2017.1.1_Repent While the Rooster Crows
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Matthew 26:69-75]
God is love.
Thus He loves mankind
just as He loves His only begotten Son (Jn 3:16),
yet mankind disregards His love (1 Jn 4:19).
Sin is to forget God.
Though our faith life may seem difficult now,
we must remember that there is a great reward for us (Jn 11:25).
Jesus came, for His was sent by the Father,
and was sorrowful and deeply distressed
as though He was dying from His own sin (Mt 26:37).
Still, man does not realize His love and rejects His grace.
How many times are people making false oaths and lying?
Though they often say, “I will live for You Lord” (Jn 13:37-38),
“I will die for You Lord”,
they only say so with their lips; their hearts far from Him.
They must weep before the rooster
that always crows in time.
The Holy Spirit remembers our hearts forever (Jn 14:16).
We have to repent.
○ Are you ashamed to be with the Lord
who is being persecuted? Are you afraid?
Are you denying that you know Him?
○ Are you ashamed to be the disciple of Jesus of Nazareth?
Are you ashamed of the truth He gave us?
Are you not rejecting the Lord?
○ Do you feel so ashamed
to be scorned as a man of Jesus?
Are you not cursing Jesus?
※ The New Year is said to be the year of the rooster.
Let us listen and repent when the rooster crows
Let us turn back our hearts which wandered far
and weep.
(Matthew 26:69~75) We, who are loved by God God is love. All things that the invisible God has done and shown to mankind are love. However, there is one thing that must not be misunderstood. It is said that some organs of our body are wholly made up of a blood clot. However, it does not mean the blood clot itself can replace the organs. In the same manner, all things that God has done for us are by his love, but love itself is not God. A newborn baby cannot even enjoy the most basic things in life such as eating without somebody’s help. The parents are life itself to the baby. Today we are breathing because our parents did not abandon us when we could not do anything for ourselves. Parents pay dearly for their children. The reason the parents do that for their newborn baby who cannot even recognize them is that it is their child. The parents’ love toward their child is special. God has manifested this kind of love to mankind. However, from the beginning mankind has rejected God’s love. The world is full of creatures that God has made. Man is one of those creatures. God has no great attachment to creation. When all of it disappears, He does not think it regrettable or pitiful. God has even wiped out men in a single stroke seemingly without feeling even though they had been made in His image. However, God made a distinction between creatures and men, because men are spiritual beings who can communicate with Him. And He loved them as parents loved their children. Even with such great love, people still complain that their problems have not been solved in spite of them trying diligently to live their faith and turn away from Him. What we need to know is that the purpose of the life of faith is not to solve the practical problems of life. God wants to give us eternal life. Many people know that the life of the flesh is precious, but they do not know how much more precious eternal life is. On the other hand, those who come to understand the value of eternal life try to get it even if it means giving up the life of the earthly body. The devil tries to remove the life that God gives from us by any means. He tries to make us love only our flesh. Adam was deceived by the devil and lost eternal life by disobeying God’s word. Since the death of Adam, his descendants have received the eternal punishment. However, God did not leave men to perish but sent His Son into the world in order to take the sin of men upon himself. The Son of God had to lay down His life to save mankind according to the Father’s will. It is the Christians’ faith to realize and accept this love of God. Let us trust that love to the end Even though God has bestowed such great love on us, many people still say, “Perhaps God has forsaken me”. They might have the eternal life that God gives, but as soon as they encounter any difficulties in their lives they doubt His love. Judas Iscariot left Jesus because he chose to do it, not because he was abandoned. On the contrary, Jesus loved him to the end. Everything in the life of faith depends on your choice. You can be blessed or cursed as you choose. God never abandons us first. However, if we forsake God, He will also forsake us. You must keep it mind that God respects our will. Many people are deeply moved by the love of God and do their best in respect to their life of faith when they first believe in Him. Then, as they gain more experience in the church life, they lose their initial passion. The Bible says about those who were sealed on the last day, “these were the first-fruits unto God and unto the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no deceit: they are without blemish.(Revelation 14:4~5) It says that those who follow the Lamb with the same heart as they did when they started to believe at the first and who don’t make a false vow will be sealed on the last day. Those who confess, “I love you, Lord”, must maintain the confession until the Lord returns. Such people can sing a new song and receive a crown in heaven. When Jesus said to the disciples, “You will all fall away on account of me”, Peter said, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will”. Then, Jesus answered, “This very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times”. A rooster crows when a new day dawns. Therefore, ‘before the rooster crows’ means ‘before the day is over’. So Jesus meant that Peter’s oath that he would lay down his life for the Lord would be broken even before the day was over. Of course, Peter might not have agreed with the Lord. However, when he saw the Lord suffer helplessly in Caiaphas’ courtyard, Peter became scared. Peter was proud that he was one of the Lord’s disciples more than anything else, but he wanted to hide the fact that he was His disciple when he saw the Lord practically treated as a sinner. At that time a servant girl saw him. “This fellow was with Jesus!” Peter denied it before them all saying, “I do not know what you are saying”. But other people also recognized him. “That’s right. He was following Jesus”. Peter denied with an oath, ‘I do not know the man’. Immediately a rooster crowed. Jesus turned and looked back at His disciple. Peter went out and wept bitterly, remembering what He had said: “This very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times”. Even though Peter had gone through such a painful experience, he worked for Jesus the rest of his lifetime, enduring suffering, and it has been said that he died on the cross like the Lord. The Lord had said earlier, pointing to Peter, “On this rock, I will build my church”(Matthew 16:18). He meant that those who steadily kept the faith like Peter were true Christians, and He would regard them as the church. Let us repent and remember our first love Let us repent. The New Testament church in Ephesus was exemplary among the churches at that time. The Lord praised it in eight different areas. Nevertheless, He said, ‘I have one thing against you’, and if the church didn’t correct it, He would remove its lampstand. What did Jesus have against the church in Ephesus? It lost its first love. Jesus called the Jews the brood of vipers because they refused to repent. Even today, a lot of people might appear pious outwardly, just like the Jews did, but to the Lord, they look like a brood of vipers. Dan is called the tribe of the viper among the twelve tribes of Israel. They have been said to bite a horse’s heels so that its rider falls backward(Genesis 49:17). We must know that even while people are ignoring God, He continues to do His work. Repent before the rooster crows. Remember the grace that God has bestowed upon you and repent. Those with responsibilities in the church must recognize that God requires their loyalty and for them to thoroughly carry out their duties. Do not let the matters of the church be influenced by your own personal circumstances. Do not be antagonistic toward the example of the Lord who spent His life in order to save our lives. God asked us to pray continually and to be joyful always, not to lose the fervor. He will remove the lampstand of those who lose the fervor. Before the rooster crows, we must repent. We must bring back the faith of the time when we first realized God’s grace for us and were joyful. January 1, 2017, Lord’s Day Worship Sermon Preached by Pastor Kim Ki-Dong Summarized and translated by Sungrak Mission Center
When the rooster crows, let us repent
During the ten-year tent preaching rally which began in the spring of 1963, every day was a challenge. Nevertheless, with the mission of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, I did not avoid any hardship but went to any place and every place to preach the gospel. What I most needed at that time was to be filled with spiritual power so I prayed day and night, struggling to save souls with the Spirit of the Lord. I could not have been any happier. When I planted the church that would become my ministry, I could have considered nothing but prayer as the foundation for planting the church. As I prayed for people individually, I would passionately cry out “Lord, give me ten souls!” I even did this when I was walking down the street. So, when people started coming to the church one by one, I sincerely loved each one of their souls, none more, and none less. I loved each of their souls as my own soul. In this way, regardless of whether they were rich or poor, sick, or uneducated, I only ministered with love for their souls. I nurtured my spiritual children whom I gave birth to like a mother without making any distinctions between son and daughter, or good child and bad child. I never ignored the few church members when the church seemed to hardly grow, but rather, I appreciated very one of them since they are the precious fruits of my labor. I have kept this same attitude all my life. I am no judge, so I have not judged anyone in my heart, but I have loved souls since I was given the charge of an evangelist. I truly loved souls so much that I don’t think there was anyone who loved souls more than I did. I was hungry and thirsty for the church members whom I had given birth to, one by one. They were my people. This mindset I received from the Lord Jesus, and I will be the same until the day I die. A small hope – ‘Will they really understand my heart and recognize my effort?’ – passed by me. And yet, wherever they are, the truth that I sowed into their minds and hearts will grow and bear fruit. Some have falsely accused me of heresy, but is there anyone among the people who have been taught by me for the last sixty years that has become a real heretic? Is there anyone among then who has betrayed Jesus Christ? The truth has no lie, so in this testimony, God is glorified. My dear saints, love the Lord your God even unto death. Love your souls. And love your church too. The church is the root that sustains your soul. Oh! How beautiful are the events of the past when the memories pass by like pictures. [gmedia id=82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee