2017.12.31_What Words Do You Desire to Hear
in 2017 Lord's DaySenior Overseer Ki-Dong Kim
[John 6:60-71]
is everlasting life.
has revealed and made Himself known to mankind
by the Word (logos) (Jn 1:1).
The Word became flesh and shed His blood;
and the Word has come inside us as spirit.
Parables were first given before the Word came.
The Law and the prophets are parables (He 9:1-10).
A parable is a seer and a guide.
It is not the object of faith but acts as priming water.
The object of our faith is Jesus Christ (Mt 16:16-18).
The words of Jesus are spirit and life (Jn 6:63).
What is it that you are attentive to hear?
It is only the spirit that gives life –
only God’s word (logos) gives life.
Jesus is the Word that gives life.
The flesh and blood of Jesus are the words that give life (Jn 6:53-55).
We have to experience the Word (Jn 14:7).
The Holy Spirit enables us to experience it.
◌ What words did you come to the church to hear?
Only the word of God can save you.
Jesus is the Word that saves you.
◌ People are absorbed in parables, unable to break away from it.
However the Law will lead you to death rather than save you.
The truth alone is the spirit that gives you life.
◌ Jesus is the words of eternal life.
Unless one understands His words, he will depart from the Lord.
Let us abide in the words of eternal life.
※ The truth is the words of eternal life.
They are the words of the eternal God
who does not speak with a double tongue.
Coming Soon
All my life I have been persecuted, but never was I reviled as much as I am these days. Is it so amusing for them? Do they not realize how shameful their mouths have become the more they do this? It is a rule that two different kinds of water cannot come from the same well. Bitter water and sweet water do not come out together. Why don’t they realize that if they criticize all day long, it will become a deceiving spirit which will make them continue in their doing? If they start to lie, they will be caused to lie continuously. Why don’t they realize that if something little gets exaggerated into something huge, they will finally become a devil? It is so unfortunate that they do not understand the words, “You are condemned by the words of your own mouth”. The person who believes in Jesus plunges in the blood of Jesus and only seeks God’s kingdom and His righteousness. But contrarily, the Law and religious people condemn, sue, lie, murder and curse. What will become of their mouths? Will it be defiled or will be clean? How wonderful would it have been if, in that time, they had instead prayed more, sought humility, loved and comforted and given peace? The reason the tongue of a viper comes out of their mouths whenever they speak is because they themselves have become corrupted. When we drank the blood of Jesus, and whenever we commemorate the death of the Lord Jesus, we learned that we must proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. But how come they keep saying things that should not be spoken with the mouths and tongues which should be preaching the death of Jesus? Those who are drunk with these words, who only want to hear such words, are like men who have forsaken their souls. While every moment is precious that we should be busy saving every soul we can, they are instead chasing them away. How can we say that these are the people who have drunken the precious blood of the Lord and who are working for the ministry of His blood? It is very shameful that I am mentioned at the end of their every sentence, but what can I do? I am bearing this all day long. However, my soul triumphs all day long. This triumph is the victory of God’s righteousness. I am no longer alarmed. I have been dragged even to the courts of this world. Surely some judgement will come. The one who has not the assurance of himself calls for the crowd. This is not a spiritual confrontation but physical. How can they lie so much at one moment and then proclaim the truth behind the pulpit in another? It is clear that the truth will not come from them. The truth will not come from the one who teaches the Law, but the man of truth is the man of the Holy Spirit. All of us must mourn before God like the people of Nineveh. The biting wind that started in winter has passed through spring, summer, and autumn, and winter is here again. Must we waste time so aimlessly as we are doing now? The Lord is urging us. He says, “Redeem the time, because the days are evil”. Therefore, we must make the most of our time. Do not dream evil ambitions with a bright mind but have noble dreams. Even the rustling of the autumn leaves is sounding out loud… [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by John Kim
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee