2016.06.12_Our Souls which are the Children of God
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong KimSenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[John 1:1-18]
is one and only.
self-existed with the Son from eternity past,
and all things were created through and for His Son (Jn 1:1-3).
This truth is made known to us
by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth (Jn 16:13-14).
The truth is the Word (Jn 14:6);
the Word is light and life,
and His name is Jesus.
Those who have the name Jesus,
have received the right to become children of God (Jn 1:12)
and see the glory of God the Father (Jn 1:14).
God’s children are first class people.
They received such great love for the first time,
which is faith (Rev 1:4).
Faith is not a religion.
Though religion, ethics and morality
can make one a great person,
he is in absence of the glory to be a child of God.
Hence one must not forsake his first love to attain eternal life.
○Let us be first class people.
Let us receive the name Jesus and have everlasting life.
Let that name be the light that shines in our life.
○Since we received an everlasting first love,
let us love God truly
and love our neighbors according to His commandment.
○Let us enjoy our rights as children of God
and follow the Lord,
knowing that we are a first class people.
※We are first class citizens.
We are citizens of heaven,
the children of God
The Children of God God is the only one. He is the one who has existed even before heaven was created. He revealed Himself to us. It is not because of our own efforts, but because we have received what God has given us, that we came to know God. The way to receive what God has given us is through obedience. Faith is a kind of obedience. We were originally enemies of God, however, through faith, we now became the children of God. The children of God must not be like the people of the world. Those who do not know God seek simply what the flesh craves, even though it seems noble. If you are a child of God, you must live a life of seeking the righteousness of God’s kingdom, leaving your past life. While living our lives as children of God, persecution is inevitable. Nevertheless, it is because of faith that we are not shaken. For Jesus, it was the same. After starting His public ministry, he was persecuted a lot, but he did not stumble because He had faith. When Jesus cast out demons, some criticized Him saying that He cast out demons by the power of the prince of demons. However, He made it clear that casting out demons was His ministry that He could not stop until His death. Three days before His death, He said, “I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.” It was not strange at all that the world that persecuted the Son of God also persecutes us who became the children of God (John 15:18). Paul was praised by many people when he persecuted the people who believed Jesus. However, once he believed and was changed, persecution and threats of death accompanied him, and likewise with the other disciples of Jesus. However, what we have to recognize clearly is that they are promised to enjoy glory in heaven (Acts 7:55-56). God our Father Those who receive Jesus’ name have the right to become the children of God (John 1:12). What is the right that the children of God enjoy? While we are in the world, it appears as inspiration. God’s children have spiritual inspiration. It is because we have this inspiration that we can do God’s task. Without inspiration, we can never do God’s work. The result of the work of those who have inspiration is extremely different from those that do not. The fact that we have become the children of God does not mean that we have received a religious doctrine. Inspiration brings a clear change in our soul. While the work done by a non-spiritual person easily disappears without any outcome, what a spiritual person has achieved remains the same over time, and God continually works through it. When God’s children call out to God, they say, “Our Father!” (Matthew 6:9) God is not just ‘My’ Father, but ‘Our’ Father. This not only means that each of us should receive the love of God, but also that whoever has become a child of God should consider others. A church never consists of one person, only by the organic cooperation of various people gathering can the church exist. In the human body, there are numerous kinds of bacteria. Among them exist the harmful ones but also the essential ones. If a person takes medicine to heal a disease, and it eliminates not just harmful ones but beneficial ones, another unexpected problem can occur in the body. Whoever calls God ‘Our Father’, must consider harmony and cooperation with others. Even though various people who have different opinions and personalities gather, they must be one without any gaps. What the Devil does is alienate. It is the Devil who wants the church to be alienated and separated the most. God loves those who pay attention to their church and who take part in the church’s work. After Judas Iscariot had died, the apostles cast lots to fill in the 12th spot – the original number of the disciples. Then, the requirement for a candidate was to have been with Jesus, not parting away from Him from the time of His baptism to His ascension (Acts 1:15-26). If a person does not pay attention to the church’s work, God also pays no attention to him or her. Even if a person desperately seeks God’s help but has paid no attention to the church’s work, God will not consider it His business. If we are to call God ‘Our Father’, we must not let ‘Our’ collapse. Let us not lose the inspiration as a child of God It is because God so loved us that He gave us His son (John 3:16). Anyone who is born is loved by their parents. A parental love has existed since the creation of the universe. On the other hand, God’s love has existed before the Beginning, this is ‘the First Love’. We must not forsake the love given from God. Among who have been Christians for a long time, there are those whose love for God has grown cold, they have considering their spiritual life like a cultural life from some time in the past. The Lord warns us not to forsake ‘the First Love’ (Revelation 2:2-5). If we are to receive the love of God, we must have faith. Faith brings the inspiration to us that only God’s children can enjoy. It is the inspiration of God’s children that we must not lose more than anything else. Inspiration is like breathing, so we must not stop. If we stop breathing, oxygen will not be provided to our brain, thereby causing serious damage. Even though one’s heart is beating, if his or her brain cannot receive oxygen, he or she will be declared dead brain in the end. If a branch is not provided with water, it will wither and cannot be revived. In order not to be a withered branch, we must always be full of inspiration. Only by retaining the inspiration which is indispensable to the children of God can you be a first-class citizen in the kingdom of God. Those who have the inspiration of the children of God can drive out demons, withstand persecution, seek the benefits for ‘Us’, and lay down ‘Me’. We are the children of God who call God ‘Our Father!’ We must always be awake and not let our inspiration be blocked.
If someone asks, “What would you say about the world where you have lived foreighty years?”, I would say immediately, “It is a world full of grief”. I have lived in a world full of grief. Thus, I have neither lingering attachment nor longing for the world. If I had no hope for heaven, I would be a pessimist. However, I am full of hope for the Most-High kingdom of God, having gone the world. Recalling the past events in the world which were dreams, my tears never run dry. But the kingdom of God is a place ofhappiness for the soul where you never shed tears. For this, I have prepared. Jesus our savior came to the world, grief, and shed His tears. In the world, there is no pleasure or happiness, but only anguish and labors. I used to be healthy and have a strong body in the past. I had no fear at all. In spite of hardship I planted the church with all my strength and spent all my energy for the sake of the church’s revival. I had no time to feel agony or grief. However, as the boldness I once had has run out, I come to realize that the world is so meaningless. I cannot see the people I used to love in the past, but only strangers now. Why did I let that be… I was so imperfect a life. If I had been enough for them, I would not have done it, but now, I regret. Now, I will live my second life. If I am useless the world will abandon me, but not to be abandoned, I should do my best until the moment that my life runs out. But what should I do? I have already laid down all my hope of the flesh, and only have the hope of eternal life. There is only one who never grieves me, and that is Jesus Christ. Each day is becoming dull and my heart grows impatient. Even though I am willing to write one more book, since my body has no energy to do so, I am so fearful. How I can start or whether I should do it for sure, I have not decided yet. Though I was ignorant at times, but I tried to work by the Holy Spirit. There was a time when I felt lonely, but I relied on the Lord. Since my church members are helping me without forgetting me, I am grateful with the final tasks I have to complete before my eyes. I hope that all my prayers would be answered. I want my church to be revived. I cannot run alone now that my body is worn out. Therefore, I hope my church members who are with me would cooperate. If all of us have testimonies, the world will be amazed by them. I hope for all of us to work by the blood of Jesus who was expected and sent by God, His power and the Holy Spirit. I want all of us to overcome this sad world.
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Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee