2016.04.10_The Reality of Faith
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong Kim
Senior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[John 14:1-17]
is living.
He revealed Himself to the world
and gave us faith (Jn 3:16).
through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God (Jn 1:18),
but we have seen the One who came from His bosom.
Jesus ascended to heaven after the resurrection
and is seated at the right hand of God (Ac 7:56),
where He is preparing our dwelling place.
He will surely return to take us at the appointed time.
This is our faith and hope (Mt 24:37).
Our faith is not a religion but a reality.
Jesus has the power of God, for He is in the Father (Jn 14:11);
similarly, whoever believes in the Lord
will do what the Lord has done (Jn 14:12).
And for this He said,
“Receive the Holy Spirit” (Ac 1:8).
True faith must not lack in God’s power (1 Co 4:20).
Whoever has faith must do what Jesus has done.
The Holy Spirit guarantees this forever (Jn 14:16).
○We must believe how Jesus who is in the Father
has done the Father’s works.
Our faith is a reality.
○Whoever believes in Jesus and abides in Him
will do what Jesus has done.
Our faith is not a religion but a reality.
○Those who believe in Jesus
have the power of Jesus,
for Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
※Why do you boast of your lack of power
as though it indicates a sound faith?
Repent of it and receive God’s power.
Faith, to know the living God The people of Israel believed they were serving God well, and yet they killed Jesus Christ. This was because they did not know who Jesus Christ is. The reason Jesus came to the earth was to fulfill God’s will (Jn 6:38-39). Whoever does not know Jesus Christ does not know the will of God who sent Him to the world, and if one does not know the will of God, it ultimately means he does not know God. And such a person who does not know God is bound to ignore God. As Christians, our perception of God’s word goes beyond that of the people of Israel. The word of God is, to us, life. To accept the word of God does not imply abiding by certain regulations, but instead to receive God’s life. We do not read the Bible for the sake of cultivation as though reading a sacred religious book, but to actually know what God has done through Jesus Christ and be empowered by His meritorious works. A powerful faith life Apostle Paul said, “For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power” (1 Co 4:20), and also, “Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds” (2 Co 12:12). Jesus said, “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mk 16:17-18). Like so, our faith and God’s power are inseparable. After Jesus chose the twelve disciples, He gave them power to cast out demons and heal the sick. As He sent them, He said, “Go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand’. Heal the sick, cleans the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” (Mt 10:1-8). Are Christians today obeying the Lord’s command? A table prepared for us before our enemies On the other hand, there is something which can only be obtained through one’s own righteousness. Even if a person is filled with God-given life, the Holy Spirit and faith which are all given as grace, without his own works, he cannot be rewarded on earth. Psalm 23:5 says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies”, where “a table” refers to a feast table which a king presents a person to eat with him in front of everyone. That table can be enjoyed only on the earth where the enemy exists. The reason people do not receive this table of feast is because they fail to keep their promises with God. If there is any promise made to God, one must not delay in keeping it (Deut 23:21). Do not blame God but ask In order for us to display in our lives the gifts and powers of the Holy Spirit which God gave us, we have to keep our promises with God. It is only natural that a person does not have power if he is lazy to pray. Likewise, God’s signs will not follow those who do not obey, who give up hope, who disobey the word for the sake of their own reputation and name. Hence it is not God we should resent when matters do not go according to plan, rather, we need to repent of our own laziness and disobedience. In any given situation, we must not ignore God’s grace. Whatever man obtains on the earth through his own works cannot be taken to heaven no matter how great that might be. But what God has given as grace is everlasting. Life is everlasting; the truth is everlasting; even the Holy Spirit abides in us forever. Faith is a reality. We must become powerful saints, not mere religious people. We need to receive power, just as the Lord wants of us. We must make sure that we, as well as our children are all able to display the works of God. If we find ourselves to be without power, we need to repent. By having the fullness of the power of God, we ought to display the reality of our faith.
God is living. Because He is living, He is still doing His work. Though the world may be uninterested in God, God is doing His work according to His time. Some people say they believe in Christ and yet they have doubts about their faith out of disappointment that He is yet to return. However, there is something we have to consider before we can even discuss concerning the Lord’s return, and that is the fact that each person’s lifespan in this world is actually not very long.
The people of Israel tried to understand the word of God as a form of a law. To be mindful of the law means to always be conscious of the punishment that follows when one does not comply with the law. Hence, a person who takes God’s word as a law will live in constant fear and anxiety, and will have to act hypocritically in order not to break the law.
Jesus wants for us to lead a powerful faith life. A great number of Christians today lack the power of God in their lives and yet consider that as expected. They even criticize those Christians who do have God’s power, in order to justify their lack of power. They are making the same mistake that the Pharisees and scribes had made. For what reason did Jesus rebuke them saying, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” (Mt 23:13)? Though they had a form of godliness but not its power (2 Ti 3:5).
One of the reasons people do not obey the Lord’s word is because they fail to distinguish between that which we receive through the gracious works of God and what we receive through our own works. Grace is something we receive through God’s righteousness, that is, through the meritorious works of Jesus Christ. This is a gift of God, meaning there is no merits or cost demanded of us. Originally we, as sinners, were doomed to death, children of the devil, headed for the fire of hell. However the Lord shed His blood for us and died, was raised to life by God and thus gave us life. The life the Lord gave us is grace. The Holy Spirit was also given as grace and so was the truth. The inspiration of God’s word, the Lord’s blood and the Holy Spirit was also given as grace, even Jesus’ name. Grace is given to all people irrespective of their efforts, to both the knowledgeable and ignorant, the rich and poor. Anyone can receive grace if they only accept it.
When people encounter difficulties in matters they are pursuing, some turn the blame to their parents saying that they cannot succeed because they did not help them out enough. Yet if they are mature, they would be grateful to their parents just for the fact that they raised them as healthy individuals, rather than resent them. The same attitude should be had before God. We must not go on resenting God saying, “Nothing is working out for me even though I go to church” or “God doesn’t listen to my prayers” and so on, whilst forgetting about everything God gave us. God already gave us the right to pray. We should never blame God without even asking, knocking, or making any efforts to obtain what we need.
Already I’m nearing life’s sunset and very little time remains for me to work on the earth. Whenever the Lord might call me, I will have to leave everything behind and leave immediately. And I’m filled with the readiness of heart for that day. I ponder over the many days I have spent in this world, and what they were worth. Though my flesh followed the world, my soul was filled with love for God all my life. What remains before me is only the Lord’s reward and punishment, for which I am fearful on the one hand but also joyful. Everything I taught passionately until now is what I received from the Lord and for this reason, I want to pour out everything I have into the world and leave nothing remaining in my flesh. Some say of me, “He is a uniquely special individual”. However that is unbelief, an excuse made by those who do not believe in God’s word. They refuse to accept the fact that an ordinary person like me received God’s power and grace to do His works. Aren’t they only trying to justify their lack of power and laziness? My life’s testimony has always been about the Lord Jesus and not myself, for I was entrusted to bear witness of Him. Hence I urge and reemphasize to all of our church members as well as everyone who came to learn from me to remember that Semuon is not a special individual but a very ordinary person who simply believes and obeys God. I do not preach to boast about what I have; I preach this faith I have, that everyone can receive God’s power and grace and work as I have done. A great concern I have is that one day, Semuon will be remembered as nothing more than a legendary figure. If our church lacks in God’s power and fails to continue doing what Semuon has done, Semuon will surely become just a legend. Then what good is that to us? People who learned from me should not only take and utilize the unique terminologies they heard from me, but humbly believe and obey no matter what just like me, for then they will have God’s power. If they don’t pray but only expect to live off others lazily, they’ll simply consider Semuon as a legendary figure. I’m no legendary figure. The Lord’s word is always living and pressing saying, “As the Father is in Me doing His works, if you abide in Me, you will also do the works that I do, even greater works than these” and “He who believes in Me will cast out demons in My name and have power”. Please do not turn Semuon into a legendary person but let us all have powerful faith in Jesus. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline and Summary translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Letter translated by Sarah Lee
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee