2014.06.08_Evidence of the Pentecost
in 2014, Sung Hyun Kim
(Acts 2:1-4)
is true.
He has definitely fulfilled His covenant.
God is true because He is not a man (Nu 23:19).
He completely fulfilled all that was spoken
under the first covenant and was crucified (Mt 16:21-23).
Through the blood of the New Covenant,
He became the redemption and life.
He resurrected and ascended into Heaven.
From there, He sent the Holy Spirit
and became the Mediator of the New Covenant (Jn 16:7-).
He gave faith to all mankind (Ro 10:17).
we believed in Jesus’ name and all of His works (Heb 1:2-3).
We have received the Holy Spirit (Ac 10:44-48)
after repenting and being baptized in obedience (Ac 2:38-39).
Since all who were gathered in Mark’s upper room
on the Day of Pentecost received the fullness of the Holy Spirit,
our faith is a reality.
True faith is beginning with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
○Instead of beginning with religion, everyone must repent
and begin with the Holy Spirit to have true faith.
○Why do we not believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ
according to the will promised and commanded by God?
○The Lord Jesus sincerely desires us to become the saints
that does all things according to God’s will.
※The history of the Pentecost is actually God’s work for all.
One must begin his spiritual life first with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
The Time of the Holy Spirit God sent Jesus Christ in order to save the world. Jesus came to the earth, fulfilled God’s will and ascended into Heaven. And He sent the Holy Spirit just as He had promised before His ascension. Mark’s upper room is a historical site where the Holy Spirit descended for the first time on the day of the Pentecost. About 120 disciples received the Holy Spirit there and began to speak in tongues. This was the beginning of Christ’s church, and a sign of the end of the world. No body had ever seen God before Jesus came to the earth, even during the time of the Law. Moreover, only a small number of people were able to hear God’s voice while the rest of the people could only hear indirectly. When the prophet proclaimed the word of LORD (Jehovah), the people upheld the authority of the word and obeyed. Even the king bowed in submission before the authority of the prophet; King Saul did so before Samuel, and King David before Nathan. The people handed over their possessions at the prophet’s request, left their beloved land, and even gave up their lives. They regarded themselves as grasshoppers and yet they charged towards the land occupied by giant-like people, when they were told, ‘the LORD has given you this land!’ When the prophet who was leading them heard God’s voice, the people considered it a great glory and thus obeyed, as if they had seen God and listened to His voice themselves. The fact that the prophet had heard God’s voice became the source of their confidence that they could handle anything. When the time had come, God who had spoken through the prophets appeared before the people in the flesh. He performed many miracles, demonstrating that He is the Son of God. The people of Jerusalem and all Judea were seeing and listening to Him; however, they did not recognize Him. The creation was unable to recognize the Creator, and the people did not receive their King (John 1:1-11). The people could not possibly comprehend the profound meaning of how God’s Son had humbled Himself before the Father. They refused Him and did not believe that He is the Son of God. When they demanded Jesus for a sign in an attempt to entrap Him, Jesus answered, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah” (Matt. 12:39). This was a prophecy of how He would later die and remain inside the earth for three days. The Apostles and the other disciples who followed Jesus were different to other people. After having witnessed the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, they realized that it was Jesus, whom the Law and the prophets, namely the Scriptures, had been testifying about in the past. Jesus was the Son of God whom God had sent, the heir to the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Son of Man who would later return to judge the world. The Apostles and the other disciples came to know this for certain at the moment when Thomas confessed, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). When Thomas, who could not believe in Jesus until then, had finally knelt before Him, at least the small number of people that followed Jesus was ready serve and be faithful to God, love and receive Him. However, Jesus has gone into Heaven and no longer remained on the earth. There was a time when He had spoken of the Counselor while He was still on the earth. Yet, He could not speak forthrightly to them because the disciples were clearly unable to understand at that time. Jesus said, “A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me” (John 16:16). He also said, “These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:25-26). Again He spoke with a similar message, “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you” (John 16:12-14). The important message Jesus has given through these words is that the work of the Holy Spirit accords with that of Jesus, meaning that the Holy Spirit can substitute for Jesus. It is Jesus’ desire that anyone who wishes to receive Him should receive the Holy Spirit, and anyone who longs for Jesus should long for the Holy Spirit. In saying He would depart this world, Jesus did not mean to leave us and no longer have anything to do with us; rather He was expressing His intention to come inside us and be closer. Hence Jesus said, “You now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you” (John 16:22). It is a shame that despite this, many Christians today disregard the Holy Spirit. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit God has fulfilled all the words of the first covenant through Jesus Christ. He died on the cross, resurrected and ascended to Heaven. The ministry of Jesus Christ can thus be divided mainly into these three parts. His work on the earth was so that we will not perish in this world but be led to the Father. Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’ (John 14:6), which was a methodical explanation of the work He was about to do. Jesus is the way. He shed His blood and died to atone for man’s sin, and by this He has opened up a way for us to go before God the Father. As the Scripture says, “Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil,” Jesus is the only way to God (Heb. 10:19-20). Jesus is the truth (John 1:14). His ascension was an attestation that He is the truth. In Him, we have heard the word of truth, namely the Gospel of salvation. We have believed and been sealed by the promised Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:3). Whilst the people did not receive but shunned Jesus, the truth, God raised Him to Heaven and seated Him at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19). Concerning Him, 1 Timothy 3:16 writes, “Preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up in glory.” And Hebrews 1:3 says, “When He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.” At last, Jesus was glorified as He ascended to Heaven, and the merits of His work were recognized. His ascension has fulfilled the righteousness of God and clearly manifested the truth. Jesus is the life. He said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:25-26). He also said, “He who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live. For the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth to the resurrection of life, or to the resurrection of condemnation” (John 5:24-29). Jesus has abolished death through His resurrection and revealed life and immortality through the Gospel (2 Tim. 1:10). Jesus relied on the Holy Spirit to complete in us the work He has fulfilled through the shedding of His blood and death, His resurrection and ascension. For example, there was a shepherd who was in search for his lost sheep. He found it below the valley, yet at the smallest movement, the sheep was in danger of falling off the edge. So the shepherd went down below the valley and securely tied a rope around the sheep but he himself fell off and died. However, the sheep was rescued by someone at the top of the cliff who pulled up the rope. And the Holy Spirit is much like this person who was pulling the rope. Concerning the work of the Holy Spirit, Jesus explained, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:7-8). He made it clear that the Holy Spirit would enlighten us about sin, righteousness and judgment, and that we cannot go beyond the teachings of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “Of sin, because they do not believe in Me” (John 16:9). In order to overcome sin, we have to remember the merits of Jesus who shed His blood and died to open up the way to the Father. And the Holy Spirit is the One who helps us in this. He reminds us that Jesus is the Way, for He has shed his blood for us and died. Jesus said, “Of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more” (John 16:10). It was a crucial matter for Jesus to go to the Father. Jesus had prayed, ‘Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me” (John 17:11). He also requested, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth” (John 17:17). Then to His disciples He said, “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you” (John 16:13-15). Likewise, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit work with one heart and zeal. From now, the Holy Spirit will come and work in my place. My departure and ascension will be the chance for the truth to be officially proclaimed. Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, God’s righteousness, the Father’s Truth, will surely unfold. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in relation to what Jesus has fulfilled through His ascension. Jesus said, “Of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged” (John 16:11). The resurrection of Jesus was His victory over the power of the Devil. We have been moved from death to life because of His resurrection. Romans 8:2 says, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” The judgment of the Devil was completed through Jesus’ resurrection and we, in turn, came to have the experience of eternal life. Now, it is by the Holy Spirit that Jesus continues the work His death, resurrection and ascension has accomplished – that which concerns sin, righteousness and judgment. This three-faceted ministry is also connected to the first, second and third righteousness of God’s will. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is not in assisting Christians become prosperous on the earth, in contrast to many people’s misunderstanding. That is not the chief duty of the Holy Spirit but merely a by-effect that may follow those who obey the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to triumph over the power of Hades so that no one would condemn us, and also testifies to our redemption. Even if it was through the lips of another that we have heard the words of Christ, the Holy Spirit sublimates that word into the Truth. Furthermore, He displays the power and miracles that accompany God’s word. Speaking in Tongues As Jesus had promised, the Holy Spirit descended on the day of the Pentecost. On that occasion about 120 people were filled with the Holy Spirit at the same time and began to speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:4). With the coming of Jesus to the earth, the work that began for the first time was casting out demons. We could even say that His ministry was that of casting out demons. Then, what was it that happened for the first time when the Holy Spirit came? It was speaking in tongues. The gift of speaking in tongues is not manifested gradually over the course of a person’s faith life after having received the Holy Spirit; it is given as soon as he receives the Holy Spirit and is the very first sign. Speaking in tongues is by the enabling of the Holy Spirit and thus one cannot simply choose not to speak it. This is similar to a rooster crowing at daybreak. No matter how tired the rooster is and even if it does not want to, it instinctively wakes up and heralds the break of day. Likewise, speaking in tongues is by the enabling of the Holy Spirit, independent of a person’s own will. Jesus never said, “You will start speaking in tongues at the same time as receiving the Holy Spirit.” The disciples were not aware that they would be speaking in tongues. However, Jesus had said, “At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you” (John 14:20). He meant that the disciples themselves would know of this the moment they receive the Holy Spirit. And His word was exactly right. Every one of the 120 disciples began speaking in tongues the moment they received the Holy Spirit. Although Jesus had never said, “You will speak in tongues upon receiving the Holy Spirit,” all the disciples gathered in Mark’s upper room began to speak in tongues automatically. Many Christians today consider it unnecessary to speak in tongues. Of course, speaking in tongues does not aid in living our lives in this world. However, it is not to man that one speaks in tongues in the first place. First Corinthians 14:2 says, “For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.” There is no one apart from God who can understand speaking in tongues. God has granted us this gift, for He was determined not to leave our spirits neglected but to listen to the mysteries spoken from our spirits. If anyone wishes for God to be with him until the end of the world, he must have God listen to his spirit’s concerns. We should not disdain the gift of speaking in tongues simply because we cannot understand it. It is a prayer that God hears. Be it so that a person does not speak in tongues; yet if he hinders another from speaking, he will never be forgiven as he is directly opposing God and blaspheming against the Holy Spirit (Matt. 12:31-32). Actually, there were interference and opposition towards the gift of speaking in tongues from the first day the Holy Spirit had come. The people at the time said that those speaking in tongues were drunk on new wine (Acts 2:13). Even Apostle Paul said that if the unbelievers saw the whole church speaking with tongues, they would think that they are out of their minds (1 Cor. 14:23). Nevertheless, everyone who believed in Jesus received the Holy Spirit during the days of the early church. Instead it was considered strange if a believer had not received the Holy Spirit even after receiving baptism. Therefore, the Apostles went wherever there were believers, even to foreign countries so that they would receive the Holy Spirit. And regardless of where it was, whoever received the Holy Spirit also began speaking in tongues automatically. The One Who Has Received the Holy Spirit If Jesus were still somewhere on this earth, then people would do anything to meet the Lord they love. Perhaps many would give up their livelihood, even food and drink to follow Him. If our heart is so earnest and fervent with love for the Lord who can be seen, it ought to be the same with our love and fervor for the invisible Holy Spirit. If the people, who have received the Holy Spirit, were gathered together in worship, then there should be no one wishing to end the worship quickly to go and enjoy their leisure time. The people of the Old Testament were deeply moved even just by listening to the prophet who had received God’s word. Yet, that cannot be compared to the grace we have received today. The Spirit of God has come inside us, speaks to us and continues to work without ever leaving us. How glorious is this? The Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God (Rom. 8:16). No one in this world accepts our testimony as true when we profess to be God’s children. God’s Spirit nonetheless is within us, guaranteeing that we are God’s children, and keeps us from any spiritual being either in Heaven and on earth. How grateful are we for this? On the day the Holy Spirit came, Peter said, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). And about three thousand souls came to believe in Jesus that day. Some might say, “It seems that just about anyone could have received grace on that day. There would have been beggars and drunkards among that three thousand.” However, those that had met Peter and thus believed in Jesus were devout Jews who had gathered from every nation to observe the Feast (Acts 2:5). Observing the Sabbath and tithing were considered basic to them. They are in stark contrast to many of the Christians today, who have happened to somehow met Christ, received forgiveness and afterwards, live however they want. They were people with discipline, who would practice self-control in order to serve God. Unfortunately, in this present time when Christians are receiving the Holy Spirit, many people are lazy in serving the church and indifferent to dedication. When Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, He would have anticipated a far better result than this. Philippians 2:13-14 says, “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Do all things without complaining and disputing.” For what reason did Jesus have to be crucified? Why did He have to appear in such a lowly and poor form? Why is it that He had to come as a man? It is difficult to understand from man’s perspective. However, that was the way that God worked. Even if it seemed unfavorable to his situation to obey God’s command, Abraham obeyed without hesitation. God saw such faith of Abraham and said, “All peoples on earth, take after him! I will give my only Begotten Son on account of his faith!” It is our spiritual life to obey even when we cannot comprehend God’s command, even if it means loss to ourselves. The disciples gathered in Mark’s upper room were the only ones who received the Holy Spirit on the day of the Pentecost. Jesus had healed many of their sickness, countless people had heard Him preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, and many people longed for Him. Yet, the Holy Spirit did not come upon them. Jesus commanded, ‘Do not leave Jerusalem!’ (Acts 1:8). Even if they had great love for Jesus and had been with Him for a long time, those that left Jerusalem could not receive the Holy Spirit that day. The first ever coming of the Holy Spirit happened only to the disciples gathered in Jerusalem. Those that received the Holy Spirit at the time accepted Jesus’ command as their purpose and resolved to devote themselves to Him who is God. Some of those that gathered and waited for the Holy Spirit might have had to leave at some point due to their business and other reasons. But despite those circumstances, the people that remained to the end were the ones convinced that they live by Jesus. Compared to the present times when people claim that any believer can just receive the Holy Spirit, the attitude of the people waiting for the Holy Spirit is worth noting. Before we help anyone to receive the Holy Spirit, it is good to first teach him or her to obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There is no limit to God in sending the Holy Spirit to the believers. Even someone who has just come to have faith in Jesus can receive the Holy Spirit if Christ has forgiven him. But once he receives the Holy Spirit, a definite change has to follow. Even if we may not attain the strict standards of the Jews, we need to become the men who serve God. For this reason, we must be transformed in our hearts, character, and actions. We cannot remain the same as before, even after receiving the Holy Spirit. There has to be a change, at least to the point where we can show all people that we are believers of Jesus. We should be able to clearly show how we have changed to those who have known us in the past, as well as testify that this is the proof of forgiveness. Jesus was persecuted, and in the end executed. People of all sorts had seen Him, from beggars to rulers, yet there was not one person who did not reject Him. The Holy Spirit however, did not come to be treated that way. Jesus said, “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come” (Matt. 12:31-32). Though there are countless people in this world, the Lord only works in those who have received the Holy Spirit. The Lord said with regards to the Holy Spirit, “(He is) the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:17). With the change in Thomas, who previously had doubts about the resurrection of Jesus, the disciples were finally united and began to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance. And the same should be manifested in those who receive the Holy Spirit today. The Holy Spirit and the Church The church of Jesus Christ began through the coming of the Holy Spirit. Just like the people who waited for the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, we also have been called for the Lord’s will. In the past, Jesus could only speak in parables to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord has purposed a new history starting from Jerusalem, and has called us for that purpose. We need to obey Him as He seeks to fulfill God’s righteousness. The members that make up the church are each of different backgrounds, personalities, and interests. However, they are in harmony as one community. This is because the Holy Spirit moves each person’s heart and encourages them on towards one and the same direction. The Holy Spirit helps us give up our hearts that followed the world, our love for the flesh and desires, and ensures that the ideologies and philosophies of the world would not take up our hearts. He inspires our hearts and encourages us to act according to God’s will. It is not unusual that a struggle takes place in our hearts when the Holy Spirit is at work within us. It is because the way He leads us is contrary to that of the flesh. We must obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit who wishes to prepare us as holy brides before the Lord. The Holy Spirit desires the church to be revived and grow, and thus He guides all the saints towards one accord. If the Holy Spirit has willed and entrusted it to us, the work can neither be distinguished as great nor small. The way to obey the Holy Spirit is to do anything that would benefit the church in any way. We ought to be faithful to the work that has been entrusted to us for the revival of the church, and thus become the souls who receive the abundance of God’s blessings.
Beloved Sungrak members! I pray for God’s great power to be working in you and your family’s life. Wolsan Literature Concert is held in June every year. Originally, after Seoul Sungrak Church was established and experienced great revival, the church members began to celebrate my, the senior overseer, birthday (June 25th) as a clergy appreciation day. Soon after, the church has turned the clergy appreciation day into Wolsan Literature Festival with the intent of developing literatures of Wolsan. My wish is to establish a grand prize in the future that is as great as the Nobel Literature Prize with the foundation of Wolsan Literature. Thus, I am working hard to develop the Wolsan Literature to expand on a national and international scale. I have written hundreds of books that focused on the Gospel, but I realized that it was difficult for the unbelievers to encounter them. Thus, I tried to place literary work as a bridge in between the unbelievers and the Gospel to connect them together. The apostle Paul said, “To the Jews I became as a Jew; to the Greeks I became as a Greek.” Likewise, I became the bridge for the Gentiles so that they may encounter the Gospel through me. The Wolsan Foundation (NGO) has finally obtained the approval in China and thus, I plan to expand the literary work greater there. The reason why I have become an essayist is to compare my past to my present. My sermons have not changed a bit from the past. Wolsan Literature is also part of my ministry. The sermon itself is like a literary work. The ministry itself is like a literary work also. Literature means one’s philosophy. Song-Jook-Ahm (Letters from Semuon) is my philosophy. Though we eat a main course of the meal, we usually supplement it with various side dishes. Likewise, eternal life is the truth, but a parable is not eternal life. Literature is just a parable. I am certain that at least our Sungrak members fully understand me. I do not have any greed for my flesh, and I do not seek pleasure in the world. I only pour out all my strength and power into reviving the church and developing the ‘Return to the Bible’ movement. I am not a god. I am a man with flesh. I am simply a small servant who only obeys because the Lord had called me. My flesh has grown old and my mind has even become weak. I was driven to accomplish great works for the Kingdom of God because I believed in the talents that the Lord had given me. The Literary Concert of Sungrak Church is definitely not for my glory. There is no intent on idolizing Wolsan either. As the pioneer of the Berea Movement, I am trying to clarify and definitely expose the literature of Ki-Dong Kim, literary ideology, and also the root of literature. The development of Wolsan Literature will certainly play the role of a bridge to connect others to the Gospel. Such efforts will ultimately bring contributions to the expansion of our church. I ask you to bless and encourage the arduous work of Poet Wolsan, the senior overseer of Wolsan Literature Concert. Yet, please do not feel any burden. Simply help me with your true love. Many of the best leaders from the Chinese Writers’ Association have been invited for this concert. Please help them to feel the love that Sungrak members have for literature and also assist them to see our proficiency in eminent literature. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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