August 13, 2023 The Church Understands the Hope of His Calling

The Church Understands the Hope of His Calling

(Ephesians 1:17-20)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

The Hope of God’s Calling

(Ephesians 1:17-20)

Paul wanted the believers in Ephesus to have the spirit of wisdom and understanding so that the eyes of their hearts could be enlightened. Since God’s plan is for mankind’s salvation, he wanted them to see God’s plan as a whole. This was because a teaching was spreading throughout Asia Minor that confused the church. It claimed that there is a mysterious spiritual realm, but you cannot reach it merely through the Gospel. It also claimed that spiritual knowledge is permitted only to a chosen minority.

1. The Hope of His Calling
God’s calling is not only for special people. God chose us, redeemed us in Christ, made us His children, and sealed us by the Holy Spirit. God made us to be coheirs with His Son. Since God is with His Son to the end, He will be with us to the end, and we will see the day when everything is united in Christ.

2. The Riches of His Glorious Inheritance
God’s inheritance will perfectly show this glory on that day, but if the eyes of your heart are enlightened, you can see the riches of His glory even now. If we understand the context of what God is doing and understand clearly that the church of Christ is God’s inheritance, then we will give ourselves to the work God wants to achieve through the church, and we will rejoice that God does His work through us.

3. The Exceeding Greatness of His Power
Though we were children of hell, we became children of heaven. The power of God made this possible. God raised Christ by His power and sat Him on the throne of heaven. God will resurrect us with this same power and bring us to heaven. This is the hope of God (for He called us) and this is our hope (for we accepted this calling). Since God guides us by the assurance of His hope, let’s cross this bridge of assurance. Let’s not be swayed in any circumstance, but follow the hope of His calling to us and perfect the faith of the church.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim