Letter from World Berean
Namibia, Nigeria, and Malawi
Veiyo from Namibia
I’d like to convey my appreciation for the continues biblical materials that I keep on receiving from the Berea movement. I’ve been so much blessed by the teaching’s.
I’d like to inform you that, I now understand the difference between the old testament and the new testament. It was a stumbling block in my life, but through the sermon of Sungrak Church, I’ve now come to understand that, the truth came from the Father’s Bosom, and the truth was given to mankind by Jesus. The truth sets me free from sin.
The law/old testament was, given to man by God through angels. I know clearly understand that, even though the law is also the word of God, it is still not the truth. For only the truth can set mankind from sin. I also understand that, the law was given to me to make me aware that I’m a sinner, and also to give me hope, that a saviour would one day come to save me from sin.
The most important part about the Berea teachings, is that it has taught me to always try to find Jesus in every scripture that I read, this is because, I’ve come to learn that, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the main character in the bible, and hence the law and the prophets all point to Jesus.
My Joy is in knowing that, the Truth of Christ Jesus (picture of God’s will) that the Lord revealed to pastor Ki Dong Kim, will be spread by people who came to know of it. May the love of our Lord Jesus, His grace and favour be upon you.
November 12, 2022
Pastor Igba from Nigeria
My life has been a testimony since I received your books. I have experienced the peace of the Lord since I began deep studies on the Books I received from your church. I have been a person who love the God-centered Gospel right from “teenhood” but it has been a great challenge here in Nigeria with nowhere to turn to for books to study to know more about God’s centered teaching even as an administrator of an online Christian library, where I can assess millions of books and also share ebook across Africa I have not to find the kind of books I received from your church.
Honestly, when I start the Morning Joy Family, I said Lord lead me to a place of rest. He lead my path till the very day I received the book titled “Let us know Jesus” and everything about my life changed even my family, as far as my children and other families God has placed in my care to share the God’s-centered Gospel. God indeed has been helping us through the power of the Holy Spirit and we have been carrying this Gospel to rural communities in Delta state, Nigeria.
I know soon God will use us to command the same results in Sungrak Church, I desired the need for transformation for my country, Nigeria. Man-center Gospel has done more harm to our land than good. Many killings and atrocities but all I pray is revival and the spread of the God-centered Gospel which my team and I have started as we visit this community 3 times a week to teach and share God’s will and God-centered faith in the Bible. More families are gradually waking up to God’s picture for their lives and humanity.
As we make progress through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will send our testimonies through the mail. I’m very happy to identify with the Sungrak Church. On behalf of the team, Morning Joy Family ministry please accept my condolences for the passing on to Glory the founder of Sungrak Church, Pastor Ki-Dong Kim. My life is a testimony and proves his transgenerational impact as a father he touches my life with his growing up and ministry.
Finally, I want to ask you to keep praying for us, as will take the God-centered Gospel into families, communities, and cities across Nigeria that the signs and power of God will manifest as seen in the Bible. I also want to ask on behalf of other Christians here in Nigeria that the Gospel of God’s will and God-centered faith in the Bible will capture their heart.
God bless Sungrak Church. Once again thank and God bless you.
October 28, 2022
Pastor Patrick from Malawi
I write this to share with you my testimony on the books I read. First of all let me give thanks to God my Father and yours too for so many things He is doing. And again thanks to Him that He called you to his Work.
It was early this year I met a man who gave me three books from his travelling bag who mentioned his name as Alex. I thank him for giving the books to me for no price.
I read the books and are very encouraging books. Before, I was not knowing about the Holy Spirit work in the life of the believer but now I know by studying the book Let Us Know the Holy Spirit. I was absent minded on Driving Out Demons in Jesus name but after studying your book Know Jesus and Drive Out Demons am no longer the same. The last book, Pure Luck Does Not Exist God’s Signs Do. Also a good book full of knowledge and wisdom. I was more than happy to read these three books.
I remember one time in October I got sick. With the knowledge I got from know Jesus and drive out demons, I casted out the demon in my body in Jesus name whom Pastor Ki Dong Kim believe, I said and the demon left, I recovered instantly.
This has strengthened my faith, if it pleased you can you consider me worth of more literature and books like these to further build up my faith and other people’s faith in my Church, more people need them to reach maturity. Pray for me Pastor. May God continue standing with you and supply everything for his purpose.
Yours faithfully Pastor Patrick in Malawi Blantyre.
October 14, 2022