2017.1.15_The Church of Jesus
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Matthew 16:13-20]
is our one and only Father.
For He created heaven for His Son
and appointed Him heir,
the Son is the Lord of glory (He 1:3).
God sent His Son to the world
for He loved the world (Jn 3:16)
and desired to establish His church in the world (Mt 16:18).
The Church is the image of the Lord Jesus
who appeared in this world (Ep 1:21-23).
The Church is built on the rock,
and this rock is
Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God (Mt 16:17).
The power of Hades cannot overcome it.
The Church is
the kingdom, authority and power of God.
it is the only creation that has received the key of heaven (Mt 16:9).
The Holy Spirit seals and testifies to this (2 Co 1:21-22).
○ Test yourself whether you are in the faith.
Are you certain that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of the living God?
○ Is your faith built upon the rock?
Test yourself and find out.
We must have the faith that overcomes the world.
○ Are our faith and power
greater than the power of the devil or weaker?
Pray, pray and pray even more.
※ If you loose anything on earth, is it also loosed in heaven?
If you bind anything on earth, is it also bound in heaven?
We must succeed according to the will of Jesus only.
(Matthew 16:13~20) The Foundation of Faith God is our father. There are many people in the world, but not many people can call God Father. The reason why some are able to call God father, while others are not, even though they were all created by God, is that God only gave the right to call Him father to those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God and who trust in Him. While Jesus was on earth, He was scorned and persecuted by people wherever He went. However, people in Philippi treated Jesus with courtesy and respect. Then Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do they say I am?” The disciples replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say one of the prophets.” At that time, John the Baptist and the prophets were highly respected. The people of Philippi saw Jesus as a great person. Even though they respected Jesus, they regarded Him as just a person, they were not aware that He was the Son of God. The people whose eyes were attuned to the Law could not recognize Jesus’ true identity. Jesus also asked the disciples, “Who do you say I am?” Then Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:13-17) Pleased by the insightful confession, Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon bar-Jona, on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it!” (Matthew 16:17) The phrase “bar-Jona” means ‘son of Jonah.’ Jonah is the one who preached to the people in the city of Nineveh who were about to be destroyed resulting in their repentance and salvation. The city of Nineveh was a considerably large area. However, Jonah preached to all the people urging them to repent, including the king and all people of “that great city”, in just one day. Jesus called Peter ‘the son of Jonah’ because Peter was considered a successor of Jonah. Just as Jonah led the people of Nineveh to salvation, so Peter would lead people to salvation – Jesus’ prophesy. Those who do not recognize their need of salvation can never be saved. Similarly, anyone who wants to be blessed must understand what blessing really is. No matter how many times a person hears the word, if they do not understand the word, they can never know the truth. “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Thus, we must strive to know God (Hosea 6:3). The Unshakable Church When Jesus told Peter that he is blessed and, “You are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it!” Here, rock refers to a huge stone which is flat under the earth or bedrock. When building up a large structure, a bedrock becomes the foundation of it. The building on the bedrock is rarely swayed during an earthquake and can securely support the weight of the building. The reason the church of Jesus is not easily swayed is because it is built on the rock. Some people easily stumble in their faith even though they have been Christians for a long time. This is because they did not put their faith on the rock of faith. The bedrock of faith, that “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God!” is the foundation of our faith. In order to sustain our faith without being shaken in any situation, we must be established, immovable, like bedrock, in the conviction that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Are we truly the church of Jesus that the Lord is building? Jesus commands blessings for the edification of the churches and strengthens them by giving them the Holy Spirit. Are you leading your faith lives by the Holy Spirit? It is written that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us we speak in tongues and see visions, blessed with various spiritual gifts, is there any evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work within us and through us? The Church is the body of Christ. Just as we have hands, feet, and a head, so the church has its many parts. The instruments that were used in the temple were sanctified by blood. We have become holy by the blood of Jesus. So some are used as a basis, others as lampstands, and each person has his own role and purpose. But first, there must be a firm foundation of faith. Again and again, Revelation says, “Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit says to the churches!” Blessed are those who receive the words that the Holy Spirit says to the churches, blessings that God has commanded. Are you now blessed? Are you able to hear the blessings that God has commanded? Those who were bound to the requirements of the Law and the prophets could not hear the word of God, even though God was with them. Even now, some people are likely to consider the word of God merely a story from the past, that He no longer speaks to men. We must remember that God’s word acts and works not only in the past, but also works very much in the present. (Hebrews Ch 2-4) The Church that the Gates of Hades Can Never Overcome The church of Jesus can never be overcome by the gates of Hades. If we are the true church of Jesus, the Devil’s authority cannot harm us. The Lord atoned for our sins and sent the Holy Spirit to us. And He commands blessings to us. Those who received the Holy Spirit can possess the wisdom, knowledge, and power of the Word. We must open our heart to his blessings, not rejecting His commands. Jesus said to Peter, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19) A safe is useless without the key even if you possess it and all the treasure in it. Jesus gave the keys of heaven to His churches. He lets us ask God to accomplish that which is impossible for us. When we are faced with circumstances that have no earthly solution, we can release all the power of heaven with the keys that Jesus has given us. The church of Jesus has the keys to the kingdom of heaven, whose power the gates of Hades cannot overcome. Let us enjoy what God has abundantly given us through Jesus Christ His Son. The church of Jesus is blessed. 2017. 1. 15 Sungrak Church Lord’s Day Sermon
The Church of Jesus
Jesus told Peter that he was blessed. People tend to think of blessing in material terms such as making a lot of money or having a successful career. However, the Lord considered Jonah, who was responsible for the salvation of many people as one who was blessed. What is a blessing then? When it comes to blessing, people think of material blessing, but the blessing is closely related to God. In Numbers 23:19~20, it is written, “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? I have received a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot change it.” Likewise, God’s commandment is a blessing. Only when we receive and carry out God’s commandment can we be truly blessed. Unfortunately, many people today do not recognize true blessing. Blessing lies in God’s word. The Word is God who was with God from eternity. Who is God? He is Almighty, full of His glory. Are you blessed now? Is God with you now?
Let us be the church of Jesus!
By pastor Ki Dong Kim
A good tree has thick and deep roots. The root is the origin and sustenance of the tree. From the root the tree grows upward, the branches spreading out from the trunk, the leaves spreading out from the branch, and fruit also emerges from the branches. And the fruits contain the seeds of the tree, which also has within it the whole image of tree. So if you sow the seeds it will produce the same tree. No matter how many, hundreds or thousands of seeds are sown, they will produce the same kind of trees wherever those same seeds are sown. Jesus also spoke of good trees and bad trees, and about a vine too. When a branch breaks off, another branch comes out, grows, and bears fruit every year, satisfying the gardener. This is what about the church that pleases God. The Church is the image of the body of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is the image of God. Thus, church manifests God and Jesus. All of the power, abilities, teaching, and actions of the Church should bear resemblance to Jesus Christ. Therefore, church must have established practices. If there are no established practices or structure, the Church will become corrupted. Sungrak church has reached half century since its birth. There is a senior overseer (the first overseer) and with the second overseer the church is going to grow again. The senior overseer is the one who planted the church, and the purpose of planting the church is to build up the body of Jesus Christ. So then whoever comes and sees Sungrak church, the church should look like the Bible, and those who see the Bible should see Jesus through it. No matter how the world changes, the church never does. If a church loses its tradition and its identity disappears, the church becomes a legend, and the purpose of planting the church also remains a legend. I have almost expended the span of my life, but I am worried that pastor Ki Dong Kim, Semuon, must not be remembered as one of the legends. If there are ten church members, all should be like me. Even if there are hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of members, or if ten years, hundreds, or thousands of years pass, our church should be filled with members like me and maintain the traditions. Let it not be said of this church, ‘That church used to be great, but no longer’, Those who want to experience the same faith as pastor Ki Dong Kim gather together here in this church, overcoming many trials and persecutions. I want all saints always to be inspired like I have been. Otherwise, we will allow the Bible to fade into legend. We must all believe and hold fast to the word that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) [gmedia id=82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee