2016.10.09_Receive the Comfort of the Holy Spirit
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong KimSenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Acts 9:26-31]
does not rest.
created the world and governs it,
sent the Word to the world and commanded His blessing
to fulfill it, and hence His blessing cannot be rejected (Nu 23:20).
He keeps those saved by the blood of Jesus (Ac 20:28),
and sent them the Paraclete Holy Spirit
to keep them forever (2 Co 1:21-22).
individuals, families, and the Church are edified
when they receive the encouragement of the Holy Spirit (Ac 9:31).
The Holy Spirit never leaves us (Jn 14:16).
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth (Jn 16:13).
He is not man but spirit.
He does not die nor ever change.
The Church of Jesus Christ
started through the Holy Spirit (Ac 1:8).
The Holy Spirit
is a great gift of God (Ac 2:38).
We need to receive the support of the Holy Spirit.
○ God’s great gift to us
is Jesus Christ,
our Savior.
○ Jesus’ great gift to us
is the Holy Spirit,
the Paraclete who comforts us.
○ Heavenly power is a great gift;
the Holy Spirit gives us various gifts.
Power refers to heavenly spirits.
※ He who receives God’s love
will receive His gift;
the Church and families must have a revival.
The word of God is our Eternal Life God never rests from his work. We are nothing but dust before God. Worshiping God means letting God do His own work (Isaiah 62:6~7). As long as we rely on God, He will let us partake in His work. What a tremendous grace! Nevertheless, if the people hinder God’s work by ignoring it, will they be able to have the hope or come to know the true value of their lives? God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light, He said, “Let there be a vault,” and there was the vault.” God’s word is accomplished in full. The fulfillment of His word is in progress in this very moment, as well. Even heaven and earth will change, but the word of God never changes, not even a stroke of a letter. On the other hand, the world constantly changes. Depending on the era, things including languages, cultures, knowledge, the way of living etc. are changing and change faster than ever. We need to keep up with the changes in order to be part of the world; however, we must remember that, even if we manage ourselves well to be part of the world, it does not provide us with eternal life. Because the Devil, the ruler of the kingdom of the air, is at work in this world, nothing of this world can help us in attaining eternal life (Eph. 2:1~3). When Jesus said, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day,” many followers could not understand his word and left him. But Peter confessed, “Lord, to whom shall we go?” (John 6:68). Faith is to follow forever the unchanging word of God. It is the word that gives us eternal life. Jesus Christ, the way of eternal life What has the word of God made known to us? Languages express man’s thoughts, feelings, knowledge and wisdom. Jesus Christ is God’s word that is manifested in flesh. In other words, Jesus Christ is the image of God that reveals everything of God. By manifesting God’s Will during his public life, he enabled man to meet God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Son of Man. He surely came to the earth as a man. If he had not come to the earth as a man, but only manifested instantly to the world as God, we would have never been able to meet God. In 1John 4:2~3, it reads that every spirit that does not acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not from God. Jesus was born through a woman’s body and grew up as a man. The only difference was that there was no sin in him. In fact, the truth that Jesus is the Son of Man gives us hope. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die, and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25~26). Because Jesus, who is without sin, has surpassed death and was resurrected, whoever believes in Him becomes without sin and lives forever. Moreover, just as Jesus sat on his glorious throne by obedience, we, too, will ascend before the glorious throne with Jesus if we obey God’s word after we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these,” (John 14:12). It was said by the One who had been like us; who knows so-well of our weaknesses. We must believe this word. Jesus Christ is our role model. We must repent of our disobedience, due to our sinful desires, and begin to obey God’s word. Likewise, God will exalt those who believe in Jesus, that he is the image of God and follow him. Let us follow Jesus by the Holy Spirit After the ascension, He sent us the Holy Spirit. John 16:13~14 says, “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” Although Jesus has ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit, whom he has sent, manifests the word and the works of Jesus to us. The Holy Spirit does not work apart from Jesus Christ, and he reflects the image of God into our souls. Thus, everyone who has received the Holy Spirit ought to reflect Jesus in all ways. Our faith is to believe in Jesus, about whom the Holy Spirit teaches, in Jesus, whom the Holy Spirit speaks of, and in Jesus, whom the Holy Spirit shows us. This is how to live like Jesus: live with the Holy Spirit (John 14:16~20). Those who live their faith life in the Holy Spirit are not wavered by the worldly circumstances or conditions. Jesus knows very well that we are full of frailty, so he has sent the Holy Spirit to help us. The Holy Spirit confirms that Jesus is in us. Just as Jesus was resurrected by the Holy Spirit, we who live in the Holy Spirit will experience the resurrection at last. In obedience to Jesus who said, “Receive the Holy Spirit,” the disciples gathered and prayed in Mark’s attic and they received the Holy Spirit. That was the first church on the earth. Now, our Lord Jesus wants us to follow the Holy Spirit. The church must rely on, obey, and work in the Holy Spirit. Only through that way can the church do the work that Jesus Christ has left for us to fulfill.
I have lived nearly for eighty years, and ministered for fifty-five years. So far I have met numerous people and had fellowship with them, but they have changed from the start, causing harm in my life. All of them have deceived me and greatly disappointed me. I did not doubt even one of them, but trusted them all. However, that became a serious problem for me. People have complained to me, “Pastor, you are too innocent, and you believe all kinds of people.” Deceiving me has become a great threat to me, not because I have to keep honor only for myself as a special position, but because honor is for all the dispersed, faithful believers. That is why I have been so very worried. I do not know if I will pass away today or tomorrow, and I have something to finish—being whole before the Lord. I have lived like a foolish and ignorant person. Even if I have much money, what does that do for me, or even if I have greed, what does that mean to me? What I desire yet is to maintain the work I have started and have done, even after I die. However, I see that some who are before me have their own desires and seek their own share first, so I feel grieved. I have done only the Lord’s work, and I want to be martyred at the last moment. We all will finally stand before the Lord for sure, and I am certain that the Lord will separate those who have deceived others from those who have only been deceived. I appreciate that I have never deceived others, even though I have been deceived a lot. If I have deceived even one, I would not be like a person of this world. Some think that I have deceive others, but what did I do to deceive others? To whom have I lied? If anyone tells me, I will repent immediately, and reconcile with him or her. Even though I have not always been deceived and there have been those who have helped and walked with me, I have been deceived more than that, leaving me great damage. I do not have a long way to go. I want to prepare for the best faith for the sake of the very day before my eyes. If I am given money, I want to build a church again. This is because I believe in God and am full of hope of heaven. Dear my dear friends! What I want from you is to believe in God. Surely, believe in Him. Paradise is before us, and we can see God’s house. Let us live eternally with great joy. I believe in Jesus Christ. Therefore, I strongly rely on His words, more than any kind of science and knowledge. Amen. [gmedia id = 75]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee