Tag Archive for: Lord’s Day
2016.04.24_Be Blessed with God’s Happiness
in 2016 Lord's Day, Sung Hyun Kim

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
[Matthew 5:1-12]
is the maker of blessings,
and One who commands those blessings (Num 23:20).
He commanded two kinds of blessings;
one is for the physical life in the world,
while the other is spiritual, namely an everlasting blessing (Ps 133:3).
Though every man has received the physical blessing (Ge 1:28),
the spiritual blessing is only for those
who rejoice with God’s blessing.
To have God’s happiness
is truly a great blessing
that is incomparable to the pleasures of this world.
To work for Christ
is greater riches than the treasures in Egypt (He 11:25).
Hence God’s blessedness is
a privilege enjoyed only by the souls
who dedicate themselves for His church.
God dwells where there is His blessedness (Ge 2:3),
and by His blessedness,
He abides with those
who serve His church with love, humility and perseverance.
○Through repentance and change,
we must be resolved to be joyful
with God’s blessedness alone.
We have to remember that
God’s blessedness remains within souls
who demonstrate their ardent love for the Lord’s church.
○The new commandment
is the greatest commandment the Lord gave us
in order to keep us by the blessedness of God.
※Let us actualize our love for the Church, the Lord’s body,
so that we do not reject God’s happiness
which He commanded for our sake.
Let us change our concept of blessing God is the maker of blessings and the one who commands those blessings. The blessings God gave can be divided largely into two types: one is for the physical life in the world and the other is spiritual. The former means increasing in number and receiving the authority to subdue the earth, which all mankind has received as a universal blessing (Gen 1:28), and the latter is a blessing more special, which is only for those who are in Christ. The history of Israel holds the way to receive God’s blessings. Israel received blessings by serving God in accordance with His decree and giving thanks to Him for His grace in all feasts. The way to receive blessings applies not only to Israel, but also to anyone who are standing before God. Unfortunately, today’s Christians are not showing the thorough faith as people of Israel showed in the past. Modern people have a great tendency to blame others rather than to look back on themselves when they face some troubles. This is the same with Christians, and so, when they are faced with hardships in their lives they easily misunderstand God rather than to look back on their mistakes. If we want to walk with God and take it for granted that we partake in his suffering as did Israel in the past, God will bless us while walking with us. Now, we must change our concept of blessings. Most people regard blessings as material abundance. For example, when someone becomes successful in his or her business making high profits, it is often thought of as a blessing from God. However, God does not pay attention to perishable things. If we want to be truly blessed, we must know where God’s happiness lies in. Let us not be in conflict with God due to sins God created all things over six days. At that time, although God saw that all things created by His words were good, He did not rest on any one of the six days. The very day on which God rested was the seventh day. God sanctified the day by blessing the day, and then rested on that day. The seventh day is the very day on which God Himself rested and felt His happiness. Likewise, although there are numerous kinds of people, there are some distinguished people with whom God personally wants to rest and feel His happiness. Moses gave up the pleasures that he could enjoy as a prince of Egypt, and regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of precious value. Although Moses vaguely saw the future, he surely walked with God by faith and helped the work of God, preparing the way of Christ under hardships. In chapter 11 in Hebrews, there are people of the same kind as Moses, such as Enoch, Noah, Abraham and so on, and what they have in common is that they regarded it their happiness for their lives to be used for Christ . When it comes to the Sabbath of God, there is one thing we must clearly know. That is, God cannot rest where there are sins. Sins, as the Bible explains, can be divided into three kinds. First, Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil after being deceived by the devil, which is called the original sin. Second is ignoring God and following the desires of the flesh. Third is the characteristic of our mind, namely the sinful desire, which is in conflict with God’s will. If, by this desire, we are continually in conflict with God’s will, we are not able to enjoy the happiness which is given when we walk with God. Let us follow the example of how Jesus served Jesus, going up to a mountain side, spoke about the blessed ones, that is, those who are blessed with God’s happiness (Matt 5:1~12). Those who are blessed refer to those who are joyful with God’s happiness. Those who are joyful with God’s happiness are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers and those who are persecuted because of righteousness. What these characteristics indicate is no other than today’s saints in the church of Christ. That which Jesus said about those who are blessed shows the blueprint of Christians who are to come in the future, suggesting the standard for those whom God wants to walk with. Jesus suggested a concept of the blessed ones which the people of the world might not easily accept. The blessed ones, according to Jesus, might seem like those who suffer loss in the world, however, God finds His own happiness in those blessed people and promised to reward them. Thus, even if we suffer from hardships and make a loss in the world for achieving church’s work, we must not step back since we know that we will be rewarded for all we have done. Let us enjoy God’s happiness by keeping the new commandment We should determine ourselves that we would be happy only by God’s happiness through repentance and being changed. Our faith starts with repentance. When we repent and are baptized, Holy Spirit comes upon us, and from that moment, our lives start changing. Our lives must be different before and after we believe in Jesus. Even if we have been arrogant and selfish before, we should be humble, self-giving people after believing Jesus. If we do not lay down our old self’s character, God’s work will inevitably be interfered. Once you become a Christian, you should lay down your fierce character that you had from the past. You need to lay down your quick temper, self-centered character, and you ought to become a peacemaker. In the church, you need to respect other church members, being kind to them. To be changed in this way, we must keep making an effort. God’s happiness lies in the heart of those who love their church. Each of us should consider our church prior to considering ourselves, respect other saints’ opinions and lead our church lives with a consciousness as members of the church to gather power to overcome the world. If we look around us in our church, we will know that there are a lot of areas which we must pay attention to. All of us should endeavor to take the burden of our church, as members of the church. The new commandment is the greatest commandment that our Lord has given us to keep us by God’s happiness. The new commandment is the word that Jesus Himself has spoken for His church to keep, which His disciples taught from the time of the early church. Those who do not dwell in the new commandment will never experience God, nor can they expect comfort and rewards of heaven. We must keep the new commandment. By loving our church, the body of Christ, we should enjoy the happiness that God has commanded us. God wants us to be pleased with His happiness. Although the world does not know our sufferings, we should endure the pain and sacrifices to obtain God’s happiness. We are supposed to suffer in the process of doing the work that God is pleased with. However, we should remember that our eternal happiness lies in God’s happiness. When God is happy in us, we will enjoy the happiness that God Himself enjoys.
Dear Sungrak members! Today, South Korea has reached a state of extreme evil, resembling Sodom and Gomorrah of old. Moreover, the North’s nuclear threat against the South at this moment in time is indeed serious. North Korea completely denies and defies God; it is the Tower of Babel of the modern-day. When this situation worsens, the result will be a major catastrophe, with damages of thousands of times that of earthquakes and tsunamis now experienced across the world. And that will be a time when the whole nation will have to repent in sack cloths. They will have to seek the great mercy of God as the people of Ninevah did. This is a time where everyone has to wake up and pray for the country and the nation. For the past 60 years or so, my sole ministry was to do the works of God as a revivalist. Just as gems are found hidden within dirt, I triumphed to the end despite endless persecution and rejection. Finally, our church has become a cradle of world mission. However, the words of the Lord Jesus, “When the Holy Spirit comes, you will be My witnesses”, has been put to shame. As of last Lord’s Day, I began leading the union service myself, and with all the inspiration and power God gave me, I will be leading powerful meetings every week. So please attend the union service no matter how busy you are, to have a time of repentance, and receive God’s power and blessings. Let’s knock, seek and ask. Let’s put into action the Lord’s commandment of promise. Now that I am old and of age, I will be pouring out every message as though they are my final words. Also, we have to properly learn to know and believe the Picture of God’s Will. Let us trust in the words of the Lord, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Mt 6:33). How can we receive any blessings if we don’t even have any ardor or love for God? If you truly have love for Semuon, please heed my request and join the union service. I, Semuon will be preaching. If anyone is sick, come and be healed by the grace of God. Let’s fellowship with God. Let’s love Him all the more. Dear saints, please come to the service. It is with great love for your souls that I urge you all. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline translated by Sarah Lee Summary translated by Sung-In Hong Letter translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee
2016.04.17_Do Not Blaspheme Against the Holy Spirit
in 2016 Lord's Day, Sung Hyun Kim

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
[Matthew 12:31-37]
Christ suffered
even to the point of death
in order to fulfill God’s will,
for God’s will is as great and precious.
He ascended to heaven
and sent the Paraclete Holy Spirit (Jn 15:26),
which was also for
the fulfillment of God’s will.
God does the works of heaven.
Christ accomplished God’s works to the point of death,
and so does the Holy Spirit
to the end of the age (Mt 28:19-20).
However the ministry of the Holy Spirit
within saints is not coercive but restrained.
Therefore if they obey the Holy Spirit,
the will of God would be fulfilled;
However, it will be limited
if they oppose the Holy Spirit.
Saints must be
inspired by the Holy Spirit.
○Through constant humility and repentance,
we ought to maintain a grateful heart
for the grace they received.
○We must give our best effort
at every worship and official meetings in the church,
in order for the church to be moved by the Holy Spirit.
○We should be moved by the Holy Spirit
to become the church that serves
to save souls and grow the church.
※All of us must be united as one
to partake in the work of the Holy Spirit,
for which everyone needs to submit his own will before the Holy Spirit.
Let us become one and obey the Holy Spirit.
God’s Will God’s will is everywhere. God’s will has existed before the beginning of mankind and the world. Thus, God’s will must be placed above everything. God shall surely fulfill His will. Being against His will is interfering with His work. God continues to fulfill His will, even when people are not aware of it. God’s will is the very reason for the existence of all things, and guides every existing being. There is a reason why people must not abandon His will. Moreover, since Christians clearly know God’s will, they must welcome it. By His will, He saved us, and by His will, He guides us into His everlasting kingdom. God’s will is not something we should avoid. God is our eternal hope. Jesus Christ and God’s Will Jesus Christ clearly showed how God’s will should be treated on earth. He laid down His life in order to fulfill God’s will. God’s loving Son had to be sacrificed. Through this, we know how great God’s will is. Jesus Christ prayed in Gethsemane before He faced death by His Father’s commandment. His will, in the midst of threatening surroundings, conflicted with God’s will. However, He was not in conflict with God’s will. Though He confessed, saying, “May this cup be taken from me”, expressing His heart before God, He finally prayed, “Yet not as I will, but as You will.” (Mt 26:39) The reason that Jesus obeyed God’s will is, firstly, He was in the position of Christ. The task of Christ is to fulfill God’s will. Another reason is that He is the Son of God. The relationship between God and His Son is the origin of all other existing father-son relationships of the world. The position of Son has the obligation of obeying the Father’s will. In God’s will, the position we have is no different from Christ. We also must minister as the Lord has. We have Jesus’ name in common. The reason why God gave us Jesus’ name is to make us fulfill His work and glorify Him. Like Jesus, we are also sons of God. The Holy Spirit and God’s Will Before Jesus’ ascension to heaven, He gave us a Provider to allow us to do His work. He said to His disciples, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait until you receive the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 1:4-5). This is a momentous scene of the birth of the church. 1 John 4:13 says, “This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit.” The Lord guides churches through the Holy Spirit. We must help the Lord, who is in us, be successful in His work. Today, God’s will is in danger. Just as Jesus suffered under people in the past, so God’s will is being rejected by people today. It is not the earthly people of the world who blaspheme the Holy Spirit, but rather the saints in the church. Since the people in the world can neither receive nor know the Holy Spirit, they are not able to reject the Holy Spirit. Saints in the church, however, are in conflict with God’s will many times a day. In Old Testament times, God took His Spirit away from those who rejected His will, but today, since the coming of the promised Immanuel, the work of the Holy Spirit inside that person will gradually dissipate. (1Thess 5:19) The Lord sent His Holy Spirit to us in order to make us obedient. (Jn 16:13) Many people believe the Holy Spirit cooperates with us, but what Lord wants is for us to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. (Psalm 23:3) We often distort God’s will as we please. After repeatedly distorting God’s will, we tend to justify it, even when our work is against His will. That is putting God to the test. When you reject God’s will, it is foolish to test Him, whether He condemns it or not. Jesus also seriously warned that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit would not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. (Mt 12:32) The Church and God’s Will When the Holy Spirit fulfills God’s will through the church, we should especially be careful about our attitude towards the church’s work. We must not let ourselves put the Holy Spirit to the test. Though it is natural that each person has his or her own opinions, without the Holy Spirit, it is impossible for various people to unite to do God’s work. The Holy Spirit uses an overseer to guide the church, which the Lord bought with His own blood. This is by God’s own design, so no one should judge whether it is right or wrong. God regards the worship service where saints gather as something precious, and He especially works through it. As the end times draw near, people take on an intensely individualistic attitude. They think that God guides each believer respectively, but do not think His guidance is fulfilled through their church and overseer. Obedience to the church’s work is a saints’ lifelong task. The purpose of saints is to offer themselves to the Holy Spirit when He works. When Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit He said, “Though I have suffered and been insulted, the Holy Spirit cannot be in that same way.” In order not to be despised like in the past, the Lord said, “I will do My work only in My saints. Therefore live by the Holy Spirit.” Unfortunately, however, the Holy Spirit is blasphemed even by His own saints. During our short time on earth, we should be holy instruments that fulfill God’s will. We are the ones who hope for the everlasting kingdom. The Lord prayed, “I want those who You have given Me to see My glory, the glory You have given Me because You loved Me before the creation of the world.” (Jn 17:24) Seeing His glory itself is reason enough to lay down your life. Our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18-21) We should not feel relieved, but perform the task given to the church of saving souls. Now, you should work to save others. By practicing the new commandment that Jesus has given us, we must not grieve God in fulfilling His work. You must train and control yourself in order not to interfere with the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Saints helping each other is how to practice the new commandment Jesus has given us. The reason why God gathers and build us into His church in our spiritual lives is to encourage each other. If there is someone who lacks power to overcome hardships and enemies, we should help them gain victory. Church of God, we should allow the Holy Spirit of truth to fulfill God’s will as He pleases.
The outer man is perishing, sapped of energy and will. Yet my soul is renewed and strengthened day by day. If I was of the flesh, my soul would fall away; however to love my soul is my true freedom and I desire to enjoy that freedom. I’m free. I live for God, and for my soul. I know what happiness is, for I am free. Freedom means not self-indulgence but rather faith that overcomes every kind of oppression. God is free. He is restricted by nothing in heaven and on earth or anywhere else. It does not concern Him whether or not someone or something ignores and rejects Him, for He alone is everlasting and has the ultimate victory. I know what my spirit desires. My spirit trusts in all the truth that God has permitted. Though the matters of the flesh hinder my spirit, God’s truth sets my spirit free because God’s word and its power bring blessedness to my soul. The inspiration of God’s word, the inspiration of the Blood, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, comfort, strengthen and satisfy my soul. The flesh follows the way of the flesh but the spirit walks the way of the spirit. Am I of the flesh or of the spirit? In reality, it’s both. Thus if I live according to the flesh, I will certainly perish but if I live for the spirit, I will surely have eternal life. Whenever I preach the word of God and the works of the God’s kingdom on the pulpit, my soul is filled with happiness. I’m happy and blessed because I don’t have any doubts. There is no power in me that can subdue my soul; I accept everything that my soul desires. Looking at the flowers in the streets, it doesn’t matter if they are tall or short, or if the flower is big or small. They are free as they are in their season. I won’t be free if I couldn’t have happiness through faith as a Christian. But God knew the desires of my soul and granted them all through Jesus Christ. I would be wretched if my soul was weak and powerless. When my soul is joyful, it desires to dedicate unto God who delights in my soul. The reason I preach and write is because of the freedom I have – it is to prevent my soul from resting and being idle. To serve God is my soul’s freedom. I dedicate and devote everything of mine to God because that is the freedom of my soul. Though I might sacrifice everything for the sake of my flesh, it has its limits. All that I did for my flesh has left nothing but this aged and weak body. However the life I lived for my soul is drawing me closer day by day to the glory I will receive. My soul thus rejoices for the fullness of the glory it will receive. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline translated by Sarah Lee Summary translated by Sung-In Hong Letter translated by Sarah Lee Interpretations by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee