July 14, 2024

(Ephesians 4:20)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

Learning Christ

(Ephesians 4:20)

“But you have not so learned Christ” (Ephesians 4:20). Learning Christ! This demonstrates that the experience of receiving salvation is not the completion of faith; rather, the process of learning that follows becoming a believer is a necessary element of faith.

1. Not about Christ
When our hearts are connected with Christ’s heart, we can finally say, “I have learned Christ.” There is a significant difference between “learning Christ” and “learning about Christ.” Learning about Christ is acquiring information about Him, and it is something anyone can do, even those not united with Christ. However, leaning Christ means reaching a state of knowing Him through ongoing personal fellowship with Him.

2. Not a Secret No One Knows
Jesus revealed Himself to the world so that anyone could know Him, and the apostles faithfully learned Him and transmitted this to more people. What we are learning now is the New Testament, written through their efforts, along with the traditions that have run through history. In this learning process, Christ’s presence is realized within us, and as a result, our hearts change, and our deeds change as well.

3. Not Righteous Deeds Themselves
The life of a Christian is the Lord’s power painted on the background of repentance. It is a life of learning Christ, knowing His heart, and being united with His heart. What is much more important than the behaviors of righteousness themselves is the orientation of our hearts and our attitude toward relying on and following Christ. We must make Christ dwell in our hearts. Our learning has already begun. We must become individuals who understand the heart of Christ, think like Him, love like Him, and feel like Him. Let us yearn for the day when we can boldly say, “I have learned Christ.”

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim