2016.08.14_Christ Who Came in the Flesh
in 2016 Lord's Day, Sung Hyun Kim
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
[1John 4:1-12]
is spirit,
yet through His Son, He met with mankind.
The Son of God came to the earth in flesh
and shed His blood for our deliverance (He 10:19-20).
He is the Father’s love,
who came to us from the Father
as Truth.
Our faith is guaranteed of a more potent power (1 Jn 5:4-5)
than any powers in heaven or on earth,
and worth more than anything of this world.
The reason for this is
found in the wonderful truth of how
Christ came in the flesh to give us the love of God.
By loving one another in our life of faith (1 Jn 4:11-12),
we ought to acknowledge how we received God’s love,
and thereby
perfect the love of God.
This is a sign of faith which one who received grace
must have first and foremost,
and is an act of obedience to Christ’s commandment (1 Jn 3:23).
○ Let us surely acknowledge
the grace the Lord has given
by loving the Church.
○ Let us be the Church
where God’s promised gifts are manifested
on account of the Lord’s coming in the flesh.
○ Let us become the church
that reveals God’s love by loving
and thus bear great fruits of evangelism.
※ Let us serve the saints
with a grateful heart while humbling ourselves
every time we remember the Lord’s grace.
Coming Soon
This year, we have finished our Summer Camp in Mongsanpo Sungrakwon. While there we learned and found out what God wants from us. If we are changed in that way, God will greatly bless us, and we will experience great changes and miraculous signs in our flesh and soul. So, if any of you could not attend the Camp, whatever circumstances you’re under, I strongly urge you to buy the CD and listen to it.
During the first and second session, there were six times sermons. Since those sermons were a series, those who attended the first session should buy and listen to the second session sermon, and those who attended the second should buy and listen to the first one. If possible, it will be best to listen to the first and second session in a row.
Through these sessions we must seek to change our soul. Neither abusing nor neglecting your soul, all of you must change your mindset. Look back on yourself. Is your soul withered and dry? Can you pray or have fellowship with God only through the inspiration received by coming to church occasionally?
I am now eighty years old and have become old aged. I am not sure whether I can deliver such a sermon again or not. Or I am not sure whether this Summer Camp sermon will be the last or not. Therefore, we must be awake and earnest, and make the most of every opportunity not to be ashamed when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.
I, the old Senior Overseer, am neither always young nor last forever. I am just a messenger. Through these sessions I have also done my work as God’s messenger. From now on, each of you must be God’s messenger and in charge of delivering great messages.
How great will it be if you and your family are used by God! However, if anyone of you is afraid of being used by God, not opening your mouth, and ignore His grace, then you cannot enter the paradise which God prepared and cannot enter the better house of God our Father. Even though the Lord repeatedly warned and asked you, if you ignore the Lord’s voice, who will take care of your soul?
My loving Sungrak people! I hope you will become special people. I strongly want you to become the special people who are sealed as the people of God. Let yourself and your family be prepared every day in order to be the golden vessels that God uses. Please.
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Outline translated by Sarah Lee
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee