June 16, 2024
The Church Which Joins,
Knits Together and Grows
(Ephesians 4:15-16)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
The Church Which Grows
(Ephesians 4:15-16)
Many believe that great achievements or excellent accomplishments please God. However, that is not what God seeks.
1. Contrite Spirit
Heaven is His throne, and the earth is His footstool; what great things can mere humans do for God, or what grand dwelling place can they provide for Him? God does not seek those who are clever, capable, or have accomplished great deeds. Rather, He seeks those who are poor and contrite in spirit, and tremble at His word.
2. Connection and Union
The church should be a place where individuals are tightly interconnected. Moreover, each person should faithfully use the gifts bestowed upon them, striving for mutual adjustment. Although each member has distinct functions and characteristics, harmony is achieved through the joints that connect them. These joints provide enablement that the Lord grants to each part, which is then continuously passed along to others. When this process functions smoothly, the church can truly grow and fully perform its original functions.
3. Voluntary Efforts
The church is not merely a place for individual spiritual achievements. Instead, each part must voluntarily work toward the growth of the church. “Lord, pass over the ground. I will become Your slipper. That is the meaning of my being. I hope that You never feel discomfort from me.” Just as blood flows through every part of the body, we, as part of the church, must manifest the love that the Lord commands. Let us move forward to the Lord with love and faithfulness, so that the entire church is organically connected, united, and achieves growth.
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim