he did not keep the first commandment. What then would happen if we do not keep the new commandment that the Son of God has given to us? Those who just care about their own souls will weep sorrowfully gnashing their teeth on the last day. In order to experience that happy day when we stand before the Lord, we must be the true disciples of the Lord who keep the new commandment. The new commandment is the flesh of Jesus. Those who gain life through Jesus’ blood must then gain eternal life by eating His flesh. Most Christians think that they would be blessed and prosper if they just remain apparently godly in their lives. However, that is just meeting their own standards, not beneficial for their souls. We have to keep the words of eternal life. We must eat the flesh of the Lord. Holy communion on the Lord’s day is about spreading the message of the righteousness of Jesus Christ who tore His flesh and shed His blood. If we just eat bread and drink wine without knowing this, it is sinning against the blood and the body of the Lord (1Corinthians 11:26-29). For us not to sin against the body of the Lord, we must keep the new commandment. Let us love others’ souls. Let us preach Jesus opening our mouths. Let us keep the new commandment. As we are saved from sin by drinking His blood, let us eat His flesh. Let us live worthily as those who received the blood of the Lord. Do not abandon the eternal life, but stay in your position of duty so that you would be prepared to come into the kingdom of the Lord.
Dear Sungrak people, may your family and your business be greatly blessed. I have been working only for Sungrak Church for my whole life. In a few days, I enter the twilight of my life, so my physical energy runs out and even writing is demanding to me. However, I am willing to do my duty of teaching and delivering the Lord’s will until the end of my life. It is the most difficult thing for a pastor to tell the teaching of offerings. However, we must realize God’s will. I might say some flattering words to people, but I am writing to you in bitter, uncomfortable words. That is because it is my duty. When God gave Jesus to us, He did not give His Son with wealth, nor did the Son bring it. Therefore, the disciples said, “Silver or God I do not have, but what I have is ‘the Name of Jesus Christ’.” What does that mean? God sent His beloved Son to the world with His hands empty, without anything. And God commanded us to receive and serve Him at any time, when He is hungry or thirsty. Since God gave His Son to us, we have to serve Him with our wealth– our faith life. Before Thanksgiving Day, we must confess our faith. In the Bible, it is commanded that we should give thanks to God for what He gave us and what He will give us. I have taught in that way, believing and following His word and His will. My dear Sungrak people, please have faith in God and show your faith to Him. Do not be stingy, but show your love to God. This is not being robbed, but for your soul, since your offerings remain where your soul will stay, and God will help you with miraculous signs when you are desperately in need. As an example of this testimony, God has always been with me, and helped me with so many miraculous signs. Aren’t you able to see them now? Our church entirely lacks prayer. And thanksgivings also. More than that, very stingy. We are not following our emotions but the word of God. The word is the well-paved way on which our souls walk. We will never stumble on the very way. The next Lord’s day is ‘Thanksgiving’. So, let us worship Him with all of our power and serve him with our thanksgiving offerings. Overcome your doubts and temptations in your circumstances, and conquer. It is not because our church needs money. It is for the sake of your faith of your soul. Prepare it early. Thank you. [gmedia id = 75]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee