2015.11.22_To Become a Disciple of Jesus
in 2015 Lord's Day, Ki Dong Kim
Senior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Matthew 16:24-28]
is living.
He sent
Jesus Christ to the world, that the world
may hear, see and learn of God through Him.
if anyone
is not with Jesus Christ
he can neither know God or even stand before Him (Jn 14:6).
Since Jesus said,
“If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself,
and take up his cross and follow Me” (Mt 16:24),
whoever has taken up his cross is the one who has laid down his life.
One does not become a disciple of Jesus
as the result of many years of church life;
rather, he who knows only Jesus and has overcome himself will become His disciple (Eph 1:22-23).
The disciple of Jesus is made one body with Him,
and thus he must go wherever He leads.
He must follow Him from Nazareth to Golgotha.
One who does not surrender himself
does not have Jesus and cannot become His disciple.
○Let us become disciples of Jesus.
Follow Jesus and please Him,
and share in His fate.
○Let us become disciples of Jesus.
Deny yourself
and be a disciple that pleases the Lord only.
○Let us become disciples of Jesus.
If you have decided to follow Him,
be prepared to die with the Lord.
※As the Lord has resurrected,
so will His disciples be resurrected.
This is our faith and hope.
God is living. God demonstrated His existence through His Son, and even now He wants to make His existence known to all people. To believe in Jesus Christ does not mean to have a religion, for what we have received through Him is life and everlasting life from God. God sent His only begotten Son and revealed Himself to us in order to save us and give us eternal life. Jesus made Himself known to us and said, “Eat My flesh and drink My blood, for then you will have life. You will have eternal life.”
Whoever wants to become a disciple of Jesus must deny himself. Jesus said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Mt 16:24). The biggest obstacle we face in knowing God and Jesus Christ whom He sent, is none other than our own selves. Anyone that wants to follow Jesus must take up his cross. In other words, he must be ready to die according to God’s commandment.
Once you come to know Jesus, you cannot but teach others. When a person drinks Jesus’ blood and eats His flesh, he cannot contain the shock he experienced and shares it to others. As the number of such people increases in the church, a revival is bound to follow. In other words, there has to be many disciples in the church in order for the church to grow. One can really be called a disciple of Jesus when he is able to influence others with the word he received, as Jesus said, “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples” (Jn 15:8).
In order to become Jesus’ disciples, we must share our fate with Him. In other words, unless we are ready to die and follow Jesus, we cannot become His disciples. Soon we are going to face terrible times in the future. Even at this present, Christians are being killed in many parts of the world, and such news is ever increasing. It is only a matter of time before this happens in Korea. It may no longer be news of distant countries that hundreds of saints at a church are killed by a suicide bombing.
I am not against religion. But the fact remains, religion cannot save one’s soul and thus, I cannot accept the idea of Christians becoming religious people. For there to be salvation, there must be a Savior. And in Him, there must be a clear sign to testify of our salvation and the atonement received. Amidst this, he who has been saved must be born again, and the signs of his transformation must be revealed as his fruit. Salvation comes from God alone, the Creator of all things. Thus, Jesus Christ, whom God has sent, is Savior of the world. We proclaim not of morals and ethics but of Jesus Christ, His Name and His works. However, that is not to say that bearing witness of these things is at the neglect of the former qualities, for these are fundamental behaviors necessary across all groups, be it Christian or a religious body. Nevertheless, our purpose is to save souls, for their salvation gives rise to the election of God’s faithful servants and witnesses. Thus, our goal is to make disciples of saints that have been saved, and with this at heart, we strive to sow the gospel and actively tend them, that we may ultimately prepare fruit pleasing to the Lord. However, it seems that though believers grow in number, the disciples of the Lord remain few. My heart is disturbed within me, to know that there are many pastors who do not have the desire to grow further and reach their spiritual peak. My earnest plea is to see believers become pastors and servants of God, and then ultimately true disciples that are willing to be crucified with Christ. But I am truly distraught to know that instead, many simply seek the title of a pastor with the hopes of adorning themselves. Those prepared to die for the Lord must fight a fierce battle. They must look beyond their parents, their families, their work and the glory of this world. Such must be left in the hands of God, for Jesus will provide the daily bread. To otherwise place their motives in receiving these things will most certainly be a means of disappointing the Lord. As a good tree bears good fruit, a true disciple of Jesus should give rise to another true disciple of Jesus. Into a family filled with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and of God given faith and blessings, is born such true disciples of the Lord. Thus, in order that we may fulfill the teaching that good fruit comes only from a good tree, we must actively fight to overcome. Now that I have passed the age of 77, I feel sapped of strength and energy. I try with all my might, but there is surely only so much I can. Thus, I am entirely grateful that I have lived not in the boasting of my flesh, nor in the shame of the gospel. I know, the path my children ought to go is a perilous one – but they must go. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline and Summary translated by Sarah Nam Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Letter translated by Jeremy Kim
Interpretations by Sarah Nam
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee