2016.10.02_Be Saved From Sin
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong KimSenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[John 16:1-9]
is holy.
sanctified us (Ac 10:15)
and bestowed His great grace upon us to make us righteous (Eph 2:8),
that is, God sent His beloved Son who was in His bosom
to the world (Jn 1:18).
He came to the world as a man
and appeared as an accursed sinner (Ph 2:6-8),
for He carried our iniquities (Jn 1:36).
we are made holy
when we acknowledge His merits,
that His suffering was the result of our sin,
and lay ourselves down and confess Him only as our Lord (He 10:19-25).
Concerning sin,
it is that we do not believe Him (Jn 16:9).
The Holy Spirit works
in order that we may believe in Jesus and Him alone (2 Co 1:20-21).
He who truly believes Jesus and receives His love
will receive the love of God (Jn 15:10).
○ Let us love Jesus truly.
we will receive the love of Jesus.
○ If we receive the true love of Jesus
we will receive the love of God
and become God’s children.
○ Since he who does not receive the love of God
cannot become a child of God,
the Holy Spirit does not acknowledge him.
※By believing in Jesus,
let us receive the love of God
and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Believers who belong to the Holy God God is Holy. There are many gods. He is nothing like those gods, and He is the only God. He is the Father of Jesus Christ, the Father of all who have united with Jesus Christ. Not all men who call God the father become the children of God. Only those who have eaten and drunk the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ are children of God. In John 17:3 Jesus said, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” You need to know Jesus, whom God had sent, in order to receive eternal life. In general, sin is considered a matter of conscience. The law also regards sin as the conscience of faith. Hence people think that they are without sin, unless they feel guilty. Nonetheless, every human being is a sinner. Sinners are originally considered equal to slaves. Slaves belong to their masters. In the past, slaves had a branding mark, which was seared with a hot iron, on their body to tell to whom they belong. Sinful mankind has become the Devil’s slaves and have earned the branding mark of sin. Just as a slave never becomes free once they have been marked as a slave, mankind, with the mark of sin, could never be set free as a sinner. Salvation by the works of Christ Why do people believe in Jesus? All Christians are supposed to be able to answer this question. Christians are people who believe in the name Jesus. The name ‘Jesus’ means, “God saves His people” (Mt 1:21). Our faith begins with knowing in confidence that we are saved from sin. Those who are not sure about this would abandon the name of Jesus for an imminent benefit, even if they go to church. Humans are religious; therefore, they find and serve their own gods in their own way. However, a Christian’s faith is different from that. God has sent the Son, who was in His bosom, and we have come to know God through the Son. Knowing God also means belonging to Him. Unless you belong to God, you still live under the Devil’s control (Eph. 2:2). Even though they have a church life, they will fall away. Hence, we must know for sure whether we belong to God or not. However, one who has no trace of sin has appeared in the world. The Son of God, with the duty of Christ, came to the Earth. Pilate, the judge, could not find sin in Jesus. Even though he tried to turn down the Jews who wanted to kill Jesus, he ended up sentencing Jesus to death. Jesus was stripped and flogged. The astoundingly truth is, by that, the mark of sin on us was completely cleared away (Pt. 2:24). We were originally doomed to destruction by sin. Nonetheless, the work of Christ have opened up the way to life for us. Acknowledging this truth is our faith. We must guard this faith to the end. Without knowing that we have gained the evidence of righteousness by the works of Christ, we do not have the guarantee of salvation. The duty fulfilled by the Holy Spirit God anoints the people who are saved from the sin with the Holy Spirit (2Cor. 1:21~22). Thus, you can only be filled with the Holy Spirit when you hold fast the faith that you are saved from sin. No matter how hard you pray or fast, without faith, you cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, the Advocate, came into us making us saints. Becoming a saint means becoming dutiful to God’s work. In Acts 10:38 it says, “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good.” “Doing good” is not referring to ethics or morals but referring to the fulfillment of the will of God the Father. Before the fulfillment, Jesus had received the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, it could not have been done. Jesus had told his disciples to also receive the Holy Spirit before they leave Jerusalem. For it is impossible to save souls without the work of the Holy Spirit. The presence of the Holy Spirit is most fundamental in bringing the love of God. If you refuse to do the work God gives you, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit may no longer be with you. If the work of God is not being processing through you, it means you are not filled with the Holy Spirit. In John 4:34 Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” Our food is also to do the will of him. We have received a duty from God, that is to love our neighbors and love our brothers. Men of the Holy Spirit who bring the Truth Those who will be glorified in heaven with Jesus Christ are those who have been anointed by the Holy Spirit. They follow wherever the Lamb leads them; moreover, no lie is found in their mouths (Rev. 14:1~5). On the other hand, liars will be consigned to the burning sulfur (Rev. 21:8). Likewise, God will clearly distinguish between those without lie and liars. There are habitual liars among Christians, too. In John 7:38~39, it says, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.” If you were filled with the Holy Spirit, only the truth must come out of your mouth. If you have received the evidence of the Holy Spirit in your faith, you must not tell lies. Pretending to be faithful when there is no faith is also lying. When teaching, you must teach what you also believe. You should only tell truths to your family and to other church members as well. You have to be steadfast not to lie to others although you have lied to hundred times. We are the believers of Jesus. When we accepted the works of Jesus Christ, the mark of sin on us completely disappeared. Then, God has sent us the Holy Spirit. That is God made us to think through the Holy Spirit, speak through the Holy Spirit, and work through the Holy Spirit. Menial or great, we must fulfill every work through the Holy Spirit. For the rest of our lives, think through the Holy Spirit, speak through the Holy Spirit and work through the Holy Spirit. We must become men of the Holy Spirit.
I have been persecuted and ignored for my whole life, since I was young. However, the reason why I have kept the way of my life is that I have fought for myself, so that I would not be cowardly, even to live just one more day. Although I seem to be pitiful, I have no doubt that I will gain the fruit later on. The life of those who have their own will is so lonely and challenging, but in my case I have just obeyed the essential work, which is the will of God that has been given to me. I have uniformly testified to the power of the Lord’s gospel for sixty years, which is considered foolish in the world, but I have never doubt that it is the work that pleases God. I know that the world is the way of traveler. I want to believe that the reason I live is to do the work of the Lord’s kingdom. So I cannot be successful in any kind of worldly situation. Even though one suffers, it is happier for him or her to live for truth. Time runs so fast, and I am waiting to be called by the Lord; I think the time for these two has fully come. I have not been cowardly, not fearful, no matter how much I am persecuted or insulted. Thinking of truth as my only way, I have been given power from God and blessed. My prayer has always been delivered and answered too. In my prayer, there is nothing about my physical wants or any secular, pleasurable thing – only for hopes for successful achievement of the Lord’s work, overcoming this harsh world. How do I deal with the rest of my life, which is at most ten years? I think I have nothing but the work for the Lord’s kingdom, laying down all my honors and possessions. Whenever I preach, I deliver that message as if it were my last. This is how our church has grown, so I will never turn from this way. This is for our church to stand as pleasing only to the Lord, not worldly people. I want to speak true words. I do not want to do any other thing for any kind of reason. I will testify only what I believe, not teaching what I do not believe. I hope that, when our saints stand before God in heaven, no one confesses that he or she has been deceived by Semuon. Praise the Lord. I am pleased that I can preach the words of the Lord, I can do the work of the Lord’s kingdom, and I am full of love and devotion to God. Since I have never been deceived by the Lord, I will preach as it is, and this is my courage. And as long as I can breathe, I will never stop using my pen. [gmedia id = 75]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee