2017.10.01_For the Church Purchased with God’s Blood
in 2017 Lord's Day[Acts 20:6~35]
is our Father and the Master.
In order to save our souls (Jn 10:10)
He sold everything He has
and purchased us at a price (Mt 13:44),
that is, He sold His Son and His Son’s blood and life.
Thus, He sold heaven, His power and glory (Mt 6:12)
and purchased the treasure hidden in the useless field.
He sanctifies us until the day He takes us to heaven (Jn 15:3)
and the Holy Spirit has appointed an overseer among us.
The Holy Spirit has appointed the overseer
as a shepherd of the flock (Ac 20:28).
God does not judge man by appearance
but endowed the duty of an overseer upon his soul
and thus the authority of the overseer
is that of the Lord’s representative (Mt 28:10-20).
When the Chief Shepherd appears,
He will reward the overseer according to his work,
for the overseer is God’s servant (1 Pt 5:4).
To receive on that day a crown that does not fade away
he labors with all of his strength, mind,
soul and even life (Ac 20:35).
For the Church which God purchased with His own blood,
◌ the overseer is a shepherd tending the flock.
He is a shepherd who takes care of the flock with all his life.
He is the servant of God who guards God’s possessions.
◌ A true shepherd does not steal sheep from others.
He guides the flock to green pastures and beside quiet waters
and truly loves the Master’s flock.
◌ The Church and the sheep purchased with God’s blood
all belong to God.
They are forever His as those purchased by His blood.
※ The sheep that wanders from the shepherd
will become prey of wild beasts.
The sheep must listen to the shepherd’s voice to live.
They must listen to God’s voice.
Coming Soon
I write this letter to my former disciples with the sincerest love. To be brief and save time, please think again about what the path of a pastor is. If you do not regret that you have become a pastor and you thank God, then humbly ask God, “What is the path of a pastor?” Because I knew the path which I needed to take, for half a century I rejected all the easy conditions, started an independent church, and overcame so many hardships. Even though I am lonely and alienated, and have experienced many difficulties, I have never regretted it. Throughout my whole life I have laid the foundation for the Berea(Return to the Word) Movement and it has taken root securely. It will never be stopped by anyforce or interference. Even though I am shocked by the rebellion of the disciples whom I once believed would work together with me, I will keep persevering. But I worry for the future of my former disciples whom I love. Yet I believe you can do it. Therefore, to continue on the path of a pastor, you must save your time. Take what followers you have and quickly start an independent church. If you let time pass, it will be too late and you may lose everything. Do not steal an already established church or covet its property, but act by the word of the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit. That is the beauty of founding a new church. Jesus said, “Do not take any food and money, do not take anything extra clothing, but just the shoes that you wear” (Mark 6:8-9). Believe and obey the word of the Lord. Do this, be brave and you will save yourselves. Do not teach the saints that ‘to exceedingly trust and love your pastor is idolatry’, but serve the saints so that they will follow you. He said, “The worker is worthy of the food that he eats” (Matthew 10:10). Winter is an untimely season. While the conditions are still favorable, quickly start a new church. If you do this, you will be successful. For 6 years I prayed, “Give me 10 members”. The path you have taken is neither faith nor is it spiritual. Come back to your senses and quickly start a new church. Be brave. This is my sincerest and loving exhortation. Are the people that are leading you right now spiritual leaders? Do they possess spiritual leadership? Do not be deceived. You are like a small boat without a sail that is drifting in the open sea. Be quick and grasp the hand of the Lord. The Lord will lead you. Be humble at all costs. And be sincere. Do not speak falsely. Instead, rumors should be spread that pastors are praying a lot. Even though this is not the case, accept the exhortation of your former teacher. And be at peace. This is the advice given out of concern from a man who is walking on the same path as you. May success come you. From your loving Semuon [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee