2017.12.25_Immanuel (Christmas Service)
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Matthew 1:18-25]
is love.
He loved His Son
that He appointed His Son heir (Heb 1:2),
and for Him created heaven
in order to place a throne in heaven
at the right hand of God (Mk 16:19).
Thus the Son did not take equality with God (Php 2:6-7)
but desired to be a servant in obedience to the Father.
Hence, He became the Son of Man to taste death (Heb 2:9).
At that time, the throne in heaven was kept unoccupied
and God had an angel speak as a representative
in the name Jehovah (Ex 3:15).
Out of jealousy, an angel named, Lucifer,
rebelled against Jehovah and became Satan that fell (Isa 14:12-15).
Satan took the chance and rebelled
while the Son of Man, who is God, vacated the throne.
He was bound in darkness
until the Son of Man would come to judge him (2 Pet 2:4).
When the time came, the Son of Man was born from the virgin.
He is Immanuel.
It is mankind that receives the Son of Man who is Immanuel (Mal 2:15).
Hence, although man is a little lower than the angels,
he will be glorified with the Son of Man by the Holy Spirit
when the Son of Man ascends to heaven (Rm 8:16-17).
◌ This is our faith: Immanuel.
He was born from the body of a human according to prophecy.
He is God.
◌ His name is Jesus,
for He is God who will save His people from their sins.
◌ He was born from the stem of King David and the roots of Jesse.
He is God.
※ We must believe that the One
who came from Bethlehem as thus is God
in order to be saved and have eternal life.
Coming Soon
Lord, even today I was scorned all day long. They have said all kinds of filthy things against me and trampled me by saying I am evil. I have come home pierced, beaten up, and shattered, and almost bathed in blood, as if the world is a field of thorns. But it could not be compared to the persecution, disdain, injury and false testimony that You, our Lord bore, as they put the crown of thorns on Your head! Just as You endured it all, solely waiting for God the Father in heaven to vindicate You, I lay before Your feet, seeking atonement, and also give thanks to You for embracing and loving a human like me, so pitiful and unworthy like an insect. I am simply happy and thankful that I was taken up in Your hand to do Your work for half a century already. I have asked You Lord to just take me away now but since You have commanded me to stay in this world longer and walk through this field of thorns, Golgotha, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I do not know whether they are pleased for cursing me all day long with the lies they made up. But this narrow-minded heart of mine feels as though it is going to burst that I desire not to stay any longer in this wicked world, but You say that I have more work to do and that I must stay longer. So this is what I will do. God has given each person their duty. To one person, He has given this duty, to another person a different duty. But You have given me the duty to receive persecution and suffering. Rather, I thank You for giving me this portion. What kind of work could I bear if not this work? In this world, I am the lowliest person, a person of lowest circumstance, an insect-like being, an animal. If You had not given me this duty, I would be an utterly ignorant and incapable person. Therefore, I will take upon this duty You have given me with gratefulness, and since it is my portion that I be faithful to this work forever, I will not grumble or be sorrowful about what You have given. It is just that this work is so wearisome, and my living flesh resists it. My soul trusts in you, my God, and even though I desire to return to Your bosom, You have commanded me to stay in this world and encourage Sungrak Church and the Return to the Word movement. So this is what I will do. Lord! I thank you for entrusting me with the work that others hate to bear. Help me to take up my cross to the end with thankfulness. Help me not to be cowardly, help me not to be afraid, help me to be faithful to work you have given until death. I have prayed that you would grant, in the narrow opinion of this small servant of Yours, a short moment of peace. But You, Lord in heaven, have been silent on this matter, that I am ashamed of my prayer. May Your will in heaven, Lord, be done on this earth. I am not righteous, but by Your grace my soul has been justified. In thankfulness I wipe away my tears. Coming Soon
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee