October 3, 2021 Lord’s Day Service

Only God Can Do it

(Mark 10:23-31)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

is good.
that He does is good,
so blessings, grace, love and power are His good will (Rom 12:2).
Wealth, authority and glory belong only to Him (Mt 6:13).
People try to know how to do good (Mk 10:17),
but there is One who is good,
and He is God who dwells in heaven (Mk 10:18).
If someone asks what he must do to enter the kingdom of God
there is nothing mankind can do (Mk 10:23-25).
You cannot enter with the wealth of rich people
and you cannot enter with man’s piled up righteousness.
It is only possible with God (Mk 10:26-27).
no one who follows and believes God’s way
and leaves their country, rights and glory
will fail to be blessed a hundred times more in this age
– but with persecutions – (Mk 10:28-30)
and gain eternal life in the age to come.
The Holy Spirit personally enters us for this.
○ God sent His Son into the world
to remove obstacles from entering heaven
and gave the name ‘Jesus’ as a witness to this inheritance (Heb 1:4).
○ The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth
who reveals and enables you to believe in Jesus (Jn 16:13).
Jesus is the truth (Jn 14:6).
○ Since you can only enter the kingdom through Jesus,
you must accept Jesus as Master (Jn 14:10).
Then you will be persecuted with Him.
※ It is impossible for man to enter God’s kingdom,
but Jesus opened the door, so He is the door.
You must lay down the burdens of the world to enter with Him.