Senior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Acts 1:6-11]
is truthful.
The words of His covenant are forever immutable.
The Word is God (Jn 1:1).
God gave His words, swearing upon Himself (He 6:13-16).
His words are words of righteousness,
and God’s righteousness and justice
are the foundation of the throne (Ps 89:14).
After He resurrected, Jesus Christ ascended to heaven (1 Co 15:4-8),
which 500 people witnessed together.
From heaven, He sends the Holy Spirit,
which is the new covenant (Ac 1:4-5).
The Son of Man will return in the same manner
that we saw Him go into heaven (Ac 1:11).
On that day, He will return to take us, the saints.
When He returns, we will be glorified as His brides,
and meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess 4:14-17).
Our faith is the evidence of things unseen
and the substance of things hoped for (He 11:1-2).
Jesus will return in the way we saw Him go,
and this is what we believe.
The one who believes must, in hope, zealously love the church
as an evidence that he loves Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit seals those who have such an evidence (2 Co 1:22).
◌ The Church is the hope of waiting for Jesus Christ who will return.
Those who await Jesus love the Church.
◌ A man of Jesus Christ is the saint who awaits Him;
he is a holy saint, the bride of Jesus, who will meet the Lord.
Let us be dressed in fine linen and wait for that day.
◌ The fallen souls will not be able to see that day.
Let us love the Church so that we do not fall away.
That is the love of the faith of waiting for Jesus.
※ We long for that love of Him who will return as our Groom.
We will see the Son of Man who ascended to heaven on the clouds
return in the same manner.
Coming Soon
What is the New Year? The sun that rose yesterday rises again. The wind that blew yesterday blows again. Regardless of the year, Only the truth is that which is new. Once you know the truth, You will become new. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. In the New Year, Let us be renewed by the truth. Let us be blessed by the truth. Amen. . January 1, 2018 Semuon Coming Soon Coming Soon
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Semuon’s Letter2017 Audio2017 VideoCredits
Letter translated by John Kim
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee