2016.01.03_Let Us Keep the New Commandment
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong Kim
Senior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[John 13:31-35]
is the Father of Jesus Christ.
For He
placed mankind
within Jesus Christ (Jn 14:20),
faith means
to abide in Jesus Christ.
Jesus is our Lord (Mt 16:16-18)
and we are His true disciples (Jn 13:35).
His disciples
do what He commands (Jn 14:10-12);
they ought to obey His commandments.
Though mankind was put to death by the Law,
he received new life through Jesus (Rm 8:1-2).
Thus man must give all of his might to become a disciple of Jesus
and keep the new commandment
which is greater than the Law.
Though we died according to the Law,
we must testify before God
that we are made alive through the new commandment.
The Holy Spirit helps those who keep the new commandment.
○For the new commandment is more fearsome than the Law,
if one does not accept the new commandment,
he does not have life.
○Whoever does not keep the new commandment
cannot become a disciple of Jesus,
but a messenger of unbelief.
○Let us love one another.
Let us console one another
and bless the redeemed souls.
※To keep the new commandment is not the Gospel
but the duty of those who believe in the Gospel.
Let us love and love one another.
Through Jesus Christ We Know that God is Love God is the Father of Jesus Christ. As no one has ever physically seen God or heard His voice, even if one claims to have seen God, that would just be his own subjective story. However Christians are not people who believe in superstition that professes the existence of something non-existent and bow down to it. Though nobody has ever seen God, by believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Christians know that God the Father of Jesus Christ exists and thus trust in everything God does. Jesus is a man born from a human body. He came in the flesh into history; he is not an imaginary person invented by people. However we believe Him as the Son of God, and thus are certain that God, His Father exists. Whoever believes Jesus Christ as the Son of God receives the forgiveness of sins through His grace and His merits, as well as testimony of the Holy Spirit concerning his faith. Jesus was able to send us the Holy Spirit from heaven because He had been glorified. Two thousand years has passed since the ascension of Jesus, and even now the Holy Spirit is descending upon those who believe. Those who received the Holy Spirit experience His gifts and power, and cast out demons in Jesus’ name. How clear is this testimony? Nevertheless, it is most dreadful that people’s hearts are hardened and still refuse to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. In 1 John 4:8, it says, “God is love”. This does not mean that the idea of love is God, but rather, it means that everything which God does that we experience is demonstrated as love. The picture of God’s will which man is able to perceive is the fact that God is love. Jesus met the requirements of the Law and gave us a new commandment. The Bible is made up of the Old and the New Testament. At the heart of the Old Testament is the Law, and for the New Testament, it is the Gospel. The Law was given through Moses, while the Gospel came through Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Jn 1:17). However both the Law and the Gospel are God’s words. Although the Law and the Gospel are differentiated as the first and the new covenant, the foundation of them both is love. The principle of the Law is love; however, the Law cannot save man. The purpose of the Law is to bring man on his knees before God and confess that he is a sinner. People come to realize they are sinners before God through the Law. And anyone who confesses himself as a sinner is subject to a curse as the price of sin. Therefore, if anyone is under the Law, he is under a curse (Gal 3:10). Does that mean that a person who does not know the Law is free from the curse? By no means. Whether or not they know the Law, both will still perish (Rm 2:12). The person who is honest before the Law confesses, “I am a sinner!” and kneels down before God. It was for someone like this that Jesus shed His blood and died on the cross and fulfilled the requirements of the Law. The Law demands the wages of sin, which is death (Rm 6:23). Jesus bore this burden for mankind, and hence saved those who were under the Law. The foundation of the Gospel is also love. However the outcome of the Gospel is very different to that of the Law. God gave us the Gospel in order that we may receive eternal life. And on this, Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (Jn 3:16). The world refuses to believe in God’s word, nor accepts the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. They defy God with man’s ideas and knowledge. They say that talking about demons in an age of advanced science and technology is foolish. However Jesus said, “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you” (Mt 12:28). Demons relentlessly bring devastation and hindrances to man. But how amazing is it that we have the power to overcome them? By this, God seals and testifies to our faith. The foundation of both the Law and the Gospel is love. The purpose of the Law is to bring man to repentance before God, whereas the Gospel brings blessedness to the souls that have repented. Christian faith life is not about bearing both the burden of the Law and the Gospel. As Jesus already carried the curse of the Law, we do not need to any more. However now we need to bear the new commandment Jesus gave us. We all understand how serious a commandment is. When people disobeyed the commandments under the Law, they were cursed on the spot. Hence, they were always trembling because of their fear of death. But the new commandment of the Lord is far more fearsome than the Law. People tend to take the Lord’s new commandment lightly although they fear the Law. However the difference between the Law and the new commandment is not in the weight of authority. The difference lies in the fact that it is not possible for man to keep the first commandment, whereas with the new commandment, it is possible. Despite this, if we do not keep the new commandment, there will only be terrible consequences. God said to those who were under the Law, to love God with all their heart, all their mind, all their soul, and all their strength, and to love their neighbors likewise. But now, He commands those in Jesus to keep the new commandment. What is the new commandment? Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (Jn 13:34). The Bible says, though we give to the poor or lay down our lives for others, without love, it profits nothing (1 Co 13:3). Let us love with the heart of a mother. Many people tend to perceive love from an emotional standpoint. However, love is not an emotion. Love is maternal love. It is like how Mary, the mother of Jesus loved Him with all of her heart, all of her life, all of her soul, and all of her strength, knowing that He is the Son of God. Even when the disciples who promised to follow the Lord to the end all left Him, His mother stood by His side even to the place where He was crucified. God loves us with the same heart. When God gave us Jesus Christ, He loved us with all of His heart, all of His mind, all of His life, and all of His strength. Hence, just as Mary became the mother of the Son of God, we too should become a mother to God, serving Him with all of our heart, with all of our mind and with all of our soul. We must have maternal love towards God. And in the same way, we have to love our neighbors with the heart of a mother. What good is it to say to a person who is starving, “Oh dear, you must be hungry! Go and get something to eat”? What is the use of saying, “You look so cold. Put on something warm!” to someone who has nothing to wear? If we were their mothers, is that all that we would we do? A long time ago in Korea, lepers used to go from house to house begging for food. People treated them with disgust, and threw their leftovers at them in order to get rid of them fast. Yet if we were their mothers, we would not be able to treat them that way. It is with a mother’s heart that we have to evangelize others as well. We need to have the eagerness to serve them and evangelize with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. How great is a mother’s patience? Is it possible for a newborn baby to survive in this world if it is not for the mother’s patience and perseverance? Mothers take in all of their children’s outbursts and tantrums, whilst making every sacrifice for them patiently. This does not even mean that their children appreciate what their mothers do for them. Nevertheless, mothers feel bad when they have not done much for their children. When we teach the souls at church and perform our duties, we must do so with a mother’s heart. We ought to uphold the kingdom of God with a mother’s heart. Let us become the true disciples of the Lord by keeping the new commandment. Jesus said, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (Jn 13:35). The word saint means a holy disciple. The Bible differentiates Apostles, saints, and those who call on the name of Jesus (1 Co 12:1-2). Are you a saint, or a religious person who only calls on Jesus’ name? We must not depart this world as religious people, but become disciples of Jesus. Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed” (Jn 8:31). If anyone wishes to become a true disciple of the Lord, he must abide in the Lord’s words as his own dwelling place. He must keep the new commandment of the Lord. Everyone in our families should become disciples of Jesus, including our children and our relatives. A disciple upholds and keeps his master’s teachings. Recently on the news, we hear reports about students assaulting their own teachers. Similarly, how many people these days claim to be saints yet treat God with such contempt? We have to love God, and love our neighbors likewise. We cannot stand and watch our neighbors going down the path of destruction. Could we possibly leave them in that state if they were our own children? We are disciples of Jesus. Therefore, we must keep His new commandment.
By no means, does my act of resignation imply any form of surrender or discharge, but rather, the acknowledgement of a lost opportunity. Thus, I do not accept the idea of relinquishment, for I have tried so hard to live a life of following through with all the virtuous/valuable motives I have cast. On the day that my dreams to enter into Junior School crashed, I had not dismayed, but instead acknowledged my loss of an opportunity and re-positioned my tread to find another sequence of steps I could take. In light of this, I was constantly in deep contemplation as to how I can earn enough finances to pay through school, such that I considered everything I did to be something worth learning. I had not shown carelessness or negligence in any of the works I did. Whilst working in someone else’s farm, I had made the habit of trying to understand the concepts of each activity I performed. Thus, in regards to how much I had learnt and known, my one-year’s worth of work felt as if I had been there for 20 odd years. Fortunately, this behavior of mine from the past has become truly helpful to me in my ministry, both in speaking and in writing. In this way, wisdom rises from the roots of all that we do. Where there is no basis, there is no fruit. It is meangingless. Before I had become a servant of God, I was but a human being, a purposeless mass of flesh. I had not the reason to live, instead, I lived for I lived, and this became the only reason for my fight against death. Nevertheless, it was all for the flesh. It was after I was swept by the powerful grace of God that I came to know the purpose of my life, and for this, I run and I fight. Even beautiful flowers have a basis, a root, and likewise, only those plants that have this basis will bear fruit and remain living. This is what we call nature. I, too, have a natural self, and a spiritual self. The former will eventually return to the dust, whereas, my spiritual self will rise to enter the Heavenly Kingdom. This is truth. In light of this, I have a firm understanding of nature and truth. From my body comes literature, and from my spirit comes truth and the gospel. Thus, in knowing that my body will return to the dust, I hope to do all that I can before the day comes, protecting and loving all that is precious to me, whilst I hope to do the same for my spirit, of doing the best that I can for all spiritual works. As I embark on a life of developing these two characters, I remember the words of Jesus’ teaching, “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s”. The Bible teaches that those who are trustworthy with worldly wealth are people that can be trusted with true riches. Indeed, he will be trusted with many important responsibilities. As for me, I, too, have endeavored to live as such. Oh! My Lord, I wish only to become a humble servant, ready to do Your will. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline and Summary translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Letter translated by Jeremy Kim
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee