2017.10.29_He Who Believes In Jesus
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Mark 16:14~20]
is living.
sent His Son to the world (Jn 3:16)
so that the world is saved by His Son.
The effect of the coming of the Son
is His merits of the cross (Jn 3:14-15).
For the merits of the cross to be applied to us,
we must drink the Lord’s blood
and eat His flesh (Jn 6:53-55).
Whoever is not saved will perish
but he who is saved will have everlasting life (Jn 3:17-18).
The one who believes
has the experience of being baptized in Jesus’ name (Ac 1:5, 2:38)
and signs ought to accompany him (Mk 16:17),
that is, he must cast out demons (Mk 3:13-15)
and lay his hands on the sick and heal them.
Even after His ascension,
the Lord Jesus sent us the Paraclete Holy Spirit
and is at work with us (Ac 1:8).
We should not be hypocritical
but believe in the Lord Jesus.
◌ We came to the Lord Jesus
to receive salvation.
Signs must accompany those who have come to the Lord Jesus.
◌ If we have been saved
then Jesus is at work with us.
If He is at work with us, signs must follow.
◌ One is a religious person if signs do not accompany him.
No promises have been given to religious people.
He who believes in Jesus is not a religious person.
※ Let us become one with Jesus.
As God and Jesus are one,
let us become one with Him.
Coming Soon
To the saints at Guri Worship Center, please listen to me. I have clearly seen with my own eyes the world’s most ungrateful people. -About twenty-two years ago, I took great interest there, knowing that there were a few Bereans in Guri. It was a pity that it was too far away for them to travel to the Singil Sanctuary. Therefore, there was a fire in my heart to somehow build a worship center there. I searched here and there over the large Guri area several dozen times and the place that I chose is where the present worship center is located. When there was no road but only alleyways, I visited and pleaded with each of the owners of the small pieces of land in order to have a land of decent size. I travelled that long distance several dozen times until I got hold of the front house, the rear house and the side houses. And even though the financial conditions of the church were so difficult, I even took out a loan from a private lender to make payment for the land and another one for the construction of the worship center itself. When I was building the center, I visited it at least 30 times. Altogether I went back and forth about a hundred times until the center became what it is today. I again borrowed money to extend the parking area. I did this and persevered, believing that the debt would be paid off when the church grows. At the present time, if the Guri church members gathered all their offerings to build a worship center like the one today, with their present ability it would take about 70 to 90 years to accomplish. And that would be only if they didn’t spend their offerings but used all of it for this sole purpose. And consider how long it took to train one pastor! Are they not those who studied with the support of scholarships? But a portion of yeast has entered the dough and as a result, the whole church has become sick. The ones who, more than all others, must never forget the grace they received, have done unimaginably worse. They are committing evil like a great enemy. Who is going to pay off the debt? Someone has to take responsibility. No matter how much I think about it, there is no one more ungrateful than the Guri center members. I have the records and the evidence with me. I will demand responsibility and make sure they face criminal and civil punishment. Let the person who is responsible come forward. Let him say ‘I am an ungrateful person’ and come out. What service has Mr. Yoon done for that church? Has he visited that place several dozen times to purchase that land and build up that church? Has he gone around dozens of times to construct it? What sacrifice has the current assistant pastor there made? Something like this should never happen in this world. I am the overseer of Sungrak Church. I am going to act from today. I will absolutely demand responsibility. You have scorned the one who planted the seeds with tears. You have been deceived by someone who has trespassed like a thief and, with him, are committing evil. Saints of Guri worship center, please come back to your senses. I am going to think about whether to retain this worship center. Responsibility lies among you who have caused trouble for the Guri worship center. Those who act according to mob psychology and protest purely with emotions will not succeed. Come back to your senses and repent. Overseer Ki Dong Kim [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee