April 4, 2021 Lord’s Day Service
Jesus Resurrected
(Mark 16:1-11)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
God’s name
is Jesus.
took up sins in the world, died,
and was raised again after three days (Lk 24:1-7).
This is the truth and the Gospel.
What we believe and preach is the resurrection.
Since the Lord Jesus became the firstfruit of the resurrection,
the only One who overcame hades (Gen 22:17)
is Jesus Christ.
In the name, ‘Jesus’,
there is His death, resurrection, life, eternal life and grace.
They believed the prophecies of the old prophets,
but why didn’t they believe the prophecies of Jesus?
This is what the present world is like (Lk 24:25-27).
The Lord Jesus rose
and first appeared to us (Lk 24:31-32).
He who was raised is knocking on the firmly shut door (Rev 3:20).
Since He became the firstfruit of the resurrection (1 Cor 15:20),
the saints’ turn is next.
The Holy Spirit will also give life to us (Rom 8:11).
○ Our faith has life
because we believe the living and eternal One,
not someone who perished.
○ If we become His saints,
the authority of hades cannot overcome us.
We already have the keys of heaven.
○ The word of God is living,
the Gospel of grace is living,
and the Holy Spirit dwells with our faith forever.
※ As we believe in the living One, we are not dead but are alive.
The church is living and active through Jesus.
Our spirits are alive, and we must become His witnesses.