2017.09.17_God Betrothed Us
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Hosea 2:19-23]
is one
and He is the one and only God
who has betrothed us to Him.
Our faith is about
being betrothed to God.
Marriage does not only refer to
the carnal affection shared between a man and a woman,
but also friendship we have with the invisible One (Jn 15:15).
Only friendship is love,
for it is unconditional.
God sacrificed everything
to become the friend of our souls (Jn 15:13-14).
He has betrothed us to Him in righteousness and justice,
in loving-kindness and mercy (Hos 2:19-20).
Heaven and earth has acceded to it;
souls who once were enemies of God
became God’s brides,
and the One whom they feared and knew nothing of
became their God.
◌ O my soul,
be betrothed to God truly!
◌ God is love.
He became our true friend.
O my soul, seek the truth!
◌ Faith is about loving God;
it is about becoming God’s friend.
※ If we do not become God’s friend,
our faith is hypocritical and deceitful.
Let us become God’s friends, His brides.
Coming Soon
For more than half a century I have stood behind a pulpit and preached. But I have never preached from a script. Nor have I preached like the false prophets who babble aimlessly, speaking whatever comes to their mind, claiming to be directly inspired by God. I have preached based on what I have known and prepared. I am not saying that I am a genius. I do not memorize full sermons or large passages of scripture. A person is easily ignored in this time, so even though I preach with all my might and all my ability, I am not well heard. I preach not from any genius that comes from myself, but by the inspiration that God has given me. That is also the reason I have been able to write so many books. Do you think I have written so many books because I am a genius? Water flows from the rock according to the scriptures, just as it has from the beginning. Why don’t some people believe this? The Bible records how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil because God was with Him (Acts 10:38), God has also anointed me, a poor boy from the country, with the Holy Spirit and power and given me the same inspiration. Are they really willing to deny the promise of God just because they want to hate and reject an individual? Can’t they accept God’s promise that whoever believes in Jesus will do the things that Jesus did, and even greater things? (John 14:12) I have lived my life by the inspiration God has given me. I have unashamedly sought after the inspiration of God in all things, no matter how mundane or urgent – in preaching, ministry, writing, building projects etc. If the inspiration had left me, I would have been an empty shell of a person, like a flat balloon with only my flesh remaining. Just like a homeowner can clearly and accurately describe the contents of his house, including details about each room and even his pets, I can also describe what I have seen and experienced of God without having to rely on a script. God reveals all these things through me because I am in Him and He is in me. (John 8:31) I want you to believe the inspiration. I am the one who received it. I have very limited knowledge and experiences about contemporary society, and even though I have some, my ignorance very quickly emerges. Nevertheless, if I could live another two hundred years, I would remain a preacher and author. I would continue my work only by the inspiration of God, so there would be no overlap in my sermons; It may seem at times that there is some repetition, but I am simply delivering fresh water that I drank today from the rock, which is different from the water I will draw tomorrow, even though they both taste the same. [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee