2016.03.13_The Good and Faithful Servant
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong Kim
Senior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Matthew 24:37-51]
is the Lord of heaven and earth.
created the heavens and the earth
and placed His servants there (Ge 2:1-17);
angels in heaven (Eze 28:14-15)
and His stewards on earth (Mt 20:1-6).
The Lord Jesus will surely return
just as He ascended to heaven (Jn 14:1-3).
Until then, those who have been entrusted with His work
are the archangels in heaven
and His stewards on earth.
The anointed ones are His stewards
who have been put in charge in place of the Master.
they must be on guard while the Master is away
and look after the Master’s household and possessions.
When the archangel anointed in heaven fell,
he became Satan (2 Pe 2:4);
when a steward anointed by God falls away,
he will be cast out as a hypocrite (2 Pe 2:5-8).
○God is living.
His servants whom He has put in charge with His work
must prove faithful with a sense of ownership.
○A day of punishment will surely come
to whoever disobeys God’s will.
Thus let us be the servants who are praised on that day.
○The servants that act with a sense of ownership
will be faithful and pleasing to God,
and God will certainly reward them
Let us all be faithful stewards,
and take care of God’s work as our own.
God chooses the obedient Humanity was also created to be used by God. However, God does not choose everyone to use them. During the time of Noah, mankind filled the earth. Yet God only chose the eight people of Noah’s family and destroyed the rest by the flood. When Noah built the gigantic ark that measured 140 meters on top of the mountain, people ridiculed him. Nevertheless, Noah’s family carried on with building the ark for decades. Then when the ark was completed, they went inside and spent a year in it, and they had not the slightest idea of what was happening outside. By the time they came out of the ark, all the people that ridiculed them had already disappeared without trace. As Noah’s family was saved by going inside the ark, we have been saved today by being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (1 Pet 3:21). Unbelievers of this world might sneer at us for being baptized, but we are completely transformed into a new being when we come out of the water. God gave us faith so that we might receive the crown of righteousness. He also promised that anyone who suffers troubles and afflictions for faith’s sake will be given a crown of glory. Revelation 3:11 says, “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown”. We must do the work we have been entrusted with until the Lord returns, for that is what the Lord started during the 33 years He was on the earth. The Lord entrusted that ministry to the Church and ascended to heaven. As the Lord worshipped God, we must also; since He evangelized, we too have to evangelize; since He taught the Word of God, we must do likewise. The Lord will return at a time when the people do not expect Him, just as it was in the time of Noah. We need to wait for that day in hope, keeping our faith in perseverance. This is the faith of the Christian Church. If we do not have any yearning for the Lord’s return, our faith would be nothing more than a religious life. As a bride waits for her groom, our faith is about overcoming every temptation and tribulation and waiting for the Lord. Of course, as we wait for Him, we cannot sit idly but have to continue doing the work which the Lord commanded us to do. Then the Lord will give us a reward when He returns. For us who have already been baptized and received the Holy Spirit, there is no reason to be afraid of the judgment and hell anymore. Now we need to long for the greater glory and reward. God called us as His stewards In a large mansion, there are many servants, among whom is a steward who manages all the servants of the house in the place of the master. The steward continues doing the master’s works even when the master is away in a foreign country so that the master’s absence is not felt. The steward has a sense of ownership. No matter how great a duty is given, if a person does not have a sense of ownership as a steward, he will not have the passion to fulfill his duties and responsibilities. The Lord who commissioned us desires us to become His stewards. If we become His great stewards, we would make sure the Lord’s absence is not felt, now that He is in heaven, and give food to souls in due season and care for them. If we do so, the Lord will surely reward us when He returns. The recent match between Go champion, Lee Sedol, and AlphaGo, a computer program showed the world just how far artificial intelligence has come, and at the same time, marked the beginning of an era of artificial intelligence. Through the continued development of artificial intelligence technology, a day will come when artificial intelligence outsmarts human intelligence, and then scientific technology which has already been advancing rapidly, will advance at a rate that is simply unimaginable for humans. A person claims that the development of such technology will even change the way humans exist, and he predicts that human beings will no longer have the genetic makeup they were given at creation by 2040. As the level of dependence on artificial intelligence increases, our souls will wither away and having a faith life will become a great struggle. Thus we have to be filled by the Holy Spirit even more and receive inspiration and guidance from God. When Sodom and Gomorrah perished, Abraham who had been receiving God’s inspiration and guidance knew of it beforehand. This is because God does not hide but reveals everything to His saints who are His stewards. When the Lord returns, those who kept their positions of duty will be taken by the Lord, but those who did not keep their domain like Satan will be left behind (Mt 24:40). Even in the days of Noah, the people that abandoned the duty given them by God perished together with the Nephilim, although they were Adam’s descendants. We have to become the Lord’s servants who have a sense of ownership. If we, with a sense of ownership, fulfill even the smallest work given us by God, we will gain God’s trust and be given greater works to do. The Lord who observed and commended the pure heart of Nathanael, will never forget but remember all the saints who faithfully carry out their responsibilities. Hence, regardless if we are seen by others or not, we must be faithful to the work we have been entrusted. Have a sense of ownership in the church The master does not only think of himself; he gives food to his workers and manages the entire household. Hence the master’s mind is always busy. A person does not have a sense of ownership like a master just because he prays a lot; he must discharge his duty in action. As the end of the world is approaching like it was during the days of Noah, if we neglect our given duties, the Lord will be greatly disappointed. We should not be satisfied at the fact that we became Christians, but become the Lord’s servants. The Church is where the Lord’s work is done. Even when others take no notice, we must work, knowing there is a reward in heaven. In order to be glorified with Christ, we have to suffer with Christ (Rm 8:17). Whoever has true hope will work diligently while enduring through suffering.
God is the Lord of heaven and earth. He created everything in heaven and on earth, both visible and invisible. And nothing has been made without purpose. Even the grasses in the fields that seem insignificant are being used to produce oxygen for humans, and many others were preciously used while the Son of God was in this world. All creations are being used as God has purposed.
In heaven there is a multitude of angels. Among them are archangels that fulfill their duties with particular leadership. Additionally, there was an angel that was in charge of everything in heaven and earth with the name Jehovah until the Lord ascended to the throne. If we observe the temple of Israel of the Old Testament, the roles of the people that ministered in the temple were diverse. There were many who served in the temple courtyard, priests who served in the Holy Place, and a high priest who could enter the Most Holy Place.
In order to receive glory in heaven, we have to be the Lord’s stewards while we are on earth. Each person should be able to faithfully discharge his or her duty, whilst being able to consider and care for the church as a whole. As stewards, everyone has to love the church and have a sense of ownership of the church. There is a difference between a person who serves the church with a sense of ownership and a person who does not. For example, people without a sense of ownership will simply avoid and walk around a dangerous object lying on the pathway, whereas those with a sense of ownership will move that object so others do not get hurt.
Dear Sungrak members! You and I are today preparing ourselves with a steadfast faith for the kingdom of our Lord Jesus, as we eagerly wait for His return. Although some churches and saints have enthusiasm, they neither know nor have any interest in how their faith came about. Yet we, Sungrak people are different. For over half a century, we have learned the will of God and our faith has been growing in accordance with the will of God. During that time, we turned neither to the left or right, but grew steadily and strong, without the inspiration of the word of truth from God ever weakened. We walked the single way, while keeping up the fervor and spiritual experiences of the Pentecost all our life. We fought against the devil and destroyed the works of demons through a powerful faith life. Moreover, the powers of the Holy Spirit were manifested through us ceaselessly and many signs and wonders were displayed. Our faith never withered away, just like a living tree that is connected from the roots to the branches, finally bearing flowers and fruits. After enduring through frost and cold blizzards of many winters, we finally grew to become the great tree we are today. Though it seems as though everyone’s faith is the same in people’s eyes, that is actually not the case. Berean books are the proof of what our faith has been feeding on to grow into the great tree it is today. And this can be confirmed by the 260 books already printed. Every one of these books is from our church, and they testify to the faith we have. As you revise over the books read in the past, you will be greatly touched by the fact that your faith has grown until today by feeding on this spiritual food. We have not been listening to idle teachings, but actually grew and matured while we received the inspiration of God’s sacred words, the inspiration of the Blood, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God’s most sacred and spiritual words have accompanied our souls. Nevertheless, we see how some have become deceived by the lies and seduction of people who couldn’t even keep their faith firmly for ten years, and in result, the roots of their faith which have been cultivated for 50 years are rotting. Ordained deacons are like the large roots of our church who have consistently led their faith lives. These roots didn’t grow overnight but over a period of 50 years. Thus they must not forget how great their responsibilities and duties are. For this reason, God has great expectations of the Bereans who have continued in this unchanging faith. Do not just wait, thinking there is a lot of time left. While you still have the energy and the mental capacity, please enroll into the Supreme Spiritual Leaders Course (for elders) at Berea International Theological Seminary so that your faith may be firmly established and steadfast. Thank you. Pastor Ki-Dong Kim
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Outline and Summary translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Lord’s Day Worship Column
Letter translated by Sarah Lee
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee