2017.06.04_The News of Jesus
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Mark 1:21-28]
is almighty.
Though He is invisible
He revealed Himself through His works (He 11:1-3)
which were done by His Word.
Finally the Word became a man
and appeared in this world (Jn 1:14, He 2:9).
He is the flesh and blood of God
who came down from heaven (Jn 6:51).
God’s flesh is spirit and our true food;
God’s blood is spirit and our true drink (Jn 6:53-56).
Even the demons know this before men do and tremble (Js 2:19).
By drinking His blood we have life
and by eating His flesh we have everlasting life.
Demons will be destroyed
if they eat of His flesh and drink His blood.
We know and discern this clearly with our faith.
The word of God was called a seed (1 Jn 3:9).
Just as a seed falls to the ground and grows into a big tree,
that seed finally becomes a big tree called the Church,
the Lord’s body.
The news about this word is the gospel.
The gospel has to be spread everywhere as a news.
The Holy Spirit spreads that news all over the world.
○ The news of Jesus has to spread
in order for the Church to be revived.
The devil hinders the spreading of this news.
○ The devil spreads vile news
that destroys the Church and cause divisions
so that the Church cannot stand. It is the power of Hades.
○ Only when the news of Jesus is spread,
the power of Hades cannot overcome the Church of Jesus
and the Church will be victorious.
※ It is the devil that spread negative news about the Church.
Only the power of the Holy Spirit
can spread the news of the name of Jesus.
Coming Soon
Dear beloved Sungrak people, I love you. You are enduring and struggling, along with our church, which once enjoyed peace and precious grace, but is now coping with a recent great hardship. We have been made painfully aware that although our church has grown visibly, it has failed to grow with the invisible spiritual maturity. Additionally, we have not faithfully taught or practiced the fundamental and essential virtues of Christian life that we should have taught new comers and those whose faith is weak. Even in the world, those who do not meet the qualifications are not allowed to become members of a group, so we must achieve the righteousness of God as the members of God’s kingdom. I also will pray more, and I will serve our church with greater inspiration. I hope that you, who greatly love Sungrak church which is the parent church of Berea Movement, and those who seek the kingdom of the Lord, have great courage in your spiritual lives, like the five wise virgins who prepared their lamps in advance. This fierce storm has left considerable harm in its wake. Nevertheless, I will not be discouraged but will stand firm having my mind and spirit refreshed and renewed. Let us therefor have the same spirit as the martyrs and the puritans, who with prayers and benevolence, did practice that which was pleasing to God. Let us do the same. I will not concern myself with the number of the church members. Rather, I will devote my heart to evangelism, as a witness who gives thanks to the Lord for the grace of the precious blood of Jesus, as our Lord commanded. May your soul grow in true faith. Sungrak Church members must keep the Lord’s day. From now on, those who do not attend our church, even if they are ordained deacons, will not be recognized as Sungrak Church members. Baptism is a prerequisite for membership of Sungrak Church. Individuals will only be considered for membership if they have been baptized. Sungrak members must tithe. Those who do not tithe oppose God through their disobedience, and are considered cursed. They cannot be counted among our members. Sungrak Church members must give monthly offerings. This is our church’s rule. Giving the monthly offering is the faith that God expects from us. Just as five virgins were separated from among ten, let us not not stand on the side of the five foolish virgins but on the side of the five wise, waiting for the Lord. When the door is closed, it will be too late for regrets. Tithe and monthly offerings are written in the Bible, which means they are biblical. Only those who practice those things which are written above can be members of the church, which will be agreed upon by our assembly. Tithe and monthly offering are the signs for each household. Thank you. Overseer Ki Dong, Kim [gmedia id =82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee