October 10, 2021 Lord’s Day Service
Faith Saves You
(Mark 10:46-52)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
is almighty.
As He
sent the Word into the world and fulfilled it (1 Jn 1:1-3),
Jesus’ name is the greatest inheritance in heaven (Phil 2:9).
Jesus’ name means it defeats countless kinds of injustices.
It is perfect and the name of the Almighty (Mt 1:21).
It is heaven’s name and the glory of the only begotten Son (Jn 1:14).
Nothing is impossible with this name (Jn 14:13-14).
If believers have this name in their hearts,
they have authority to become God’s children (Jn 1:12).
The blind man could not see anything,
but he heard with his ears and called on His name (Rom 10:17).
He defeated all the tempting voices around him
and called on Jesus’ name (Mk 10:47).
He understood why he had to call on this name
and called on it.
He believed the answer to his problem is only found in His name.
Jesus declared, “Your faith has saved you”,
and this man’s lifelong wish was fulfilled (Mk 10:52).
The Holy Spirit is always with us to help us in our weakness (Rom 8:26).
○ Those who come to God should not show pitiful behavior,
but show faith.
Faith is what God seeks and it is the keys of heaven.
○ Be sure of why you ask for God’s help
and exalt Jesus’ name.
Jesus came to save such people.
○ Only Jesus has the glory that
is absent in the universe (known as ‘hades’) – it is His name.
Bow before Jesus’ name and see its glory.
※ The Lord Jesus came to the world to find believers.
He does not look for those who beg earnestly,
but those who believe the power of Jesus’ name.