2017.09.24_Treasure Hidden in the Field
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Matthew 13:44]
is the source of blessing.
He made His blessing known
and allowed the world to receive it.
However people seek blessing
according to their own ideas (Dt 12:15)
and fail to find it;
they do not realize what true blessing is.
No matter how much treasure there is,
it is of no value and use, unless it is brought to light;
without knowledge of it, man will perish.
Yet there is one who has found the treasure
and He is God.
God gave everything He has and bought that field (Ac 20:28).
in order to take possession of the treasure.
That field is mankind,
and the treasure is man’s soul.
God’s purpose was not in buying the field,
instead He loves the treasure,
which is the soul hidden in that field (Rm 8:9).
In the end, that soul has to be found in God’s eyes
in order to be glorified,
and for that, we have to recognize our souls as the treasure.
◎ We plough the field, sow seeds and reap a harvest for our flesh,
yet if we do not know of the treasure hidden in our field, we are poor.
God sold Himself in order to acquire this treasure.
◎ God gave His Son, His Son’s flesh and blood, and even heaven
to gain this treasure,
and purchased our souls.
◎ God polishes us by the Holy Spirit and power
so that our souls have become glory to God.
※ O my soul!
You are God’s treasure.
The kingdom and the power and the glory are forever His.
Coming Soon
An absurd argument has emerged, spread of course by those who claim to want reformation, that ‘if Kim’s family, that is, Ki Dong Kim’s family were removed, our church would be at peace. Therefore it seems reasonable to undermine his reputation and that of his family”- as if my family broke the law or acted unjustly –in order to tarnish my honor and discourage me. In this way they seek to remove me from Sungrak Church. What has Ki Dong Kim done for the last half century? Hasn’t God worked mightily through Ki Dong Kim? All my life I have cried out with a loud voice against the doctrines and traditions of Christian churches which, for thousands of years, have been distorted into a worldly religion, entreating them to turn from their doctrine and return to the Bible, and from theology to the ‘Picture of God’s will’. And even though the traditions of Christian churches have endured, there are still many churches which condemn other churches and denominations because they are under the Law rather than the power of the blood. If Christian churches have truly been free from the Law, by now they should have been transformed and redeemed of their wickedness and of their bad habit of condemnation. Their condemning others indicates that they have not yet been saved from the Law(of sin). Jesus miracles and power are universally accepted as historical facts and have stood the test of time. Who has found this apparent power of faith which makes demons cry out and flee? The enemies of the church neglect and try to divide the church, claiming that if Kim’s family were removed from Sungrak church there would be peace, and that the church and the reformation party would reconcile. From the very beginning our church was founded,(by the overseer Ki Dong Kim)on the vision of the ‘Picture of God’s will’ and has grown and developed in accordance with that principle. They have not only killed the overseer’s honor. They also hampered the evangelism of Sungrak Church and the evangelism of Jesus’ church. Sungrak church will not be a church which merely seeks to make peace. Sungrak church is the church which returns to the Word and fulfills the will of God. Our church will lay down all that we have and endured for the sake of the Lord Jesus and His gospel against persecution rather than merely follow after peace and die spiritually. Indeed, can Sungrak church remain as a Berean church that returns to the Bible only if Kim’s family is removed? Wicked people try to denounce and remove the overseer, but Sungrak people who understand the duty of Returning to the Word will never be swayed. Even if Ki Dong Kim does leave or dies, this wicked thing must not ever happen again. Our church is a Returning to the Word Berean church. We are all building our own house on this firm rock, with the sense of duty. Returning to the Word Berea, Semuon, and Sungrak church are that rock. We will be the best Berean church in the world, and those who share this sense of mission will emerge one after another. Therefore, Sungrak church will never “make peace” with those who are not Bereans nor compromise with those who refuse to Return to the Word. [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee