2016.10.23_Understand the Holy Day
in 2016 Lord's Day, Ki Dong KimSenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[Mark 2:23-28]
is only one.
created the world for His Son (He 1:2)
and set their appointed seasons and times,
so that mankind might search for Him and find Him (Ac 17:26-27).
God appointed the seventh day as the Sabbath (Ge 2:1-3)
when He created the world,
for on that day He rested from all His work of creation.
The way for man to live is
to be with God just as He commanded (Ge 2:17).
However, the Lord’s Day is not a day of rest.
If we were to call the Sabbath a day for the flesh,
then the Lord’s Day is a divine and spiritual day (Re 1:10).
It is a day we rest from physical labor, and instead
work diligently for our spirit; a day to focus on our spiritual life.
If we believe God and obey this,
God will truly love us.
Jesus is the Lord of both the Sabbath
and the Lord’s Day (Mk 2:28).
Since we have been born again into a spiritual body,
it is life and blessing for us to be with Jesus.
○The man of the Holy Spirit
should live by the Holy Spirit.
○The Sabbath is a fleshly ordinance;
the Lord’s Day is a spiritual ordinance.
Thus every Lord’s Day ought to be like the Day of Pentecost.
○The person who longs for the kingdom of God
observes the Lord’s Day (He 10:25).
So be holy in the flesh and spiritually filled.
※For keeping the Lord’s Day is like
the commandment of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
let us not ignore it but obey,
and walk with Jesus Christ.
The one and only God and the commandment of Sabbath God is one and only one. The first four commandments, which are directly related to our relationship with God, underlie the fact that God is the only One. The first Commandment tells us that we shall have no other gods before Him. It emphasizes the fact that, unlike other gods, He is the only God. The second Commandment tells us that we shall not make idols to worship them. God is the only one that has His own image. If an image is given to a god, that is an idol. The third Commandment tells us that we shall not misuse the name of God. No one can see or touch Him with hands. We can worship Him only by kneeling down before His name. The fourth Commandment tells us that we shall remember the Sabbath by keeping it holy. You can only obey this Commandment when you have kept the first three because it is the outcome of the first three, which are directly related to our relationship with God. As the seventh day, the Sabbath is kept on the Saturdays. God created all things during the first six days and rested on the seventh day. Keeping the Sabbath means partaking in God’s rest and keeping yourself from any form of work. The Sabbath that we must keep for our own Soul When Israel continuously suffered from curses, the scholars strived to find the cause. They concluded that their ancestors, for a long time, had despised the Sabbath and that it caused those curses to fall on them. They started to repent and endeavor to keep the Sabbath thoroughly. It happened around the time when people reached the peak of keeping the Sabbath most thoroughly, when Jesus’s disciples picked and ate some heads of grains as they went through the grain fields. The Pharisees argued that they are breaking the Sabbath. To this, Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” One of many misunderstandings of people regarding the holy day is that they exist for the holy day. A man who missed a Lord’s Day service says, “Pastor, I am sorry that I missed the last service.” In the context of his apology, there is the mindset that he exists for the holy day. However, in fact, we do not exist for the holy day, but the holy day for us. Keeping the holy day is solely for the good of our own souls, nothing else. Some people think that to do no work at all, as if the people under the Law, is the way of keeping the holy day. We must understand that the Law, as the regulations of the body, is like a mirror that reflects what is to come. So is the Keeping the Sabbath. As the eighth day, keeping the Lord’s Day that fulfilled the Sabbath is not a metaphor but fact. Leviticus 23:36 says, “For seven days present offerings made to the Lord by fire, and on the eighth day hold a sacred assembly”. It is the prophecy that the eighth day should become the Holy day. The Christian’s holy day is the Lord’s Day. Although God rested on the Sabbath, on the Lord’s Day, He worked. We must work on the Lord’s Day for our soul. The holy day that brings peace and gifts On the Lord’s Day, which was the first day after the Sabbath, Jesus had resurrected. The disciples had gathered and secured the door when Jesus was suddenly present amidst them. They thought it was a ghost when they saw Jesus; however, He let them touch His body and asked for food to eat. If He was a spirit, they could not have touched Him nor could He eat any food. After the resurrection, for the first time, Jesus said, “Peace be with you!” Proclaiming the peace before His disciples on the first day after the Sabbath is the core of the Lord’s Day. On the holy day, God gives us peace. The Holy Spirit came on the Lord’s Day, as well. The Old Testament people worshiped God with their body whereas the New Testament people worship God with the Holy Spirit. We pray in the Holy Spirit, worship in the Holy Spirit, praise in the Holy Spirit, testify in the Holy Spirit and volunteer in the Holy Spirit. Without the moving touch of the Holy Spirit, one cannot become a Christian. That is why Jesus urged His disciples to receive the Holy Spirit. After Jesus’s ascension, the Holy Spirit came to them, and many powers and gifts have manifested through them. Likewise, the fullness of the Holy Sprit’s gifts come on the Lord’s Day. Let us dwell in Jesus by keeping the holy day Preparing for offering is one of the most important processes in keeping the Lord’s Day holy. Many people misunderstand that the offerings are for the churches, but actually, it is for the good of a person who give offerings. Paul said that we must not appear empty-handed on the Lord’s Day but always prepare offerings; moreover, he said that whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously (2Cor. 16:1~2). In Greek, the word “Offering” has a meaning of “Blessing”. Thus, people who give offerings grudgingly testify to themselves that they have no blessing. In Matthew 6:20 says, “But store up for yours treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Some of us may ascend to heaven empty-handed, for the Lord repays for what we have done. The church is the body of Christ. Gathering as the church and keeping the Lord’s Day means entering into Jesus. Jesus Christ is the substance of the tabernacle, which the Old Testament people enter into to worship God. In the tabernacle, the first thing you would see is the altar. It is the place where the priest kills a lamb and sprinkles its blood. It represents the forgiveness of sins. Behind the altar, there is the basin, which was made from the mirrors of the women who served at the tabernacle. Just as a man adjusts his outfit as he looks into a mirror, the priest reflects himself through the mirror and washes his hands and feet. In the New Testament, it refers to this as ‘washing of rebirth’ (Titus 3:5). Even if you have killed a lamb and shed its blood, without washing at the basin, you cannot enter the tabernacle. Once you pass the altar and the basin, you can enter into the holy place, where the lampstand, consecrated bread and golden altar of incense were, and worship God. Overall, unless we are in Jesus, we cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit nor dedicate ourselves to God nor our prayers be heard. Once you are born again by the blood of Jesus, it is time that you serve God by keeping the Lord’s Day holy. The courtyard is freely open, but the holy place is not. We must not just wonder around the courtyard, instead, we must enter into the holy place. The Lord’s Day is the Blessing that God has given to us. We should not reject it but enjoy it. The prophet Isaiah said that we must not do as we please, quarrel, or speak idle words on the holy day. Again, we must revere and cherish the holy day as we keep it. To those who keep the holy day, God will abundantly lavish His peace.
Gossip from political parties has been revealed and has caused confusion in the world. Although the leader of a country is to be respected, the leaders of Korea have already lost respect as leaders. They totally forget that by criticizing others’ weak points the people in the country who support those leaders become ashamed too. God already proclaimed that mankind is unrighteous. The crucifixion is the mirror that reveals the reality of mankind, who condemned a sinless person as a sinner and led him to be killed. If I entered politics today, I would be killed. I am not righteous, an empty bottle that has nothing to be proud of, and a miserable man. Although I have revealed all of my weakness through my essays, I have to confess that I have more shameful things than that. Before Jesus, I have no right to claim to be righteous. Thus, I just confess, ‘I am a sinner. I am a dead sinner,’ defending myself with excuses. With this confession, my heart is in peace and happy. Instead, the reason I am bold is because I am relying on the merits of Jesus and testifying based on His righteousness. So, before someone makes me feel ashamed, I confess that I am a person who has nothing to be proud of, to live the rest of my life humbly. Seen from the secular point of view, my attitude would make me suffer a loss, but in spite of that, I want to enjoy freedom in the Lord. I am a sinner with many flaws. However, I want to be proud of the merits of Jesus Christ and the righteousness of His resurrection. So, being an expert of knowing Jesus, I will actively testify Jesus Christ before any kind of person and under any circumstance, which is the way I live and the great work that I am doing. I want to receive the Lord’s love and God’s blessings. My flesh has become totally worn out now that I have lost the sense of taste. Whatever I eat, I am not enjoying the taste but eating for my body to survive. But now, I know the pleasure and taste of living for the Lord, and I realize that my flesh is nothing and it cannot threaten me at all. Recently I am preaching the sermon, but I am doing it at the risk of my life. I am running for the hope deep inside of my heart that Jesus spoke of while He ascended. I am not a person who loves my flesh, and I am willing to love my soul and to make myself be filled with the Lord’s word, His blood, and the Holy Spirit that He has sent. The Lord broadens His arms on the MOST-HIGH throne, to receive my soul……. [gmedia id = 75]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee