Tag Archive for: 2017 Lord’s Day
2017.12.24_Jesus Loved Them to the End
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[John 13:1~11]
is love.
When He loves us,
He loves us to the end (Jn 13:1).
The love of God is
that which He spoke concerning His Son (Mt 3:17).
Jesus Christ is the love of God
and the commandment given us (Mt 17:5).
Hence to obey His command means to receive His love.
God’s love is everlasting.
However we would not have His love
if we are deceived by the devil (Jn 13:2),
and in the end, the devil will lead us to destruction (Jn 6:70).
This is the reason we have to receive God’s love.
If one fails to receive God’s love,
the devil will seize his heart (Jn 13:27),
and finally when he is filled with the devil’s thoughts,
darkness will take over (Jn 13:30).
In our faith, there should only be obedience (Php 2:6-8).
If we do not obey,
that means we have been deceived by the devil (2 Thess 2:11-12).
We can overcome temptations
when we are filled with God’s word.
The devil will find no place in us
when we are filled by the Holy Spirit.
A true Christian is one who lives by the faith of obedience.
◌ Let us receive God’s love to the end.
Let us forever obey God
and never give the devil a chance.
◌ We will surely perish if we lose our hearts to the devil.
Let us overcome him by the Holy Spirit
and be spiritually filled.
The saint’s faith is about abiding in God’s love.
◌ Day and night, the devil is looking for someone to devour.
The man of Jesus can resist him;
by the name of Jesus and God’s word, he can resist him.
※ Let us receive God’s love.
Let us love God and love the Church.
The Church is the body of the risen Lord.
God is love. Our faith is in acknowledging that He loves us. When a mother reprimands a child, the child may doubt the mother’s love. But just like a gentle touch, reprimanding her child is another way of expressing her love. In like manner, by focusing on the law, we can easily misunderstand God’s will since He gave the law to mankind. However, we must also realize that the foundation of the law is love. The Son of God is the sole heir of God’s love. It is for His Son that God created all things. Hebrews 1:2 says, “God has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds.” No one is worthy of God’s love apart from the Son, not even the angels in heaven. Angels are made to be ministering spirits and they are not the recipients of love. Therefore verse 5 says, “For to which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? And again: “I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to Me a Son”?” Amazingly enough however, we have become the children of God worthy of His love, although we have many flaws and are weaker than the angels who serve God. Although the Son is the primary focus of God’s love, today we have become recipients of God’s love because God called our souls to His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (John 6:37) God has given all things to Jesus, including the souls of men, and Jesus knew that it was the Father’s will that not one soul that the Father had given Him would be lost, but that they would live on the last day. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” They who believe in Him and accept His love, God will keep their soul to the end. On the other hand, whoever rejects God’s love will be rejected by God in the same way that God destroyed the entire human race except for Noah’s family. The opportunity to accept God love does not last forever. If a man rejects God’s love while he is alive (while still in his body), he will become a demon. Although the Bible records many accounts about demons, people fail to recognize the reality of the spiritual realm because they think of them as metaphors. Demons are not metaphors but real beings with personalities. Anyone who believes in the name of Jesus can experience this phenomenon when they cast out demons. Anyone who doesn’t want to become a demon and experience eternal desolation must accept God’s love while he is still living in the flesh. The thief who was crucified with Jesus was a violent criminal, but he accepted God’s love at the last moment, and Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Lk 23:43) On the other hand, Judas Iscariot, who followed Jesus for three years, came to a horrible end. Jesus loved him until the end, but Judas did not accept His love. Rather, he accepted the devil’s idea and he hung himself. After his spirit left his body, he would have become a demon, and eventually been cast into the abyss. These days, many people take their own lives. There are many factors that influence someone to contemplate suicide, but the fundamental reason is failure to recognize the love of God. A brooding hen will sit on her eggs for about twenty days. I have witnessed a hen brooding on her eggs for twenty-eight days. She refused to give up even after the eggs were no longer viable. God’s love towards us is like that. Jesus once said. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings and you were unwilling.” (Mt 23:37) Jesus loved His disciples until the end, but Judas Iscariot ultimately perished like an unhatched egg. In fact, he tried to prove Jesus’ innocence. The other disciples didn’t even do that. The problem was that he tried to do it his own way. He trusted the Roman court. He was convinced the justice of the Roman legal system would exonerate Jesus. When Jesus’ guilty verdict was pronounced, he was shocked and declared His innocence but Judas could not alter the outcome. Overcome by remorse, he hung himself. Judas Iscariot’s biggest problem was that he did not regard Jesus as the Son of God. To him, Jesus was just a great philosopher. Of course, it is not easy to recognize an ordinary person as God. Nevertheless, we believe that Jesus is the Son of God because we believe that He was conceived by a virgin, and by extension we believe that He is Immanuel, or ‘God with us’. The fact that a virgin who had never laid with a man had conceived was illogical and defied all the commonly accepted wisdom of the world. But we accept it by faith. By faith we can be certain that God loves us because we acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He has purchased us with His blood. But not even God can help those who repeatedly reject His love. God cannot impart the His love to someone who continually refuses it. When Jesus spoke about His death and resurrection, Peter said, “Oh no, Lord! This will never happen to you!”But He turned and told Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” When Peter judged the things based on his own perception and tried to hinder the work of God, the Lord treated him as if he were Satan. In the church today, people who consider themselves intellectuals tend not to adjust well to a spiritual life. When they see people praying fervently in tongues or casting out demons, they criticize it saying, “only ignorant people lead a spiritual life this way” and they discount it. Or they may try to cover up their own shortcomings by saying, “I don’t care about speaking in tongues. I will ask for a better gift.” We must remember that we should not rebel against God’s work. When David entered Jerusalem dancing before the Ark of the covenant, Michal, Saul’s daughter and his wife, accused David of uncovering himself in the sight of his slave girls like a vulgar man. But David said he would be even more undignified than that and celebrate before the Lord. After that, David did not lie with her, and she had no children to the day of her death. Instead, David made the son of Uriah’s wife the successor to his throne. What matters to God is not knowledge or wisdom, but faith. (2 Sam 6:16-23) We should carefully consider what Jesus said to Peter: “Get behind me, Satan!” What would have happened to Peter if he had died in that spiritual condition? Judas Iscariot’s mind was filled with the thought devised by the devil, of whom Jesus said, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!” (Jn 6:70). It is most likely that he would have become a demon. Just as all mankind was accursed when Eve accepted the thought from the devil in the Garden of Eden, once a man accepts a thought from Satan, his spirit will face a treacherous ending regardless of his spiritual experiences or sincerity in the church. We must accept the love of God. We must not let our souls become demons. I once witnessed a child who had died in a car accident enter into his mother who was at his funeral. As the mother was weeping uncontrollably, she began to speak with the child’s voice, complaining about the unfairness of his death. The child had become a demon and was speaking through his mother’s body. It is difficult for many people to accept the existence of demons since they are not visible. However, demons are real; they are spiritual beings that can enter into human bodies and influence their actions and behavior. Jesus said, “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.” (Jn 15:9-10) And, “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (Jn 15:12) Jesus is emphasizing that, just as He has loved us, we must love one another. This is Jesus’ new commandment. Those who have received God’s love must keep the new commandment. The main part of keeping the new commandment is loving the Church. Anyone who loves the church loves the souls that make up the church. The church has poor people, rich people, educated and uneducated people. Whatever our station, our love transcends all these things because the love of God indwells us. We shouldn’t merely say we love one another, we ought to love the church like a mother cares for a young child. Let us accept the love of God! Let us not be like Judas Iscariot who, even after following Jesus for three years, ultimately rejected God’s love and perished as a result. Instead, let us be like the criminal who was a thief all his life and yet entered into Paradise. Let us receive the love of God! God sent the Holy Spirit to consolidate His love in us and so that we could enjoy love more abundantly. Let us not reject the love that God has already poured out upon us, but rather let us receive as much of His love as we can!
My dear beloved Sungrak people, I love you. I pray that the blessing of Christmas will come on all your families. In no time at all, the year has come to a close. Starting from March this year, through spring, summer, and autumn until winter, I have wholly concentrated on praying and writing books, almost being cut off from the world. I have been strengthened greatly from your love and prayers. There is no one among us who has not labored hard. But it is not over yet, and we need to pray and persevere all the more. With your encouragement, and the inspiration given by God the Father, I am continuing to persevere and endure. Even if we might face a greater trouble, we must continue to persevere. In terms of my flesh and honor, I am completely dead, but my soul lives and works. My soul has become steadfast, more than any time before. I suppose all of this is hard work that leads to growth. In order that this kind of situation never happens again in the new year, let us all firmly protect and love the church earnestly. What this overseer would like to earnestly ask you is that, just as you have experienced and learned from this year, no matter what situation occurs, you must love your own soul. Your soul must absorb and receive the rain often falling so that your soul does not become dry and thirsty. A drought may come or all the water may dry up so that the crops cannot grow. For our souls, God sent His beloved Son to shed His blood on the cross and die, and the Lord has commanded us to drink His blood and eat His flesh. At this time, God sends the Paraclete Holy Spirit without limit, and feeds and nourishes the Church by the Holy Spirit. Even the words of angels cannot give life to our souls. And even more so, the words of man cannot give life to our souls. Only the truth which the Holy Spirit reminds us of, makes us understand, know, and teaches, can give life to our souls. Has not Jesus Christ said, “The one who believes in the Lord Jesus will have streams of living water to flow from within them”? In the same way, those who believe in the Lord Jesus must have streams of living water burst forth from their souls. No matter how beautiful a flower may be, it will dry up, shrivel and die if not watered. It is said that once you have been enlightened and participated in the Holy Spirit, and then become corrupt, there is no way to become renewed. Even if you try to repent and be renewed, it will not be possible. Therefore, I urge you at all costs: in order to keep, not just your own soul but the souls of your families, from drying up and becoming thirsty, you must help them spiritually. You must help them by prayer, God’s word, and the Holy Spirit, so that their souls do not become dry. Thank you. [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee
2017.12.17_Amen, Glory to God
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[2Corinthians 1:15~22]
is omniscient and omnipotent.
All the works He fulfills in this world
were planned in heaven
before the creation of the world (Mt 6:10)
can humans, who are as small as dust,
possibly dispute the will of God? (Rm 9:20)
Everything continues to work for the fulfillment of God’s will.
Yesterday and today, time and everything within them
is proceeding according to God’s will (Rm 9:21-23).
it is not ‘Yes and No’ when it comes to God’s will.
There is only ‘Yes’ in God’s will (2 Co 1:19-20),
and thus our faith has to obey His will (Ac 5:32).
The word Amen has meanings of “so be it”, “truly”, “yes”.
Whoever says “Yes” to the works of God
is a true believer and a righteous person (Rm 3:22).
God fulfills His will through His Son
and achieves His will through the Holy Spirit.
With “Amen!” we ought to give glory to God.
◌ Faith is not a way to express one’s resentment or anger.
It is about letting go of all that is mine through baptism,
and living by that which comes from God.
◌ Seeking my own desires leads to prosperity-based faith.
We have to renounce our own desires
and follow God’s commands.
◌ Everything that we plan to do
are within God’s will.
They will be fulfilled when God’s will is fulfilled.
※ Let us say “Amen!”
In accordance with God’s word and will,
let us say, “Amen! Amen!”
Coming Soon
Beloved Sungrak people, I love you very much. I thank you for the sincerest love and cooperation you have shown for the Church and the overseer. Last Lord’s Day, our church held its first historical Church Congregational Meeting. According to the conditions for membership for the Congregational Meeting, 4,835 full members participated excluding those under 18 years of age, associate members and abstentions. The Congregational Assembly ended with a festive atmosphere. This was made possible by the unification of everyone’s faith and our love for the church and for the overseer, with one heart and will. Unfortunately, the year 2017 was a year of enormous pain, shock, and anguish for our church which will never be forgotten in its history. Fortunately, we persevered and endured with the glorious faith given by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus who said, “Peace be with you”. We have clearly witnessed with our eyes the natural phenomenon of when a cold wind blew in a green forest, the green foliage turned to autumn tints, finally falling off as dead leaves. We must never again have such a situation marked by a lack of responsibility, where people show no concern even if the church is collapsing and the members’ souls are greatly troubled. It is not just anyone what becomes a spiritual leader. Becoming a spiritual leader involves much more than a strong will and ambition. It requires as much prayer, inspiration, a sense of calling and love for the church, and furthermore, God has to be with him. The Bible says that ‘the sheep recognize and listen to the shepherd’s voice’. I am your shepherd. You must listen to my voice in order for your souls and your families’ souls to have peace. Wolves have come in among the flock that were peaceful and scattered the sheep. Where are they now and with what are they feeding their souls? It tears my heart when I think about how they would be lost and wandering like the prodigal son who left his home. If this did not happen, we would have, together with our families and all the other souls, shared the joy and glory of Christmas this year. It is very sad and regretful. But my heart is open, and our church has our arms wide open, earnestly waiting for the souls who have left home to return. In the same way that we become teary when we become homesick, I can understand the hearts of those wandering stars. Therefore, please be relieved. I sincerely hope that you would come back to your original place. And to the saints that have remained in the church, let us get ready to warmly welcome the souls who are shivering outside in the cold. Just as the sprout comes out, and after that, the stem, then the leaves, the flower, and then the fruit, better things must come to us in the future. Tribulations like that which we have suffered this year must never happen again. Only with more prayer and greater efforts to gather together can heal all these problems. In the New Year, let us rebuild Sungrak Church as a church that pleases God with our souls full of joy. The branch that has been torn by the typhoon must be replaced by a new shoot. [gmedia id =82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee