2016.03.06_We are Baptists
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong Kim
Senior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Matthew 3:13-17]
is the only true Father.
We have to be baptized (Ac 1:4-)
in order to become His children.
Baptism is not a ritual but an actual experience.
It did not originate from man;
it is the will of God, and His command (Mt 3:13-15).
Though the Man from Nazareth
was born through the Holy Spirit, He was from David’s roots;
He fulfilled righteousness when He was baptized,
and was declared the Son of God (Rm 1:3-4).
As Jesus Christ commanded us(Ac 1:4-)
to be baptized with water and the Holy Spirit,
whoever is baptized
is finally called a child of God,
and the Holy Spirit seals and guarantees this (2 Co 1:21-22).
Our faith is a reality which we experience (Ac 19:1-5),
and it must be guaranteed by the Holy Spirit.
We ought to bury our old self in water
and be born again into a new person by the Holy Spirit.
That is a true Baptist.
○Through baptism, though our flesh remains unchanged,
our status is changed;
we are sanctified.
○Baptism without repentance is nothing more than a ritual,
by which we cannot draw God’s attention
nor receive the forgiveness of sins.
○The person who is baptized
belongs to Jesus Christ
and calls God as his Father.
※The ordinances of the Christian Church are experiences,
not ceremonial rituals.
Let us have God-given faith.
We are God’s children God is living. He not only created all things, but is still at work in order for the creations to sustain life. He sends the dew and rain upon the earth for the plants to grow, that they may flower and bear fruit in season. The reason we do not entrust ourselves to fate or our dead ancestors but God alone is that God is still living and at work to this today. We came to believe in Jesus Christ and became children of God. We are not the children of the dead but of the One who is living. Now, we are under His care and nurturing, and believe in the promise that we will later inherit the glory of heaven. Do you take pride in the fact that you believe in Jesus? Do you have the pride of being a child of God? We have been baptized We have repented and received baptism. By being immersed under water, we buried the old carnal man of the sinful nature. Water and earth are of the same nature, and hence burying the dead in the dust of the earth and burying the spiritually dead person under water are equivalent. And as we came up out of the water, we became united with Christ. A person who has been baptized has thus taken part in the Holy Spirit and become a true Christian. There are probably some who feel disappointed to find that their character did not change even after they were baptized. Yet we need to understand that it is not our flesh which has been transformed through baptism, but our spiritual identity. Baptism is not a ceremonial ritual made by man; it is God’s command. Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was born through the Holy Spirit and came into the world. Therefore He is sinless. Nevertheless, He was baptized before He began doing God’s work. He buried his physical identity as a descendant of David and revealed His identity as the Son of God. As He was baptized and coming out of the water, God said of Him, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”, and thus confirmed that Jesus is the Son of God. To be baptized means to physically experience the powers of the coming age, that is, the resurrection, and obtain the proof that we are children of God. However, some people refuse to be baptized because they believe their faith is not yet good enough. Though this might appear to be a very humble attitude, it is quite the opposite. The reason we receive baptism is because we admit that we have no merits of our own by which we can be saved. Whoever decides he should be baptized after he first makes up for his deficiency has not actually repented truly. If anyone admits he is a sinner, he should be baptized immediately. Baptism is about confessing, “I have no merits of my own. Thus I rely on the merits of Jesus Christ”. We are the righteous ones Did Jesus ever pray saying, “Father, I’m a sinner”? He was most humble, and yet He never said He was a sinner. The same applies to us also. When did Jesus ever say to us, “You are a sinner”? Of course we still sin though we believe in Jesus. However we also repent and always have a fresh new start, so that we make continuous advancement forward. What is the point of reading the Bible many times over if we cannot escape from having the idea that we are still sinners? God is not the Father of sinners; He is the Father of the righteous. We will receive the coming Lord Love God all the more. From now on, try to live by Jesus alone and yearn to be used for God’s greater works. If you sinned, love God even more. We have to love God in order to be able to love our neighbors. When the Lord returns, the sinners will be judged while the righteous will meet the Lord with joy. Where will you stand? The righteous ones that love God, that is, everyone who received Jesus as their Savior, will not stand to be judged but stand before the Lord.
God is the only true Father. Everybody has fathers of the flesh and ancestors, and some offer sacrifices to their dead ancestors, hoping that they will bless them. However there is absolutely nothing that the dead can give us. To put one’s trust in the dead is equivalent to being united with an idol, and such a person will ultimately found to be detestable before God.
When we first came before God, we repented and were baptized according to God’s word. Repentance means to turn and change our way. When a person standing with his back to the sun, turns around towards the sun, his face will brighten up by the sunlight. In the same way, repentance means to turn ourselves towards God. Everyone makes many mistakes. However God does not want us to list out all of our sins, but rather wants us to admit that we are sinners and return to God.
If we became children of God, it means we have become righteous. People who have committed many mistakes and transgressions may find it hard to accept that they are righteous. But if they have been baptized, they must acknowledge that they are righteous no matter what. They must not hold on to the thought that they are sinners even after they have become children of God. Though we might have many sins and iniquities, we should be able to confess, “Thank you Lord for making me righteous”. Unless we get rid of the idea of being a sinner, our souls cannot be joyful. A person who is condemned by the Law and his conscience will have to go to hell in the end. Thus we have to receive grace. We must be free from the idea of that we are sinners.
We must take pride in that we are Baptists. Those who are yet to be baptized should not dwell in false humility but quickly be baptized without delay. We are righteous not because we were born as the righteous ones from the beginning but because Jesus Christ made us righteous. Jesus Christ died on the cross and took the punishment for us in our place. Yet if anyone denies His meritorious works and still bears the burden of sin upon himself, he will perish.
Dear saints, did you read last week’s column I? Please have a read of it once again. The opportunities left for this old man to write or speak are not many. All my life, I walked a single path. And during the course of that journey, I observed the anguish of many fainthearted, and the conclusion of the lives of the mean and cowardly. Any tree that is uprooted and replanted over and over again can never be healthy or sound. Similarly, God seeks those who do not break their promises with God, and who entrust their lives completely to the Lord. When a certain woman who was a sinner, broke an alabaster jar of perfume, poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair, those who were with Jesus criticized her and even started to doubt Jesus. However Jesus stood on her side and promised, “Wherever my name is preached, what this woman has done will be told also”. And indeed today, even after thousands of years, what the woman did is being preached together with God’s word of life. When the world shuns and despises the works of Jesus, God stands on His side to work together with Him. Plant the seed of blessing. Even if the world ignores and turns away from Jesus, uphold His work above your own and receive it in. Studying theology is not only for those who are preparing to become pastors. In fact, that is a matter up to God’s choosing, just as He said. Therefore we need to prepare ourselves in advance until we are chosen by God. We have to be ready in season and out of season, and show our resolve before God. Then one day, God will choose and use some as ministers and missionaries, or others as leading entrepreneurs. It is important that we prepare ourselves by receiving into our souls the great power and inspiration of God which are at work in Berea Movement, and be ready to be called and sent anywhere, at any moment. Though our church members have a pastor who is powerful, they themselves lack in power, which is quite disappointing. Berea International Theological Seminary was established by our church, and our seminary rears powerful servants of the Lord like no other educational institution in the world. Nevertheless, I am not fully satisfied. Professors need to be further equipped spiritually. It is frustrating that I’m limited due to my physically weak body, but we need to build up our seminary to be stronger. Currently, almost all students are receiving scholarships. Please study and prepare yourselves while you are young, and become teachers in your latter years. I hope you will be pleasing in God’s eyes. Students, please strive to do your best and become spiritual intellectuals. Thank you. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline and Summary translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Letter translated by Sarah Lee
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee